NCC Website Site Index

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      2007 NCC Report to Members
       Cotton Council International
       Joint Message from the Chairman and the President
       Legislative Affairs
       The Cotton Foundation
      2008 NCC Report to Members
       Cotton Council International
       Joint Message from the Chairman and the President
       Legislative Affairs
       The Cotton Foundation
      2009 NCC Report to Members
       Cotton Council International
       Joint Message from the Chairman and the President
       Legislative Affairs
       The Cotton Foundation
       Video Staff Report
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     Corn Snapshot
     Cotton Quality Adjustment Procedures for Multi-Peril Crop Insurance
     Exchange & Market Web Sites
     Soybeans Snapshot
     U.S. Textiles: An Industry in Crisis
     Weather Web Sites
     Cotton Economic Review
     Crop Information
      Added Land Provision
      Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000
      Cotton Crop Progress
      Cotton Ginnings
      Cotton Supply and Demand
      Cottonseed Products Report
      Crop Insurance
      Quality of Crop
      Texas Skiprow Cotton Provision
      Weekly Export Sales Report
      Cotton Production Costs and Returns
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: Fruitful Rim
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: Heartland
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: Mississippi Portal
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: Prairie Gateway
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: Southern Seaboard
       Cotton Production Costs and Returns: United States
      Cotton Crop Databases
       Country Statistics
       County Production History
       Harvested Area, Yield & Production Data
       Market Share
       Region Data
       State Cotton Area, Yield and Production
       Summary Data
       Top County's Production
      Production & Acreage Information
       Cotton Crop Progress
       Final 2007 USDA Crop Estimates
       U.S. Cotton Planted Acres
       USDA January Production Report
       USDA June Acreage Report
       USDA Prospective Plantings
      Varieties Planted Data
       2007-2008 Varieties Planted: Mid-South
       2007-2008 Varieties Planted: Pima
       2007-2008 Varieties Planted: Southeast
       2007-2008 Varieties Planted: Southwest
       2007-2008 Varieties Planted: West
     Government Programs
      CCC Cotton Loan Stocks Report
      Cotton Program Fact Sheet
      Farm Program Enrollment
      Historical Step 2 Certificate Values
      Marketing Loan Program Values
      2008 CCC Loan Information
       CCC Loan FAQ and Glossary
       CCC Loan Premium & Discount Schedule: ELS Cotton
       CCC Loan Premium & Discount Schedule: Upland Cotton
       CCC Loan Premiums and Discounts: Spotted, Tinged, & Yellow Stained Grades
       CCC Loan Premiums and Discounts: White & Light Spotted Grades
     Price Quotes and Information
      Adjusted World Price and Step 3
      Corn Futures Snapshot
      Cotlook A(FE) Index
      Cotton Futures Snapshot
      Cotton Snapshot
      End of Day Market Prices
      Futures Snapshots
      Intraday Prices
      Monthly Prices
      Soybean Futures Snapshot
     Reports & Publications
      Annual Economic Outlook for Cotton
      China Revalues Yuan
      Cotton Counts Its Customers
      Monthly Economic Outlook
      Planting Intentions
      Retail Values of U.S. Agricultural Commodities
      Weekly Cotton Market Report
      Cotton and Textiles
      Retail Use of Cotton
      U.S. Mill Consumption Report
     World of Cotton
      Cotton's Economic Impact
     2008 Loan Premium Discount Schedule Order Form
     About Adobe PDF Files
     Education & Research Web Sites
     Thank you!
     Frequently Asked Questions
     Copy of Find your Congressional Contacts
     Find your Congressional Contacts
     Government Web Sites
     NCC Statement on Conclusion of WTO Meetings in Geneva
      Comments of the National Cotton Council on Bt Resistance Management and Benefits of Bollgard Cotton
      Testimony of Phillip J. Wakelyn, Ph.D. before the Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee
      Testimony of Robert E. McLendon NCC President Before the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives
      Commodity vs. Conservation Balance
      Comparing House, Senate Farm Bills
      Cotton?s Marketing Loan Program
      Cotton?s Three-Step Competitiveness Plan
      Designing a Counter-Cyclical Support Program
      Elimination of Cotton?s Step 2 Threshold
      Farm Organizations' Letter to Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Tom Harkin
      Farm Policy Models, CBO Projections, Appendixes to Echols Testimony
      Innovative Approach to Farm Policy
      Letter to Cotton Belt House Members
      Marketing Certificates Should Be Retained
      NCC Chairman's Report to the American Cotton Producers
      Need for Effective Farm Policy
      Payment Limits and Benefit Targeting
      Senate Ag Committee Urged to Fund Farm Bill at House-Approved Level
      Strengthening Farmers' Financial Resources Helps the Environment
      Testimony (Full) of Robert E. McLendon, Chairman, NCC Executive Committee, Before the House Ag Committee
      Testimony (Oral Version) of Robert E. McLendon, Chairman, NCC Executive Committee, Before House Ag Committee
      Testimony Of James Echols, Chairman of the National Cotton Council, before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry of the U.S. Senate
      Testimony of Mark Williams on Behalf of the National Cotton Council before the House Agriculture Committee
      Testimony of Robert S. Weil, II, on behalf of the NCC to House Subcommittee on Specialty Crops and Foreign Agriculture Programs
      The Impact of Exchange Rates on the U.S. Cotton Industry
      U.S. Farm Policy: Production and Land Valuation Issues
      Bush Administration Prepares to Seek Court Order Opening Port
      California, Arizona Congressional Delegation Letters to Conferees Regarding the Grassley-Dorgan Amendment
      Committee Delays Formal Action on Disaster Assistance
      Cotton Policies and Prices - NCC Provides Missing Information and Clarification of Misinformation in WSJ Article
      Expected Payment Rates to Upland Cotton Producers for Calendar Years 2003 and 2004
      Farm Bill Cotton Provisions Reviewed in Report to NCPA
      Letter From President Bush to The Attorney General Regarding the West Coast Ports Shutdown
      Letter Regarding Preferential Trade Benefits for Haiti
      Letter to House Committee on Appropriations
      Letter to House/Senate Agriculture Committee Chairmen
      Letter to President Bush Regarding Strong Dollar
      Letter to President Concerning West Coast Ports Shutdown
      Letter to USDA Ag Secretary Veneman Regarding Counter-Cyclical Payment for the 2002 U.S. Upland Crop
      Letter to USTR Zoellick on Implementation of the TRQ Agreement by the People?s Republic of China
      Letters to Congress from Osborne, Pence, Boyd, and Berry
      Letters to Senate Conferees Regarding Payment Limits
      NCC Chairman's Report to Southern Cotton Ginners Association
      NCC Co-Signed Letter to Congress Regarding West Coast Ports Shutdown
      NCC Comments on Adjusted Gross Income Test -- Proposed Rule
      NCC Comments on RMA's Common Crop Insurance Regulations and the Group Risk Plan of Insurance Regulations
      NCC Letter to House Ag Committee Chairman Combest (R-TX)
      NCC Letter to Senators Regarding Grassley-Dorgan Amendment
      NCC Letter to USTR Robert Zoellick Regarding Concerns With China's WTO Commitments
      NCC Review of Selected Provisions of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002
      NCC Testimony at the House Agriculture Committee Hearing Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Homeland Security
      Remarks By President George Bush On West Coast Ports
      Senate Letter Supports Disaster Assistance
      Statement of Senator Tim Hutchinson Urging President to Invoke Taft Hartley Emergency Dispute Resolution Procedures
      Conservation Security Program Implementation
      Industry Letter to Commerce Secretary Regarding Free Trade Study
      Industry Reaffirms Opposition Regarding Third Country Participation in CAFTA
      National Cotton Council Testimony on International Trade Policy Impact on U.S. Cotton Before the House Agriculture Committee
      NCC Comments Regarding Notice of Intent To Request a Revision to a Currently Approved Information Collection
      NCC Statement Regarding Payment Limits Amendments
      NCC Testimony on Crop Insurance Before the House Agriculture General Commodities Subcommittee
      Statement to Commission on the Application of Payment Limits To Agriculture
      The Application of Textile Safeguards in the China WTO Accession Agreement: Fundamentals of the Raw Cotton Market
      UNITE Letter to Commerce Secretary Regarding CAFTA and China Safeguards
      CSP Public Listening Sessions
      CSP Sign Up Deadline is July 30
      Letter to Senators Regarding 2004 Omnibus Appropriations
      NCC Backgrounder on Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
      NCC Comments on Conservation Security Program Proposed Implementation Rules
      NCC Comments on the Long Term Policy of the Conservation Reserve Program
      NCC Letter Regarding Proposed Rules for the Implementation of the Conservation Security Program
      Statements Regarding U.S./Brazil Dispute
      Testimony Regarding the Field Investigation on China?s Impact on the U.S. Manufacturing Base
      Brazil Cotton Case and the WTO
      Brazil/Cotton WTO Dispute - Ruling of the Appellate Body
