Remaining in Contact with Our Office

It is an unfortunate reality that in some cases a child may not be returned to the United States for months, or even years.  Nonetheless, the Office of Children’s Issues can continue to assist you as you work to bring about your child’s return.  As long as your child has not returned, your case will remain open with our office.   Please remain in touch with us during this difficult process. 

Helpful Hint: Please be sure to inform our office if your address or contact information changes. This will allow us to remain in contact with you.

What the State Department Can Do:

  • Request American consular officers stationed around the world to attempt to visit and report on your child’s health and welfare.
  • Monitor the status of your Hague application by remaining in contact with the foreign Central Authority;
  • Work with local and federal law enforcement to assist you in tracking your case in the criminal justice system in the United States;
  • Work with your attorney in the United States to consider the strategy best calculated to bring your child back home;
  • Alert foreign authorities to any evidence of child abuse or neglect;
  • Assist you in securing legal representation in the country to which your child has been taken; and
  • Try to coordinate efforts with the government of the country to which your child has been taken to seek a legal solution to this difficult situation.
  • Use meetings with foreign dignitaries (or leaders) as an opportunity to raise difficult cases of abducted children and advocate for a swift resolution.


United States Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Children’s Issues

Toll Free Phone from within the U.S.: 1-888-407-4747
From Outside the U.S./Canada: 1-202-501-4444
Fax: 202-736-9132


Respond to Abduction: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5