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Analysis of Petroleum Imports/Exports & Movements
How dependent are we on foreign oil?
The United States imported about 60% of the oil we consumed during 2006. About half of these imports came from the Western Hemisphere. Our dependence on foreign oil is expected to decline in the next two decades. Categories: Crude Reserves/Production, Imports & Exports/Movements, Consumption/Sales (Released, 5/1/2008)
Ethanol, Gasoline, and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Supply Issues in 2006
Presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, discussing the impact of changing product specifications on U.S. gasoline and diesel fuel supply. (Presentation, 8/7/06)
EIA Outlook for U.S. Heating Fuels
This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season. (Presentation, 8/7/06)
Oil Markets After the Hurricanes: Reversion to the Mean or Return to Recent Trend?
This presentation focuses on the impacts Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma will have on oil markets (supply, demand, stocks, and imports) in the fourth quarter of 2005 and into 2006. The presentation looks examines whether oil markets are likely to return to much lower prices (the long term average) or continue the trend of high oil prices seen over the last couple of years. (Presentation, 12/14/2005)
Distillate in Depth – The Supply, Demand, and Price Picture
The presentation provides background on distillate supply and demand, and then focuses on how hurricanes Katrina and Rita impact on refining capacity might affect winter fuels. (Presentation, 10/12/2005)
Meeting U.S. Transportation Fuel Demand
This presentation outlines some of the issues and challenges ahead for gasoline supply in the United States, with a particular look at international refining and factors affecting gasoline imports. (Presentation, 10/20/2004)
World Petroleum Market Changes and Impact on U.S.
This presentation was given at the Oil Price Information Service National Supply Summit by Joanne Shore and John Hackworth. It covers the world oil market changes and the impact on domestic outlook for petroleum supply. (Presentation, 10/12/2004)
Northeast Energy Outlook Panel
The presentation was given at the Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference by Doug Macintyre. It covers the world oil market and the domestic outlook for crude oil, distillate, natural gas, propane, and gasoline. (Presentation, 8/10/2004)
2003 California Gasoline Price Study
This is the final report to Congressman Ose describing the factors driving California's spring 2003 gasoline price spike and the subsequent price increases in June and August. (Publication, 12/5/2003)
Inquiry into August 2003 Gasoline Price Spike
This report, prepared at the request of Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham, examines the factors behind the sharp increases in gasoline prices that occurred throughout the United States in August 2003. (Publication, 12/02/2003)
Preparations for Meeting New York and Connecticut MTBE Bans
In response to a Congressional request, EIA examined the progress being made to meet the bans on the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) being implemented in New York and Connecticut at the end of 2003. (Publication, 10/15/2003)
Why Events Overseas Matter to Gasoline Retailers and Consumers
Attempts to explain how changes in the global supply and demand of crude oil can affect retail gasoline prices in various parts of the country. It does this by exploring 3 recent gasoline price spikes: Spring 2001, March 2003, and August 2003. The presentation compares and contrasts these price spikes in order to give the audience an understanding of the various reasons behind gasoline price increases. (Presentation, 10/11/2003)
Impact of the Venezuelan Crude Oil Production Loss
Looks back at how U.S. refiners responded to the loss of heavy Venezuelan crude oil when a strike in December 2002 stopped production and export of this crude stream. (Feature Article, 9/25/2003)
Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook
This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2003/04. It was given at the 2003 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Asheville, NC on August 11, 2003. (Presentation, 8/19/2003)
Outlook for Natural Gas and Petroleum
This presentation by Guy Caruso, Administrator of the Energy Information Administration, addresses current market conditions for crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas and the short-term outlook for these commodities. Inventories of crude oil, distillate fuel oil, propane, and natural gas are all below recent averages and a number of uncertainties exist relating to prices, supplies, and consumption for the next winter. (Presentation, 8/5/2003)
2003 California Gasoline Price Study: Preliminary Findings
This report reviews preliminary findings on factors driving the California gasoline price surge in Spring 2003. (Publication, 5/9/2003)
Effects of Feed Quality and Product Specification Changes on Refined Product Supply
The presentation explores the implications that future feedstock changes and product specification changes may have on refined product supply. (Presentation, 3/27/2003)
Residential Heating Oil Prices: What Consumers Should Know
(Brochure, 3/14/2003)
Supply Impact of Losing MTBE and Using Ethanol
States are moving to ban MTBE, which will increase demand for ethanol and reduce refiners ability to produce reformulated gasoline. Making these changes is complex, and the transition period could find consumers facing price volatility. (Presentation, 10/24/2002)
Refining Challenges: Changing Crude Oil Quality & Product Specifications
This PowerPoint presentation will focus on the challenges refiners face in the near- to mid-term as they prepare for upcoming product specification changes, and what that may mean for their choices of crude oil feedstocks. (Presentation, 9/30/2002)
Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook
This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002. (Presentation, 8/21/2002)
Petroleum Chronology of Events 1970 - 2000
(Publication, 5/3/2002)
Summer 2002 Motor Gasoline Outlook
(Feature Article, 4/10/2002)
Petroleum Outlook: Increased Inter-PADD Movements Expected
This presentation explores the need for more inter-PADD movements of production over the next 5 years. An MTBE ban could increase the need for product movements even more than a the case in which MTBE continues to be used. (Presentation, 4/9/2002)
Availability of Gasoline Imports in the Short to Mid Term: U.S. Perspective
Analyzes changes in gasoline markets, both here in the United States and abroad, that might affect the availability of gasoline imports between now and 2007. This includes changes in gasoline specifications both here and in other countries that supply imported gasoline, as well as growing demand in these countries. (Presentation, 3/19/2002)
Petroleum Outlook 2002: On the Road to Pamplona
A presentation to the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association Annual Meeting, discussing EIA's outlook for global and U.S. petroleum supply, demand, and prices. Specific attention is paid to the impact of recent and expected actions by OPEC and other oil exporting countries, and to the outlook for gasoline markets during the coming peak summer driving season. (Presentation, 3/18/2002)
Oil Market Assessment
An assessment of the oil market as of September 12, 2001, the day after the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, DC. Based on Energy Information Administration (EIA) contacts and trade press reports, overall U.S. and global oil supplies appear to have been minimally impacted. (Feature Article, 9/14/2001)
Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook
This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2001/02. It was given by Doug MacIntyre at the 2001 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Wilmington, DE on August 13, 2001. (Presentation, 8/13/2001)
U.S. Gasoline Supply and Prices in the Summer of 2001
EIA testimony outlining the factors that are affecting gasoline prices this summer. Also discusses the impact OPEC production decisions and the recent cutoff of Iraqi exports may have on U.S. product markets this year. (Presentation, 6/14/2001)
Gasoline Prices: What is Happening?