      Chambliss Issues Final Observation on Hong Kong Ministerial
      CRP Re-Enrollments Offered
      Economic Importance of DR-CAFTA to Cotton Belt
      Facts on U.S. Farm Policy
      Farm Family Letter
      Good CAFTA Can Help U.S. Cotton Compete with Low-Cost Imports
      Letter to Sens. Gregg, Chambliss Regarding 2006 Budget Reconciliation
      NCC Issues Statement on Budget Proposal
      NCC Responds to CA Attack on Cotton Program
      NCC Responds to Second Commercial Appeal Attack on Cotton Program
      NCC’s New Cottonseed Segment: What Cotton Ginners Should Know
      Oxfam: Fabrication, Flaws and Fallacies
      Successful Conclusion of China Textile Negotiations Beneficial to All Parties
      The Case for Producer Support for Consumer Promotion
      The Doha Development Round of WTO Negotiations – Issues Confronting Cotton
      U.S. and China Sign Textile Agreement
      African Proposal is Untimely Diversion
      Ag Coalition Letter to President Bush Conveying Doha Concerns
      Allen Helms Letter to Agriculture Secretary Johanns Regarding Advance 2005-Crop CCP
      Letter to House, Senate Budget Committees' Chairmen Regarding Discretionary Spending
      Letter to Key Senate Committees Regarding Agriculture Disaster Assistance
      Mark Lange Letter to Trade Ambassador Schwab and Agriculture Secretary Johanns Regarding Doha
      NCC Statement Regarding Doha Round Suspension
      NCC: Firm Resolve Needed on WTO Agreement
      New Provisions for Cotton Marketing Assistance Loan Program
      Sen. Chambliss Thanked for Support in WTO Negotiations
      Senate Expected to Take Up Ag Disaster Legislation in April
      Senator Cochran’s Chief of Staff Nominated by President Bush
      USDA Notice to Trade Regarding Temporary Cotton Storage
      Ag Groups Letter to Congress Regarding Disaster Assistance Bill
      Congressional Agriculture Committees Set
      Letter to President Bush Urging Peru, Colombia Trade Pact Approval
      NCC Issues Statement on Keith Collins Retirement
      NCC Joins in Support of Colombia, Peru FTAs
      NCC Responds to Misinformation About Cotton Program
      NCC Responds to Oct. 15 WSJ Editorial
      Pelosi Announces Second Committee Assignments for Freshmen Members
      Peterson to Chair House Ag Committee
      Senator Chambliss Criticizes Washington Post Editorial
      USDA Announces 2nd Partial CCP for ’06 Upland Cotton
      110th Congress -- Cotton Belt Senators
      110th Congress -- Cotton Belt U.S. Representatives
      Ag Groups Convey WTO Ministerial Concerns to President Bush
      Baucus, Grassley, Rangel, McCrery Letter to Administration on Doha Concerns
      Doha in December
      Farm Bill Now Law With Exception of Trade Title
      Letter Sent in Support of Keenum FCA Nomination
      Letter to Agriculture Secretary Regarding Farm Law Implementation Regulation
      Letter to Secretary Schafer Expressing Regulations Implementation Delay Concerns
      Letter Urges Support of H.R. 6604
      NCC Action Alert Regarding the Farm Bill Conference Report
      NCC Dispels Myths About U.S. Support to Cotton Farmers
      NCC Issues Statement on Revised Falconer Text
      NCC Reviewing Key Farm Law Provisions
      NCC Statement on Collapse of Doha Negotiations
      Revision to US Cotton Table in USDA’S June 10 WASDE Report
      Senator Chambliss Re-Election Encouraging for Agriculture
      Timely Action Urged at CFTC Forum
      NCC Letter Urges Availability of Partial CCP For '08 Upland Cotton
      NCC Submits Comments to a Key Farm Program Interim Rule
      Strong Support For Safety Net Expressed
     NCC Agri-Business Database
      Agri-Business Database Maintenance
     Latest Issues (Members Only)
      Committee for the Advancement of Cotton
      NCC Chairman John Pucheu Testifies on Farm Policy
      NCC Cotton Screensaver
      NCC Responds to Carter Op-Ed in Washington Post
      2008 Farm Bill Information
        Action Alert Regarding Farm Bill Congressional Contacts During Easter Recess (180k pdf)
        Ag Organizations Letter Regarding Beneficial Interest in the New Farm Bill (19k pdf)
        Farm Groups Letter to Ag Committee Chairmen, Ranking Members
        NCC Sends Letter to Cotton Belt Congressional Members Regarding the Conference Report
        Senate Farm Bill Conferees Named
        (Tables 3-6) Key Provisions of Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 -- H.R. 2419
        Key Provisions of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 -- H.R. 2419
        Action Alert Regarding House Agriculture Committee Debate of '07 Farm Bill
        111th Congress -- Cotton Belt Senators
        Action Alert Urging Support of Senate Ag Committee’s Farm Bill (Dec. 7)
        Ag Groups Send Second Letter to Sens. Reid, McConnell
        Agricultural Organization Letter to Sen. Reid
        Comparison of Payment Limitation Provisions - December 2007
        Dec. 13 Senate Voting Record on Damaging Farm Bill Amendments
        NCC Statement on Senate Ag Committee Farm Bill Markup
        Producer Letter to Senator Claire McCaskill
        Producer Letter to Senator Kit Bond
        Producer Letter to Senators Boxer, Feinstein
        Producer Letter to Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker
        Summary of Bill Approved by Senate Agriculture Committee
        Talking Points – Payment Limitations
       Loan Issues and the Marketing of Upland Cotton
       NCC Comments on Commodity Research and Promotion Programs
       2001 Cotton Under Loan
       Air Quality
       Bale Packaging
       Biological Diversity
       Boll Weevil Eradication
       Clean Water Act
       Climate Change
       Commodity Certificates
       Commodity Exchange Act/CFTC
       Consumer Product Safety Commission
       Cotton and Textile Trade Issues
       Cotton Belt Votes on Farm Security Act and Key Amendments
       Cotton Industry's Request for FY02 Funding
       Crop Insurance
       CY01 Emergency Agriculture Assistance
       Disaster Assistance/Weather Related Losses
       Export Credit Guarantee Programs
       Farm Legislation
       Food Quality Protection Act
       Implementation of Food Quality Protection Act
       International Market Development
       Letter to House Ag Committee Chairman Combest and Ranking Member Stenholm
       Malfunction Disrupts USDA's Loan Processing Functions
       Methyl Bromide
       Occupational Safety and Health Administration
       Pink Bollworm Program
       Quality Issues
       Research and Promotion Program
       Respirable Fiber Particles
       Rising Costs And Falling Prices: The Crushing Vise On Farmers
       Strategy for Economic Relief
       Superfund (CERCLA)/Community Right to Know (EPCRA)
       Tax Policy
       The Need for Cottonseed Assistance in 2001
       USDA Crop Condition Report
       USDA Letter to Ginners Regarding Cottonseed Payments Deadline
       USDA World Cotton Production Report
       Vegetable Oil Potential FDA, EPA Regulations
       Worker Protection Standard
       A Review of the Provisions Contained in Recently Passed US Trade Legislation
       A Review of the Trade Promotion Authority Conference Report
       Address by G. Stephen Felker
       American Textile Alliance
       Challenge May Be Made to Recommit Farm Bill
       Economic Stimulus
       Emergency Economic Assistance
       Farm Program Payment Limitations: Implications for Land Rents and Tenancy Arrangements
       Grassley-Dorgan Amendment Farm Impact Analysis
       Impact of the Conference Agreement on Grower Prices
       Implementation of the TRQ Agreement by the People's Republic of China
       Implementation of U.S.?China Bilateral Agreement on WTO Accession
       Importance of China?s TRQ Implementation to the U.S. Cotton Industry
       Letter to China Re: Notification to the World Trade Organization to Modify National Standards of Cotton
       Letter to Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman Regarding Farm Law Implementation
       Letter to U.S. Commerce Department Secretary Regarding Pakistani Textile Concessions
       NCC Chairman's Report to American Cotton Producers
       NCC Chairman's Report to Western Merchants
       NCC Comments on Proposed Changes in Cotton Loan and LDP Regulations
       NCC Letter to USTR Conveys China Concerns
       NCC Response to Farm Bill Criticism
       New Provisions Applicable to Upland Cotton LDP's Based on Locked-in Rate
       New York Board of Trade
       Proposed Changes to the Group Risk Plan Regulations and the Common Crop Insurance Regulations, Basic Provisions
       Proposed Rule - Non-Recourse Cotton Loan and Loan Deficiency Payment Programs; Upland Cotton First Handler Marketing Certificate Program; Seed Cotton Loan Program
       The Chinese Cotton and Textile Sectors
       AMTAC Letter to President Bush Regarding China Textile Import Concern
       Joint Letter and Filed Comments in Response to the Federal Register Notice Regarding Payment Limits
       Joint Letter to House Speaker and Minority Leader
       Joint Letter to Senate Budget Committee Chair
       Letter to Agriculture Secretary Veneman Regarding Counter-Cyclical Payment Rate
       Letter to House, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairmen
       Letter to House, Senate Budget Committee Chairmen
       NCC Comments on ELS Cotton Outside Storage Interim Rule
       NCC Comments on the Conservation Security Program
       NCC Response to The New York Times' October 19 Editorial
       NCC Response to U.S. Farm Program Criticism
       Payment Limitations Talking Points and Information
       Producer Letter Regarding Payment Limitations
       Backgrounder on Final Panel Ruling on U.S. / Brazil WTO Dispute
       CSP Watersheds Include Some Cotton Belt States
