Home > Forecasts & Analysis > Congressional Response > Analysis of Selected Provisions of Proposed Energy Legislation: 2003
Analysis of Selected Provisions of Proposed Energy Legislation: 2003

This report responds to a request received from Senator Byron Dorgan on July 31, 2003, to perform an analysis of the energy and oil savings that would result from the Senate (H.R.6.EAS) and House (H.R.6.EH) energy bills in support of the Senate and House conferees. The study is based primarily on analyses EIA has previously done for studies requested by Congress. It includes analysis of the Renewable Portfolio Standard, Renewable Fuels Standard, production in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge, the construction of an Alaskan Natural Gas pipeline, and various tax provisions.

Errata Analysis of Selected Provisions of Proposed Energy Legislation: 2003.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.

(complete Report) Analysis of Selected Provisions of Proposed Energy Legislation: 2003.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Executive Summary
Executive Summary.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
1. Background and Scope of the Analysis
Background and Scope of the Analysis.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
       Methodology and Uncertainties     
       Representation of Individual Versus Integrated Results
       Analysis of Research and Development Provisions  
       Structure of the Report  
2. End-Use Energy Demand
End-Use Energy Demand.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
       Development and Implementation of Measures to Reduce Total U.S. Petroleum
                Demand by One Million Barrels per Day in 2013
3. Oil and Gas Supply
Oil and Gas Supply.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
       Alternative Motor Vehicle Fuels Costs     
       Nonconventional Fuels
       Drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge  
       Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline  
4. Electricity Supply
Electricity Supply.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
       Renewable Portfolio Standards  
       Extension of Production Tax Incentives
       Clean Coal Incentives  
5. Ethanol and Biodiesel Provisions
Ethanol and Biodiesel Provisions.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
       Renewable Fuels Standards and Elimination of MTBE
       Biodiesel Credits  
       Federal Purchasing Requirements  
       Ethanol from MSW
       Biodiesel Incentives  
Preface.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Contacts.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Appendix A: Letter from Senator Dorgan
Appendix A. Letter from Representative Pombo.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.