April 7, 2000 
(Next Release: 
April, 2002)



Overview of NEMS

Carbon Emissions

Macroeconomic Activity Module

International Energy Module

Residential Demand Module

Commercial Demand Module

Industrial Demand Module

Transportation Demand Module

Electricity Market Module

Renewable Fuels Module

Oil and Gas Supply Module

Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Module

Petroleum Market Module

Coal Market Module


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Annual Energy Outlook 2000

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NEMS represents domestic energy markets by explicitly representing the economic decision making  involved in the production, conversion, and consumption of energy products. Where possible, NEMS includes explicit representation of energy technologies and their characteristics.

Since energy costs and availability and energy-consuming characteristics can vary widely across regions, considerable regional detail is included. Other details of production and consumption categories are represented to facilitate policy analysis and ensure the validity of the results. A summary of the detail provided in NEMS is shown below.

Summary Table

Major Assumptions

Each module of NEMS embodies many assumptions and data to characterize the future production, conversion, or consumption of energy in the United States. Two major assumptions concern economic growth in the United States and world oil prices, as determined by world oil supply and demand.

The five comprehensive, integrated cases in the Annual Energy Outlook 2000 (AEO2000) are defined by setting assumptions that lead to a high, mid, or low economic growth rate for the domestic economy and to a high, mid, or low world oil price path. The reference case uses the mid-range assumptions for both the economic growth rate and the world oil price. Higher and lower economic growth and higher and lower world oil prices define the other four cases. The primary determinants for different economic growth rates are the growth rates of the labor force and productivity, while different assumptions on oil production in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)  lead to different levels of world oil prices.

In addition to the five baseline cases, AEO2000 includes 32 other cases that explore the impacts of varying key assumptions in the individual components of NEMS. Many of these cases involve changes in the assumptions  that impact  the  penetration of new or improved technologies, which is a major uncertainty in formulating  projections of future energy markets. Other cases include potential legislative and regulatory changes,  such  as  competitive pricing of electricity, renewable portfolio standards, gasoline standards, and equipment standards; changes in nuclear retirement assumptions; a sensitivity on electricity demand growth; changes to oil and gas technology; and changes to coal supply productivity and miner wages. Some of these cases exploit the modular structure of NEMS by running only a portion of  the  entire  modeling system  in  order  to focus on the first-order impacts of the changes in the assumptions.

NEMS Modular Structure

Overall, NEMS represents the behavior of energy markets and their interactions with the U.S. economy. The model achieves a supply/demand balance in the end-use demand regions, defined as the nine Census divisions (Figure 1), by solving for the prices of each energy product that will balance the quantities producers are willing to supply with the quantities consumers wish to consume. The system reflects market economics, industry structure, and energy policies and regulations that influence market behavior.

Figure 1. Census Divisions

NEMS consists of four supply modules (oil and gas, natural gas transmission and distribution, coal, and renewable fuels); two conversion modules (electricity and petroleum refineries); four end-use demand modules (residential, commercial, transportation, and industrial); one module to simulate energy/economy interactions (macroeconomic activity); one module to simulate world oil markets (international energy activity); and one module that provides the mechanism to achieve a general market equilibrium among all the other modules (integrating module). Figure 2 depicts the high-level structure of NEMS.

Figure 2. National Energy Modeling System

Because energy markets are heterogeneous, a single methodology does not adequately represent all supply, conversion, and end-use demand sectors. The modularity of the NEMS design  provides the flexibility for each component of the U.S. energy system to use the methodology and coverage that is most appropriate. Furthermore, modularity provides the capability to execute the modules individually or in collections of modules, which facilitates the development and analysis of the separate component modules. The interactions among these modules are controlled by the integrating module.

The NEMS global data structure is used to coordinate and communicate the flow of information among the modules. These data are passed through common interfaces via the integrating module. The global data structure includes energy market prices and consumption; macroeconomic variables; energy production, transportation, and conversion information; and centralized model control variables, parameters, and assumptions. The global data structure excludes variables that are defined locally within the modules and are not communicated to other modules.

A key subset of the variables in the global data structure is the end-use prices and quantities of fuels which are used to equilibrate the NEMS energy balance in the convergence algorithm. These delivered prices of energy and the quantities demanded are defined by product, region, and sector. The delivered prices of fuel encompass all the activities necessary to produce, import, and transport fuels to the end user. The regions for the price and quantity variables in the global data structure are the nine Census divisions. The four Census regions (shown in Figure 1 by breaks between State groups) and nine Census divisions are a common, mainstream level of regionality widely used by EIA and other organizations for data collection and analysis.

Integrating Module

The NEMS integrating module controls the entire NEMS solution process as it iterates to determine a general market equilibrium across all the NEMS modules. It has the following functions:

  • Manages the NEMS global data structure
  • Executes all or any of the user-selected modules in an iterative convergence algorithm
  • Checks for convergence, while reporting variables that remain out of convergence
  • Implements price relaxation between iterations to accelerate convergence
  • Updates expected values of the key NEMS variables.

The integrating module executes the demand, conversion, and supply modules iteratively until it achieves an economic equilibrium of supply and demand in all the consuming and producing sectors. Each module is called in sequence and solved, assuming that all other variables in the energy markets are fixed. The modules are called iteratively until the end-use prices and quantities remain constant within a specified tolerance—a condition defined as convergence. Equilibration is achieved annually throughout the midterm period, currently 2020, for each of the nine Census divisions.

In addition, the macroeconomic and international modules are executed iteratively to incorporate the feedback on the economy and international markets from changes in the domestic energy markets. The convergence tests check the stability of a set of key macroeconomic and international trade variables in response to interaction with the domestic energy system.

The NEMS algorithm executes the system of modules until convergence is reached. The solution procedure for one iteration involves the execution of all the component modules, as well as the updating of expectation variables (related to foresight assumptions) for use in the next iteration. The system is executed sequentially for each year in the forecast period. During each iteration within a year, each of the  modules is executed in turn, with intervening convergence checks that isolate specific modules that are not converging.  A convergence check is made for each price and quantity variable to see whether the percentage change in the variable is within the assumed tolerance. To avoid unnecessary iterations for changes in insignificant values, the quantity convergence check is omitted for quantities less than a user-specified minimum level. The order of execution of the modules may affect the rate of convergence but will generally not prevent convergence to an equilibrium solution or significantly alter the results. An  optional relaxation routine can be executed to dampen swings in solution values between iterations. With this option, the current iteration values are reset partway between solution values from the current and previous iterations.

Because of the modular structure of NEMS and the iterative solution algorithm, any single module or subset of modules can be executed independently. Modules not executed are bypassed in the calling sequence, and the values they would calculate and provide to the other modules are held fixed at the values in the global data structure, which are the solution values from a previous run of NEMS. This flexibility is an aid to independent development, debugging, and analysis.


File last modified: April 7, 2000

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