       Disaster Assistance Legislation Summary
       Free Trade Area of the Americas Study
       Joint Letter Regarding FSA's Family Farm Definition
       Letter to Agriculture Secretary Veneman Regarding the Initial Advance Counter-Cyclical Program (CCP) Payment for the 2004 Crop of Upland Cotton
       Letter to House Regarding Haitian Duty-Free Access Legislation
       Letter to House, Senate Budget Committees' Chairmen and Ranking Members on Administration's 2005 Budget Proposal
       Letter to New York Times Regarding July 26 Article on WTO
       Letter to President Bush Regarding Call For Emergency WTO Meeting
       Letter to Senate Leadership Urging Johanns Confirmation
       NCC Chairman's Remarks to the American Cotton Producers and The Cotton Foundation Joint Meeting
       NCC Comments on Proposed Rule – Standards for Approval of Warehouses for CCC Interest Commodity Storage – 7 CFR Part 1423
       NCC Comments on the Joint Counterpart Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation Regulations (69 FR 4465)
       NCC Remarks to Plains Cotton Growers’ Board of Directors
       Summary of Proposed Counterpart Regulations on the Endangered Species Act
       Avondale Mills Associate Disaster Relief Fund
       Chambliss Statement on WTO Agriculture Negotiations
       Changing Dynamics of the Natural Fibers Market
       Coalition Letter to Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns
       Cotton Belt Senators Contact List
       Cotton Joins Commodity and Farm Groups on Letter to Budget Conferees
       Dear Colleage Letter Regarding 2006 Appropriations for Boll Weevil Eradication Program
       Dear Colleague Letter Regarding Payment Limits and Need to Maintain Current Farm Law
       ELS Competitiveness Payment Formula Changing August 5
       Formal Plenary Session – Cotton Subcommittee Background
       Gillon Memo Regarding WTO Plenary Meeting's Cotton Focus
       House Agriculture Committee Budget Views/Estimates Letter
       Joint Letter Regarding FY06 Agriculture Appropriations Measure
       Letters to House and Senate Budget Committees Defending Farm Bill
       Loan/LDP Issues and the Marketing of Upland Cotton
       NCC Letter Regarding USDA Proposal on the U.S. Cotton and Export Credit Guarantee Programs
       NCC Talking Points on Budget Issues for Agriculture
       NCC's Comments on USDA Farm Bill Questions
       Reps. Neugebauer and Etheridge Urge Members to Maintain Support for Current Farm Bill
       Talking Points For WTO Ruling
       Why DR-CAFTA is Expected to Benefit the US Cotton and Textile Industries
       Woods Eastland Thank You Letter to USTR Portman
       ’04 Crop Cottonseed Disaster Program Signup Underway
       ’05 Cottonseed Program Signup Begins
       2006 ACP/Cotton Foundation Joint Meeting Presentations
       Comments Submitted on USDA's Proposed Rule for Storage, Handling, and Ginning Requirements
       Cotton Transfer Application and Agreement (Draft)
       Environmental Task Force Principles Regarding Bt Cotton
       House Agriculture Committee Field Hearings Summary
       Industry Accord on Cotton Flow Issues Related to USDA's May 26 Proposed Rule (25k PDF)
       MSMA Herbicide on Cotton: Use and Benefits
       NCC Background Document on Excessive Bale Moisture
       NCC Comments to Proposed Rule on Amendments to the Storage Requirements for Grain Security for Marketing Assistance Loans
       NCC Letter to FSA Regarding Bale Moisture
       NCC Response to Economic Report of the President
       Permitted Entity File - Question and Answer
       110th Congress -- Cotton Belt U.S. Senators
       111th Congress -- Cotton Belt U.S. Representatives
       CCI President's Report to '07 Mid-Year Meeting
       Commodity Group Letter To President Bush on Doha
       Cotton Foundation Chairman's Report
       FSA Issues Notice on IRS Bulletin Regarding Producer Market Gains
       Letter Urges Prompt Senate Action on '07 Farm Bill Development
       Marketing Assistance Loan Operation Adjustments(45k pdf)
       NCC Statement on House Ag Chairman’s Mark
       NCC Talking Points - EWG’s Release of Farm Program Payment Information
       Rep. Berry, Colleagues Convey Support For Safety Net
       USDA Issues Notice of Intent on Combo Leases
       FSA Provides Update on Direct and Counter-Cyclical Payments
       Letter Addressing Concerns of Proposed Sustainability Standard
       Letters to Secretary Schafer Regarding Farm Law Implementation (1.5mb pdf)
       NCC Chairman Pucheu's Letter to Ambassador Schwab (78k pdf)
       NCC Letter Urges Markets Transparency
       NCC Summary -- Final Rule Implementing the '08-12 Cotton Programs
       NCC Supports Farm Aggregation Bill
       NCC Study Committee on Delivery Systems Background Documents and Data
       NCC Full Comments to Interim Rule; Farm Program Payment Limitation and Payment Eligibility for 2009 and Subsequent Crop, Program, or Fiscal Years
       NCC Members Invited to Participate in Rail Impact Webinar
       NCC Offers Worksheets to Assist in AGI Calculations (Revised 3/3/09)
    News and Events
     Cotton's Calendar
     Friday Cotton eNews
     Media & Reference Web Sites
     Monday Cotton eNews
     NCC Applauds Passage of DR-CAFTA
     Thursday Cotton Enews
     Tuesday Cotton eNews
     Wednesday Cotton eNews
     Audio & Video
      AgDay TV: April 1, 2008
      AgDay TV: April 10, 2007
      AgDay TV: April 15, 2008
      AgDay TV: April 17, 2007
      AgDay TV: April 22, 2008
      AgDay TV: April 24, 2007
      AgDay TV: April 29, 2008
      AgDay TV: April 3, 2007
      AgDay TV: April 8, 2008
      AgDay TV: August 1, 2006
      AgDay TV: August 12, 2008
      AgDay TV: August 14, 2007
      AgDay TV: August 15, 2006
      AgDay TV: August 19, 2008
      AgDay TV: August 21, 2007
      AgDay TV: August 22, 2006
      AgDay TV: August 26, 2008
      AgDay TV: August 28, 2007
      AgDay TV: August 29, 2006
      AgDay TV: August 5, 2008
      AgDay TV: August 7, 2007
      AgDay TV: August 8, 2006
      AgDay TV: December 11, 2007
      AgDay TV: December 12, 2006
      AgDay TV: December 16, 2008
      AgDay TV: December 18, 2007
      AgDay TV: December 19, 2006
      AgDay TV: December 2, 2008
      AgDay TV: December 4, 2007
      AgDay TV: December 5, 2006
      AgDay TV: December 9, 2008
      AgDay TV: February 10, 2009
      AgDay TV: February 12, 2008
      AgDay TV: February 13, 2007
      AgDay TV: February 17, 2009
      AgDay TV: February 19, 2008
      AgDay TV: February 20, 2007
      AgDay TV: February 24, 2009
      AgDay TV: February 26, 2008
      AgDay TV: February 27, 2007
      AgDay TV: February 3, 2009
      AgDay TV: February 5, 2008
      AgDay TV: February 6, 2007
      AgDay TV: January 13, 2009
      AgDay TV: January 15, 2008
      AgDay TV: January 16, 2007
      AgDay TV: January 2, 2007
      AgDay TV: January 20, 2009
      AgDay TV: January 22, 2008
      AgDay TV: January 23, 2007
      AgDay TV: January 27, 2009
      AgDay TV: January 29, 2008
      AgDay TV: January 30, 2007
      AgDay TV: July 1, 2008
      AgDay TV: July 10, 2007
      AgDay TV: July 15, 2008
      AgDay TV: July 17, 2007
      AgDay TV: July 22, 2008
      AgDay TV: July 24, 2007
      AgDay TV: July 29, 2008
      AgDay TV: July 31, 2007
      AgDay TV: July 8, 2008
      AgDay TV: June 10, 2008
      AgDay TV: June 12, 2007
      AgDay TV: June 17, 2008
      AgDay TV: June 19, 2007
      AgDay TV: June 24, 2008
      AgDay TV: June 26, 2007
      AgDay TV: June 5, 2007
      AgDay TV: March 10, 2009
      AgDay TV: March 11, 2008
      AgDay TV: March 13, 2007
      AgDay TV: March 18, 2008
      AgDay TV: March 20, 2007
      AgDay TV: March 25, 2008
      AgDay TV: March 27, 2007
      AgDay TV: March 3, 2009
      AgDay TV: March 4, 2008
      AgDay TV: March 6, 2007
      AgDay TV: May 1, 2007
      AgDay TV: May 13, 2008
      AgDay TV: May 15, 2007
      AgDay TV: May 20, 2008
      AgDay TV: May 22 2007
      AgDay TV: May 27, 2008
      AgDay TV: May 29, 2007
      AgDay TV: May 6, 2008
      AgDay TV: May 8, 2007
      AgDay TV: November 11, 2008
      AgDay TV: November 13, 2007
      AgDay TV: November 14, 2006
      AgDay TV: November 18, 2008
      AgDay TV: November 20, 2007
      AgDay TV: November 21, 2006
      AgDay TV: November 25, 2008
      AgDay TV: November 27, 2007
      AgDay TV: November 28, 2006
      AgDay TV: November 4, 2008
      AgDay TV: November 6, 2007
      AgDay TV: November 7, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 10, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 14, 2008
      AgDay TV: October 16, 2007
      AgDay TV: October 17, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 2, 2007
      AgDay TV: October 21, 2008
      AgDay TV: October 23, 2007
      AgDay TV: October 24, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 28, 2008
      AgDay TV: October 3, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 30, 2007
      AgDay TV: October 31, 2006
      AgDay TV: October 7, 2008
      AgDay TV: October 9, 2007
      AgDay TV: September 11, 2007
      AgDay TV: September 12, 2006
      AgDay TV: September 16, 2008
      AgDay TV: September 18, 2007
      AgDay TV: September 19, 2006
      AgDay TV: September 2, 2008
      AgDay TV: September 23, 2008
      AgDay TV: September 25, 2007
      AgDay TV: September 26, 2006
      AgDay TV: September 30, 2008
      AgDay TV: September 4, 2007
      AgDay TV: September 9, 2008
      AgDay TV: June 3, 2008
      Archive of Audio & Video
      Cotton Newsline: April 11, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 11, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 13, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 16, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 18, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 18, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 2, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 20, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 23, 2008