Presentation by Douglas MacIntyre and Joanne Shore, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 5/10/2001)
Oil Market Basics
An overview of oil markets and how they function. (Publication, 3/1/2001)
Presentation for National Governors' Association
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 1/26/2001)
Winter Distillate and Propane Outlook
Presentation by Joanne Shore, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 9/7/2000, HTML, Power Point)
Crude Oil Market Outlook
Presentation by Douglas MacIntyre, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 9/7/2000)
Winter Distillate and Natural Gas Outlook
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 7/27/2000)
A Year of Volatility:Oil Markets and Gasoline
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 6/21/2000)
Summer 2000 Motor Gasoline Outlook
The annual Motor Gasoline Assessment provides an analysis of the dominant factors shaping the supply (production, stocks, imports) and price of the product for the upcoming summer season of peak demand. (Publication, 5/17/2000)
Update: Increased Potential for Gasoline Price Spikes--Spring & Summer
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 4/18/2000)
U. S. Distillate Market Update
EIA Administrator Jay E. Hakes (Presentation, 4/7/2000)
EIA's House of Representatives Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 3/9/2000)
Why Are Heating Oil Prices Spiking in the Northeast
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 3/6/2000)
EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 2/24/2000)
U.S. Distillate Market Testimony for New York Assembly Hearing
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 2/4/2000)
1999-2000 Winter Fuels Outlook
Extract from the Short-Term Energy Outlook October 1999, which analyzes demand, supply and prices of natural gas, heating oil and propane in the coming winter season. (Feature Article, 10/20/1999)
Petroleum:  An Energy Profile 1999
This report explains in laymen's terms the major components and operations of the U.S. petroleum industry that include: petroleum products, resources and reserves, drilling and exploration, refining, storage and transportation, imports, exports, and petroleum marketing. (Publication, 7/29/1999)
EIA's Petroleum Data and Web Site
Energy Information Administration Midwest Workshop, May 20-21, 1999. (Presentation, 6/8/1999)
Demand and Price Outlook for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline, 2000
Phase 2 of the U.S. reformulated gasoline program begins at the end of this year. This article, published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly, April 1999, provides a forecast and analysis of the demand and price for Phase 2 reformulated gasoline for the year 2000. (Feature Article, 5/19/1999)
High Propane Stocks: Structural Change or Cycle - OPIS NGL Supply Summit
Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas. (Presentation, 5/17/1999)
1998-99 Winter Fuels Outlook
Extract from the Short-Term Energy Outlook October 1998, which analyzes demand, supply and prices of natural gas, heating oil and propane in the coming winter season. (Feature Article, 10/20/1998)
Winter Fuels Outlook - EIA/NASEO Winter Fuels Conference
Categories: Prices, Production & Processing, Imports/Exports & Movements, Stocks, Consumption/Sales; (Presentation, 10/8/1998, Power Point, PDF)
Assessment of Summer 1997 Motor Gasoline Price Increase
Assesses the 1997 late summer gasoline market and some of the important issues surrounding that event. (Publication, 5/1998)
Propane Market Assessment for Winter 1997-1998
Major components of propane supply and demand in the United States and their status entering the 1997-1998 heating season. (Feature Article, 12/1997)
A Contrast Between Distillate Fuel Oil Markets in Autumn 1996 and 1997
Differences between conditions in the fall of 1996, when markets were very tight, and at the beginning of the heating season in 1997-1998. (Feature Article, 12/1997)
Oil and Gas Resources of the West Siberian Basin, Russia
Estimates of the oil and gas resources of fields in the West Siberian Basin as determined from reservoir level data. (Publication, 11/1997)
Petroleum 1996: Issues and Trends
Analyses of a broad spectrum of petroleum markets, ranging from oil field prices to pump prices at local gasoline stations. (Publication, 9/15/1997)
Motor Gasoline Assessment, Spring 1997
Factors causing the run up of motor gasoline prices during Spring 1996 and the market decline during Spring 1997. (Publication, 7/1997)
An Analysis of U.S. Propane Markets, Winter 1996-97
Examination of propane supply, demand, and price developments and trends. (Publication, 6/1997)
An Analysis of Gasoline Markets, Spring 1996
The factors causing the run up of motor gasoline prices during spring 1996. (Publication, 6/1996)
Oil Production Capacity Expansion Costs for the Persian Gulf -  XLS Spreadsheet Model
Cost of expanding oil production capacity for the Persian Gulf based on geologic plays and fields rather than country-level economics. (Publication, 1/1996)
International Oil and Gas Exploration and Development 1991
Compilation of country-level data and assessment of regional trends relating to upstream aspects of global oil and gas supply. (Publication, 11/1993)
A Review of Valdez Oil Spill Market Impacts
(Feature Article, 3/1989)