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Energy INFOcard
Data for 2007 except where noted
Last Updated August 2008
Next Update August 2009

United States (2007)

Field production (Total crude oil & petroleum products (MMbd) 6.8
Net imports (crude oil & refined products) MMbd)


Consumption (24% of world total) (MMbd) 20.7
Share of consumption for transportation 70%
Net imports as share of consumption
Share of U.S. imports from: Persian Gulf 16%
OPEC 45%
Proved reserves (crude oil) (12/31/2006) 21.0 billion barrels
World oil price (Nominal) $67.02
World oil price (Real, in 2000 $/bbl)
(peak 1980: $62.71)

 NATURAL GAS   (Top of Page )
Production (dry gas) (2nd in world to Russia) (tcf) 19.3
(21% of world total in 2006; 21.7) (tcf)
Consumption by sector
Industrial 34%
Electric Power 30%
Residential 20%
Commercial 13%
Transportation 3%
Net imports as a percentage of total consumption 16%
Proved reserves (dry) (tcf) (12/31/2006) 211
Wellhead price (Nominal) $/Mcf) 6.39
Wellhead price (Real, in year 2000 $/Mcf)
(peak 2005: $6.49)

  COAL (Top of Page )
(2nd in world to China in 2006;1.16)(billion tons)
Share produced West of the Mississippi 58%
Share produced from surface mining 69%
Exports as percent of production 5%
Electric power sector share of consumption 93%
Productivity 6.3 tons/miner-hour
vs 1.8 tons/miner-hour in 1977
Demonstrated reserve base (billion tons) 491

ELECTRICITY (Top of Page )
Net generation (trillion kilowatthours) 4.16
1Generation by energy source   Coal 49%
Nuclear 19%
Natural Gas 21%
Hydro 6%
Oil 2%
Non-hydro Renewable 2%
1Percent retail sales by sector Residential 37%
  Commercial 36%
Industrial 27%
Transportation < 1%
Emissions (2006) Carbon dioxide----2,460 (million metric tons) Sulfur dioxide-------10.5 (million metric tons)
Nitrogen oxides------4.2 (million metric tons)

NUCLEAR (Top of Page )
Operable generating units 104 vs 67 in 1977
Capacity (million kilowatts) 100.6
Capacity factor 91.5% vs. 63.3% in 1977

Consumption (quadrillion Btu) 6.8
1Percent Consumption by energy source Hydropower 36%
Wood 32%
Waste 6%
Biofuels 15%
Other 11%
Renewable share of total energy consumption 7%

Total primary energy production (quadrillion Btu) 71.7
1Production by energy source Coal 33%
Natural Gas 28%
Crude Oil and NGPL 18%
Nuclear 12%
Renewable 9%
Total consumption (quadrillion Btu) 101.6
1Percent consumption by energy source Petroleum 39%
Natural Gas 23%
Coal 22%
Nuclear 8%
Renewable 7%
1Percent consumption by sector Industrial 32%
Transportation 29%
Residential 21%
Commercial 18%
Energy-use CO2 emissions (million metric tons) (2006) 5,890
Energy-use CO2 emissions by sector (2006)   Transportation 34%
Industrial 28%
Residential 20%
Commercial 18%
Energy consumption/GDP ratio
(thousand Btu per 2000 dollar):
vs 16.42 in 1977
Number of households in the U.S. (million) (2005) 111
1Households heated by:
Natural Gas 52%
Electricity 30%
Distillate fuel oil 7%
LPG/Propane 5%
Wood 3%
Other 2%

World (2006) (Top of Page )
Primary energy production (quadrillion Btu) 470
Production by energy source Petroleum 36%
Coal 27%
Natural Gas 23%
Hydro 6%
Nuclear 6%
Other 2%
World energy consumption (quadrillion Btu) 472
Consumption by selected countries U.S. 21%
China 16%
Russia 6%
Japan 5%
India 4%
Germany 3%
Per capita consumption by selected countries
(million Btu):
Canada 427
U.S. 335
Russia 214
Germany 178
Japan 179
China 56
Energy-related CO2 emissions (million metric tons) 29,195
CO2 Emissions by selected countries/regions U.S. 20%
Europe 16%
China 21%
Russia 6%
Japan 4%
India 4%
Crude oil production MMbd (2007) 73.3
U.S. 7%; OPEC 44%; Persian Gulf 28%
Electricity generation (trillion kilowatthours) 18.0
Electricity generation by selected countries/regions U.S. 23%
Europe 20%
China 15%
Japan 6%
Russia 5%
Nuclear share of electricity by selected countries France 79%
Japan 28%
Germany 27%
United Kingdom 19%
U.S. 19%
Share of world nuclear electricity generation
(6 largest)
U.S. 30%
France 16%
Japan 11%
Germany 6%
Russia 5%
S. Korea 5%
Retail regular gasoline price (2007)
(U.S. $/gallon) (selected countries)
Germany $6.88
South Korea $6.21
Japan $4.49
Australia $3.85
Canada $3.59
Taiwan $3.20
U.S. $2.80
   (Top of Page )
Sources: U.S. data - Annual Energy Review 2007.
International data - International Energy Annual

1 Shares may not sum to 100 percent due to independent rounding.

Btu Equivalents:
1 barrel crude oil: 5.8 million
1 Mcf gas: 1.03 million
1 kWh electricity 3.4 thousand
1 ton coal: ~20 million;