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      Cotton Newsline: April 25, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 27, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 30, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 4, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 4, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: April 6, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: April 9, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 1, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 1, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 10, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 11, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 13, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 15, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 15, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 16, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 17, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 18, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 2, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 20, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 22, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 22, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 23, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 24, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 25, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 27, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 29, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 29, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 3, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 30, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 31, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 4, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: August 6, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 8, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: August 8, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: August 9, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 1, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 10, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: December 12, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 13, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 14, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 15, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 17, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: December 19, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 19, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: December 20, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 21, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 28, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 3, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: December 5, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 5, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: December 6, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: December 7, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: December 8, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: Decemer 12, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 1, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 11, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 13, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 13, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 14, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 15, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 16, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 18, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 2, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 20, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 20, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 21, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 22, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 23, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 25, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 27, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 27, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 28, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 29, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 4, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 6, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 6, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: February 7, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: February 8, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: February 9, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 14, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 16, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 16, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 17, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 18, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 19, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 21, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 23, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 23, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 24, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 25, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 26, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 28, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 3, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 30, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 30, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: January 31, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: January 4, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: January 5, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 11, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 11, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 13, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 16, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 18, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 18, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 2, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 20, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 23, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 25, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 25, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 27, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 30, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: July 6, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: July 9, 2008
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      Cotton Newsline: June 11, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: June 13, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 15, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 19, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 20, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: June 22, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 25, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: June 27, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 27, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: June 29, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 4, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: June 6, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: June 6, 2008
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      Cotton Newsline: March 14, 2008
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      Cotton Newsline: March 19, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: March 2, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 21, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 23, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 26, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: March 28, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 28, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: March 30, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 4, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: March 5, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: March 6, 2009
      Cotton Newsline: March 7, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: March 7, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: March 9, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 11, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 14, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 16, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 18, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 2, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 2, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 21, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 23, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 23, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 25, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 28, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 30, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 30, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 4, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 7, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: May 9, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: May 9, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 1, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 10, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 12, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 14, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 14, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 15, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 16, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 17, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 19, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 2, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 21, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 21, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 22, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 28, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 29, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 3, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 30, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 5, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 7, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: November 7, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: November 8, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: November 9, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 1, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 10, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 10, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 11, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 12, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 13, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 15, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 17, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 17, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 18, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 19, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 20, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 22, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 24, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 24, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 25, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 26, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 27, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 29, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 3, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 3, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 31, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 31, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: October 4, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 5, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: October 6, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: October 8, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 1, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 10, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 12, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 12, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 13, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 14, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 15, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 17, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 19, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 19, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 20, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 21, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 22, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 24, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 26, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 26, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 27, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 28, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 29, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 3, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 5, 2007
      Cotton Newsline: September 5, 2008
      Cotton Newsline: September 6, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 8, 2006
      Cotton Newsline: September 9, 2007
      Cotton Newswline: May 16, 2007
      Special Cotton Newsline: May 12, 2005
      Special Edition Cotton Newsline: December 7, 2007
       Braodcast Newsline: December 19, 2007
       Broadcast Newslin: November 9, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 11, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 13, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 18, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: April 19, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: April 2, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 20, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: April 21, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: April 22, 2005
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 25, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 27, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: April 28, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 30, 3008
       Broadcast Newsline: April 4, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: April 4, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: April 6, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: August 15, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: August 17, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 18, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: August 2, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: August 22, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: August 24, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 25, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: August 27, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: August 29, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 29, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: August 3, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 30, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: August 31, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 4, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: August 6, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: August 8, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: August 8, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 10, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: December 12, 2003
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 12, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 14, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 16, 2005
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 17, 2004
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 19, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 21, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 28, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: December 3, 2003
       Broadcast Newsline: December 3, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 5, 2003
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 5, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: December 7, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 13, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: February 13, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 15, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 18, 2009
       Broadcast Newsline: February 2, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: February 20, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: February 20, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: February 20, 2009
       Broadcast Newsline: February 21, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: February 22, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: February 22, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: February 23, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: February 24, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 25, 2009
       Broadcast Newsline: February 27, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: February 27, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: February 27, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 29, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 6, 2004
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 6, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 8, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: February 9, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 13, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 16, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 18, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 23, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: January 23, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 24, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 26 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 28, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: January 30, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: January 30, 3009
       Broadcast Newsline: January 31, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: January 4, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: January 5, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: January 7, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: January 9, 2004
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       Broadcast Newsline: July 13, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 14, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 16, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: July 18, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 18, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: July 19, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 2, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: July 20, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 21, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 23, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: July 25, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 26, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 27, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 28, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 30, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: July 5, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 6, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: July 7, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 11, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: June 13, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: June 15, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: June 16, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: June 19, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: June 2, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 21, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 23, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 27, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: June 27, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 3, 2005
       Broadcast Newsline: June 30, 3006
       Broadcast Newsline: June 4, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: June 6, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 12, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: March 14, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: March 14, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 16, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 17, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: March 18, 2005
       Broadcast Newsline: March 19, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: March 19, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 21, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: March 22, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: March 23, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: March 24, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: March 25, 2005
       Broadcast Newsline: March 26, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: March 28, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: March 28, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 3, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: March 3, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 5, 2004
       Broadcast Newsline: March 5, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: March 6, 2009
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       Broadcast Newsline: March 7, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: May 16, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: May 18, 2005
       Broadcast Newsline: May 18, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: May 23, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 10, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 14, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 16, 2007
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 2, 2005
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 21, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: November 21, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 3, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: November 4, 2005
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 12, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 19, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 22, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 26, 2008
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 29, 2006
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       Broadcast Newsline: September 5, 2008
       Broadcast Newsline: September 6, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: September 7, 2007
       Broadcast Newsline: September 8, 2006
       Broadcast Newsline: July 25, 2008
       Broadcast Newslines: June 29, 2007
       Broadcast Newslines: October 28, 2005
       Special Edition Broadcast Newsline: December 7, 2007
       Special Edition Broadcast Newsline: July 20, 2004 (Part 1)
     Cotton Council International News
      CCI SPECIAL FAX: August 11, 2006
       CCI-FAX August 10, 2001
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       CCI-FAX June 7, 2001
       CCI-FAX November 1, 2001
       CCI-FAX November 16, 2001
       CCI-FAX November 9, 2001
       CCI-FAX October 12, 2001
       CCI-FAX October 5, 2001
       CCI-FAX September 14, 2001
       CCI-FAX September 28, 2001
       CCI-FAX September 7, 2001
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX December 12, 2001
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX July 26, 2001
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX October 19, 2001
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX September 13, 2001
       CCI-FAX April 11, 2002
       CCI-FAX April 18, 2002
       CCI-FAX August 1, 2002
       CCI-FAX August 15, 2002
       CCI-FAX August 22, 2002
       CCI-FAX August 30, 2002
       CCI-FAX August 9, 2002
       CCI-FAX December 12, 2002
       CCI-FAX December 5, 2002
       CCI-FAX February 1, 2002
       CCI-FAX February 21, 2002
       CCI-FAX February 28, 2002
       CCI-FAX February 8, 2002
       CCI-FAX January 18, 2002
       CCI-FAX January 24, 2002
       CCI-FAX January 4, 2002
       CCI-FAX Jaunary 11, 2002
       CCI-FAX July 12, 2002
       CCI-FAX July 25, 2002
       CCI-FAX July 8, 2002
       CCI-FAX June 14, 2002
       CCI-FAX June 21, 2002
       CCI-FAX June 28, 2002
       CCI-FAX June 6, 2002
       CCI-FAX March 15, 2002
       CCI-FAX March 29, 2002
       CCI-FAX March 8, 2002
       CCI-FAX May 17, 2002
       CCI-FAX May 24, 2002
       CCI-FAX May 3, 2002
       CCI-FAX May 31, 2002
       CCI-FAX May 9, 2002
       CCI-FAX November 1, 2002
       CCI-FAX November 22, 2002
       CCI-FAX October 17, 2002
       CCI-FAX October 24, 2002
       CCI-Fax October 4, 2002
       CCI-FAX September 13, 2002
       CCI-FAX September 19, 2002
       CCI-FAX September 21, 2001
       CCI-FAX September 26, 2002
       CCI-FAX, April 4, 2002
       CCI-FAX, March 22, 2002
       Special CCI-FAX February 12, 2002
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX February 15, 2002
       Special CCI-FAX July 19, 2002
       CCI-FAX April 10, 2003
       CCI-FAX April 16, 2003
       CCI-FAX April 25, 2003
       CCI-FAX April 3, 2003
       CCI-FAX August 15, 2003
       CCI-FAX August 28, 2003
       CCI-FAX August 7, 2003
       CCI-FAX December 19, 2003
       CCI-FAX December 5, 2003
       CCI-FAX February 10, 2003
       CCI-FAX February 14, 2003
       CCI-FAX February 21, 2003
       CCI-FAX February 28,2003
       CCI-FAX January 16, 2003
       CCI-FAX January 24, 2003
       CCI-FAX January 31, 2003
       CCI-FAX July 10, 2003
       CCI-FAX July 18, 2003
       CCI-FAX July 31, 2003
       CCI-FAX June 12, 2003
       CCI-FAX June 19, 2003
       CCI-FAX June 26, 2003
       CCI-FAX June 6, 2003
       CCI-FAX March 13, 2003
       CCI-FAX March 20, 2003
       CCI-FAX March 27,2003
       CCI-FAX March 6, 2003
       CCI-FAX May 16, 2003
       CCI-FAX May 2, 2003
       CCI-FAX May 23, 2003
       CCI-FAX May 29, 2003
       CCI-FAX May 9, 2003
       CCI-FAX November 14, 2003
       CCI-FAX November 7, 2003
       CCI-FAX October 10, 2003
       CCI-FAX October 23, 2003
       CCI-FAX October 30, 2003
       CCI-FAX Septembenr 6, 2003
       CCI-FAX September 11, 2003
       CCI-FAX September 18, 2003
       CCI-FAX September 25, 2003
       Special CCI-FAX May 14, 2003
       Special CCI-FAX November 21, 2003
       SPECIAL CCI-FAX September 29, 2003
       CCI-FAX April 16, 2004
       CCI-FAX April 2, 2004
       CCI-FAX April 22, 2004
       CCI-FAX April 30, 2004
       CCI-FAX April 8, 2004
       CCI-FAX August 27, 2004
       CCI-FAX August 6, 2004
       CCI-FAX December 7, 2004
       CCI-FAX December 9, 2004
       CCI-FAX February 12, 2004
       CCI-FAX February 26, 2004
       CCI-FAX February 6, 2004
       CCI-FAX January 16, 2004
       CCI-FAX January 23, 2004
       CCI-FAX January 28, 2004
       CCI-FAX July 16, 2004
       CCI-FAX July 2, 2004
       CCI-FAX July 23, 2004
       CCI-FAX July 30, 2004
       CCI-FAX July 9, 2004
       CCI-FAX June 11, 2004
       CCI-FAX June 18, 2004
       CCI-FAX June 24, 2004
       CCI-FAX June 4, 2004
       CCI-FAX March 12, 2004
       CCI-FAX March 18, 2004
       CCI-FAX March 25, 2004
       CCI-FAX March 4, 2004
       CCI-FAX May 13, 2004
       CCI-FAX May 21, 2004
       CCI-FAX May 28, 2004
       CCI-FAX May 6, 2004
       CCI-FAX November 12, 2004
       CCI-FAX November 5, 2004
       CCI-FAX October 15, 2004
       CCI-FAX October 22, 2004
       CCI-FAX October 29, 2004
       CCI-FAX October 4, 2004
       CCI-FAX September 10, 2004
       CCI-FAX September 17, 2004
       CCI-FAX September 24, 2004
       CCI-FAX September 3, 2004
       CCI-FAX: August 20, 2004
       CCI_FAX October 8, 2004
       Special CCI-FAX June 2, 2004
       Special CCI-FAX June 7, 2004
       Special CCI-FAX May 13, 2004
       Special CCI-FAX May 6, 2004
       CCI FAX March 14, 2005
       CCI FAX May 6, 2005: Special Edition #1
       CCI FAX May 6, 2005: Special Edition #2
       CCI FAX: August 12, 2005
       CCI FAX: December 2, 2005
       CCI FAX: November 4, 2005
       CCI FAX: October 14, 2005
       CCI FAX: October 28, 2005
       CCI FAX: October 7, 2005
       CCI Speacial FAX: November 18, 2005
       CCI Special FAX: November 14, 2005
       CCI Special FAX: September 30, 2005
       CCI-FAX April 1, 2005
       CCI-FAX April 15, 2005
       CCI-FAX April 22, 2005
       CCI-FAX August 26, 2005
       CCI-FAX December 16, 2005
       CCI-FAX February 11, 2005
       CCI-FAX February 18, 2005
       CCI-FAX February 25, 2005
       CCI-FAX February 3, 2005
       CCI-FAX January 14, 2005
       CCI-FAX January 21, 2005
       CCI-FAX January 28, 2005
       CCI-FAX January 7, 2005
       CCI-FAX July 1, 2005
       CCI-FAX July 15, 2005
       CCI-FAX July 22, 2005
       CCI-FAX July 29, 2005
       CCI-FAX July 8, 2005
       CCI-FAX June 10, 2005
       CCI-FAX June 24, 2005
       CCI-FAX March 19, 2005
       CCI-FAX March 24, 2005
       CCI-FAX March 7, 2005
       CCI-FAX May 13, 2005
       CCI-FAX May 2, 2005
       CCI-FAX May 26, 2005
       CCI-FAX November 23, 2005
       CCI-FAX September 1, 2005
       CCI-FAX: August 19, 2005
       CCI-FAX: May 20, 2005
       CCI-FAX: September 16, 2005
       CCI-FAX: September 23, 2005
       Special CCI-FAX July 6, 2005
       Special CCI-Fax: August 5, 2005
      2006 Cotton Council International News
       CCI FAX September 1, 2006
       CCI FAX: April 21, 2006
       CCI FAX: April 28, 2006
       CCI FAX: August 4, 2006
       CCI FAX: December 18, 2006
       CCI FAX: December 4, 2006
       CCI FAX: February 24, 2006
       CCI FAX: February 3, 2006
       CCI FAX: July 21, 2006
       CCI Fax: July 7, 2006
       CCI Fax: June 23, 2006
       CCI Fax: June 30, 2006
       CCI Fax: June 9, 2006
       CCI FAX: March 10, 2006
       CCI FAX: March 17, 2006
       CCI FAX: March 24, 2006
       CCI FAX: May 12, 2006
       CCI Fax: May 26, 2006
       CCI FAX: May 5, 2006
       CCI FAX: November 3, 2006
       CCI FAX: October 6, 2006
       CCI FAX: September 15, 2006
       CCI FAX: September 28, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: April 13, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: December 6, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: February 14, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: January 27, 2006
       CCI SPECIAL FAX: July, 14, 2006
       CCI Special Fax: June 16, 2006
       CCI Special Fax: June 5, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: May 16, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: November 10, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: October 27, 2006
       CCI Special FAX: September 19, 2006
       CCI-FAX April 7, 2006
       CCI-FAX August 18, 2006
       CCI-FAX January 17, 2006
       CCI-FAX March 3, 2006
       CCI-FAX October 13, 2006
       CCI-FAX September 8, 2006
       Special CCI FAX: March 31, 2006
      2007 Cotton Council International News
       CCI Fax: April 27, 2007
       CCI FAX: August 17, 2007
       CCI FAX: August 3, 2007
       CCI FAX: August 31, 2007
       CCI FAX: December 14, 2007
       CCI FAX: February 9, 2007
       CCI FAX: January 19, 2007
       CCI FAX: January 26, 2007
       CCI FAX: January 5, 2007
       CCI FAX: July 20, 2007
       CCI FAX: June 1, 2007
       CCI FAX: June 22, 2007
       CCI FAX: June 29, 2007
       CCI FAX: June 8, 2007
       CCI FAX: March 16, 2007
       CCI FAX: March 30, 2007
       CCI FAX: March 9, 2007
       CCI FAX: May 18, 2007
       CCI FAX: May 4, 2007
       CCI FAX: November 16, 2007
       CCI FAX: November 2, 2007
       CCI FAX: November 29, 2007
       CCI FAX: October 18, 2007
       CCI FAX: September 27, 2007
       CCI FAX: February 23, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: April 2, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: August 27, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: December 7, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: July 24, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: July 5, 2007
       CCI Special Fax: July 9, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: June 15, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: June 25, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: May 10, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: May 23, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: November 20, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: November 7, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: October 11, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: October 22, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: October 23, 2007
       CCI Special FAX: October 5, 2007
       CCI-FAX April 13, 2007
       CCI-FAX April 20, 2007
       CCI-FAX January 16, 2007
       Special CCI FAX: February 2, 2007
       Special CCI FAX: March 23, 2007
       Special CCI FAX: September 10, 2007
       Special CCI FAX: September 13, 2007
      2008 Cotton Council International News
       CCI FAX: April 18, 2008
       CCI FAX: April 25, 2008
       CCI FAX: April 4, 2008
       CCI Fax: August 14, 2008
       CCI Fax: August 25, 2008
       CCI Fax: December 10, 2008
       CCI Fax: December 4, 2008
       CCI FAX: February 14, 2008
       CCI FAX: February 21, 2008
       CCI FAX: January 18, 2008
       CCI FAX: January 25, 2008
       CCI FAX: January 31, 2008
       CCI Fax: July 18, 2008
       CCI FAX: July 2, 2008
       CCI Fax: July 25, 2008
       CCI Fax: June 23, 2008
       CCI Fax: June 27, 2008
       CCI FAX: June 5, 2008
       CCI FAX: March 14, 2008
       CCI FAX: March 20, 2008
       CCI FAX: March 27, 2008
       CCI FAX: March 6, 2008
       CCI Fax: May 19, 2008
       CCI Fax: May 22, 2008
       CCI FAX: May 9, 2008
       CCI Fax: November 7, 2008
       CCI Fax: October 20, 2008
       CCI Fax: October 27, 2008
       CCI Fax: October 31, 2008
       CCI Fax: October 6, 2008
       CCI Fax: September 12, 2008
       CCI Fax: September 19, 2008
       CCI Fax: September 26, 2008
       CCI Fax: September 3, 2008
       CCI Special FAX: April 11, 2008
       CCI Special FAX: April 7, 2008
       CCI Special Fax: August 19, 2008
       CCI Special FAX: June 12, 2008
       CCI Special Fax: June 20, 2008
       CCI Special FAX: May 16, 2008
       CCI Special FAX: May 28, 2008
       CCI Special Fax: November 21, 2008
       CCI Special Fax: October 22, 2008
       CCI Special Fax: October 3, 2008
       CCI-FAX January 11, 2008
       Special CCI FAX: February 8, 2008
       CCI FAX: February 27, 2009
       CCI Fax: February 6, 2009
       CCI Fax: January 16, 2009
       CCI Fax: January 2, 2009
       CCI Fax: January 26, 2009
       CCI Fax: January 9, 2009
       CCI Fax: March 6, 2009
       CCI Special Fax: February 13, 2009
       CCI Special Fax: February 2, 2009
       CCI Special Fax: March 12, 2009
     Cotton's Week
       Cotton's Week August 10, 2001
       Cotton's Week August 17, 2001
       Cotton's Week August 24, 2001
       Cotton's Week August 3, 2001
       Cotton's Week August 31, 2001
       Cotton's Week December 14, 2001
       Cotton's Week December 21, 2001
       Cotton's Week December 7, 2001
       Cotton's Week July 13, 2001
       Cotton's Week July 20, 2001
       Cotton's Week July 27, 2001
       Cotton's Week July 6, 2001
       Cotton's Week June 1, 2001
       Cotton's Week June 15, 2001
       Cotton's Week June 22, 2001
       Cotton's Week June 29, 2001
       Cotton's Week June 8, 2001
       Cotton's Week May 25, 2001
       Cotton's Week November 16, 2001
       Cotton's Week November 2, 2001
       Cotton's Week November 30, 2001
       Cotton's Week November 9, 2001
       Cotton's Week October 12, 2001
       Cotton's Week October 19, 2001
       Cotton's Week October 26, 2001
       Cotton's Week October 5, 2001
       Cotton's Week September 14, 2001
       Cotton's Week September 21, 2001
       Cotton's Week September 28, 2001
       Cotton's Week September 7, 2001
       Cotton's Week April 12, 2002
       Cotton's Week April 19, 2002
       Cotton's Week April 26, 2002
       Cotton's Week April 5, 2002
       Cotton's Week August 16, 2002
       Cotton's Week August 2, 2002
       Cotton's Week August 23, 2002
       Cotton's Week August 30, 2002
       Cotton's Week August 9, 2002
       Cotton's Week December 13, 2002
       Cotton's Week December 20, 2002
       Cotton's Week December 6, 2002
       Cotton's Week February 1, 2002
       Cotton's Week February 15, 2002
       Cotton's Week February 22, 2002
       Cotton's Week February 8, 2002
       Cotton's Week January 11, 2002
       Cotton's Week January 18, 2002
       Cotton's Week January 25, 2002
       Cotton's Week January 4, 2002
       Cotton's Week July 12, 2002
       Cotton's Week July 19, 2002
       Cotton's Week July 26, 2002
       Cotton's Week July 5, 2002
       Cotton's Week June 14, 2002
       Cotton's Week June 21, 2002
       Cotton's Week June 28, 2002
       Cotton's Week June 7, 2002
       Cotton's Week March 1, 2002
       Cotton's Week March 15, 2002
       Cotton's Week March 22, 2002
       Cotton's Week March 29, 2002
       Cotton's Week March 8, 2002
       Cotton's Week May 10, 2002
       Cotton's Week May 17, 2002
       Cotton's Week May 24, 2002
       Cotton's Week May 3, 2002
       Cotton's Week May 31, 2002
       Cotton's Week November 1, 2002
       Cotton's Week November 15, 2002
       Cotton's Week November 22, 2002
       Cotton's Week November 8, 2002
       Cotton's Week October 11, 2002
       Cotton's Week October 18, 2002
       Cotton's Week October 25, 2002
       Cotton's Week October 4, 2002
       Cotton's Week September 13, 2002
       Cotton's Week September 20, 2002
       Cotton's Week September 27, 2002
       Cotton's Week September 6, 2002
       Cotton's Week: April 11, 2003
       Cotton's Week: April 18, 2003
       Cotton's Week: April 25, 2003
       Cotton's Week: April 4, 2003
       Cotton's Week: August 1, 2003
       Cotton's Week: August 15, 2003
       Cotton's Week: August 22, 2003
       Cotton's Week: August 29, 2003
       Cotton's Week: August 8, 2003
       Cotton's Week: December 12, 2003
       Cotton's Week: December 19, 2003
       Cotton's Week: December 5, 2003
       Cotton's Week: February 14, 2003
       Cotton's Week: February 21, 2003
       Cotton's Week: February 28, 2003
       Cotton's Week: January 10, 2003
       Cotton's Week: January 17, 2003
       Cotton's Week: January 24,2003
       Cotton's Week: January 3, 2003
       Cotton's Week: January 31, 2003
       Cotton's Week: July 11, 2003
       Cotton's Week: July 18, 2003
       Cotton's Week: July 3, 2003
       Cotton's Week: June 13, 2003
       Cotton's Week: June 20, 2003
       Cotton's Week: June 27, 2003
       Cotton's Week: June 6, 2003
       Cotton's Week: March 14, 2003
       Cotton's Week: March 21, 2003
       Cotton's Week: March 28, 2003
       Cotton's Week: March 7, 2003
       Cotton's Week: May 16, 2003
       Cotton's Week: May 2, 2003
       Cotton's Week: May 30, 2003
       Cotton's Week: May 9, 2003
       Cotton's Week: November 14, 2003
       Cotton's Week: November 21, 2003
       Cotton's Week: November 7, 2003
       Cotton's Week: October 10, 2003
       Cotton's Week: October 17, 2003
       Cotton's Week: October 24, 2003
       Cotton's Week: October 3, 2003
       Cotton's Week: October 31, 2003
       Cotton's Week: September 12, 2003
       Cotton's Week: September 26, 2003
       Cotton's Week: September 5, 2003
       Cotton's Week: February 7, 2003
       Cotton's Week: May 23, 2003
       Cotton's Week: September 19, 2003
       Cotton's Week: April 16, 2004
       Cotton's Week: April 2, 2004
       Cotton's Week: April 23, 2004
       Cotton's Week: April 30, 2004
       Cotton's Week: April 8, 2004
       Cotton's Week: August 13, 2004
       Cotton's Week: August 20, 2004
       Cotton's Week: August 27, 2004
       Cotton's Week: August 6, 2004
       Cotton's Week: December 10, 2004
       Cotton's Week: December 17, 2004
       Cotton's Week: December 3, 2004
       Cotton's Week: December 30, 2004
       Cotton's Week: February 13, 2004
       Cotton's Week: February 27, 2004
       Cotton's Week: February 6, 2004
       Cotton's Week: January 16, 2004
       Cotton's Week: January 2, 2004
       Cotton's Week: January 30, 2004
       Cotton's Week: January 9, 2004
       Cotton's Week: July 16, 2004
       Cotton's Week: July 2, 2004
       Cotton's Week: July 23, 2004
       Cotton's Week: July 30, 2004
       Cotton's Week: July 9, 2004
       Cotton's Week: June 11, 2004
       Cotton's Week: June 18, 2004
       Cotton's Week: June 25, 2004
       Cotton's Week: June 4, 2004
       Cotton's Week: March 12, 2004
       Cotton's Week: March 19, 2004
       Cotton's Week: March 26, 2004
       Cotton's Week: March 5, 2004
       Cotton's Week: May 14, 2004
       Cotton's Week: May 21, 2004
       Cotton's Week: May 28, 2004
       Cotton's Week: May 7, 2004
       Cotton's Week: November 12, 2004
       Cotton's Week: November 19, 2004
       Cotton's Week: November 5, 2004
       Cotton's Week: October 1, 2004
       Cotton's Week: October 15, 2004
       Cotton's Week: October 22, 2004
       Cotton's Week: October 29, 2004
       Cotton's Week: October 8, 2004
       Cotton's Week: September 10, 2004
       Cotton's Week: September 17, 2004
       Cotton's Week: September 24, 2004
       Cotton's Week: September 3, 2004
       Cotton's Week: February 20, 2004
       Cotton's Week: January 23, 2004
       Cotton's Week: April 1, 2005
       Cotton's Week: April 15, 2005
       Cotton's Week: April 22, 2005
       Cotton's Week: April 8, 2005
       Cotton's Week: August 12, 2005
       Cotton's Week: August 19, 2005
       Cotton's Week: August 26, 2005
       Cotton's Week: August 5, 2005
       Cotton's Week: December 16, 2005
       Cotton's Week: December 2, 2005
       Cotton's Week: December 29, 2005
       Cotton's Week: December 9, 2005
       Cotton's Week: February 11, 2005
       Cotton's Week: February 18, 2005
       Cotton's Week: February 25, 2005
       Cotton's Week: February 4, 2005
       Cotton's Week: July 1, 2005
       Cotton's Week: July 15, 2005
       Cotton's Week: July 22, 2005
       Cotton's Week: July 29, 2005
       Cotton's Week: July 8, 2005
       Cotton's Week: June 10, 2005
       Cotton's Week: June 17, 2005
       Cotton's Week: June 24, 2005
       Cotton's Week: June 3, 2005
       Cotton's Week: March 11, 2005
       Cotton's Week: March 18, 2005
       Cotton's Week: March 4, 2005
       Cotton's Week: May 13, 2005
       Cotton's Week: May 20, 2005
       Cotton's Week: May 27, 2005
       Cotton's Week: May 6, 2005
       Cotton's Week: November 11, 2005
       Cotton's Week: November 18, 2005
       Cotton's Week: November 4, 2005
       Cotton's Week: October 14, 2005
       Cotton's Week: October 21, 2005
       Cotton's Week: October 28, 2005
       Cotton's Week: October 7, 2005
       Cotton's Week: September 16, 2005
       Cotton's Week: September 2, 2005
       Cotton's Week: September 30, 2005
       Cotton's Week: September 9, 2005
       Cotton's Week: September 23, 2005
       Cotton's Week: April 29, 2005
       Cotton's Week: January 14, 2005
       Cotton's Week: January 21, 2005
       Cotton's Week: January 28, 2005
       Cotton's Week: January 7, 2005
       Cotton's Week: March 24, 2005
      2006 Cotton's Week Archive
       Cotton's Week: April 21, 2006
       Cotton's Week: August 11, 2006
       Cotton's Week: August 18, 2006
       Cotton's Week: August 25, 2006
       Cotton's Week: August 4, 2006
       Cotton's Week: December 1, 2006
       Cotton's Week: December 15, 2006
       Cotton's Week: December 29, 2006
       Cotton's Week: December 8, 2006
       Cotton's Week: February 10, 2006
       Cotton's Week: February 17, 2006
       Cotton's Week: February 24, 2006
       Cotton's Week: February 3, 2006
       Cotton's Week: January 13, 2006
       Cotton's Week: January 20, 2006
       Cotton's Week: January 27, 2006
       Cotton's Week: July 14, 2006
       Cotton's Week: July 21, 2006
       Cotton's Week: July 28, 2006
       Cotton's Week: July 7, 2006
       Cotton's Week: June 16, 2006
       Cotton's Week: June 2, 2006
       Cotton's Week: June 23, 2006
       Cotton's Week: June 30, 2006
       Cotton's Week: June 9, 2006
       Cotton's Week: March 10, 2006
       Cotton's Week: March 17, 2006
       Cotton's Week: March 24, 2006
       Cotton's Week: March 31, 2006
       Cotton's Week: May 12, 2006
       Cotton's Week: May 19, 2006
       Cotton's Week: May 26, 2006
       Cotton's Week: May 5, 2006
       Cotton's Week: November 10, 2006
       Cotton's Week: November 17, 2006
       Cotton's Week: November 3, 2006
       Cotton's Week: October 13, 2006
       Cotton's Week: October 20, 2006
       Cotton's Week: October 27, 2006
       Cotton's Week: October 6, 2006
       Cotton's Week: September 1, 2006
       Cotton's Week: September 15, 2006
       Cotton's Week: September 29, 2006
       Cotton's Week: September 8, 2006
       Cotton's Week: April 13, 2006
       Cotton's Week: April 28, 2006
       Cotton's Week: April 7, 2006
       Cotton's Week: March 3, 2006
       Cotton's Week: September 22, 2006
       Cotton's Week: January 6, 2006
      2007 Cotton's Week Archive
       Cotton's Week: April 13, 2007
       Cotton's Week: April 20, 2007
       Cotton's Week: April 27, 2007
       Cotton's Week: April 5, 2007
       Cotton's Week: August 10, 2007
       Cotton's Week: August 17, 2007
       Cotton's Week: August 24, 2007
       Cotton's Week: August 3, 2007
       Cotton's Week: August 31, 2007
       Cotton's Week: December 14, 2007
       Cotton's Week: December 28, 2007
       Cotton's Week: December 7, 2007
       Cotton's Week: February 16, 2007
       Cotton's Week: February 2, 2007
       Cotton's Week: February 23, 2007
       Cotton's Week: February 9, 2007
       Cotton's Week: January 12, 2007
       Cotton's Week: January 19, 2007
       Cotton's Week: January 26, 2007
       Cotton's Week: January 5, 2007
       Cotton's Week: July 13, 2007
       Cotton's Week: July 20, 2007
       Cotton's Week: July 27, 2007
       Cotton's Week: July 6, 2007
       Cotton's Week: June 1, 2007
       Cotton's Week: June 15, 2007
       Cotton's Week: June 22, 2007
       Cotton's Week: June 29, 2007
       Cotton's Week: June 8, 2007
       Cotton's Week: March 16, 2007
       Cotton's Week: March 2, 2007
       Cotton's Week: March 23, 2007
       Cotton's Week: March 30, 2007
       Cotton's Week: March 9, 2007
       Cotton's Week: May 11, 2007
       Cotton's Week: May 18, 2007
       Cotton's Week: May 25, 2007
       Cotton's Week: May 4, 2007
       Cotton's Week: November 16, 2007
       Cotton's Week: November 2, 2007
       Cotton's Week: November 30, 2007
       Cotton's Week: November 9, 2007
       Cotton's Week: October 12, 2007
       Cotton's Week: October 19, 2007
       Cotton's Week: October 26, 2007
       Cotton's Week: October 5, 2007
       Cotton's Week: September 14, 2007
       Cotton's Week: September 21, 2007
       Cotton's Week: September 28, 2007
       Cotton's Week: September 7, 2007
      2008 Cotton's Week Archive
       Cotton's Week: April 11, 2008
       Cotton's Week: April 18, 2008
       Cotton's Week: April 25, 2008
       Cotton's Week: April 4, 2008
       Cotton's Week: August 1, 2008
       Cotton's Week: August 15, 2008
       Cotton's Week: August 22, 2008
       Cotton's Week: August 29, 2008
       Cotton's Week: August 8, 2008
       Cotton's Week: December 12, 2008
       Cotton's Week: December 19, 2008
       Cotton's Week: December 5, 2008
       Cotton's Week: February 1, 2008
       Cotton's Week: February 22, 2008
       Cotton's Week: February 29, 2008
       Cotton's Week: February 8, 2008
       Cotton's Week: January 11, 2008
       Cotton's Week: January 18, 2008
       Cotton's Week: January 25, 2008
       Cotton's Week: January 4, 2008
       Cotton's Week: July 11, 2008
       Cotton's Week: July 18, 2008
       Cotton's Week: July 25, 2008
       Cotton's Week: July 3, 2008
       Cotton's Week: June 12, 2008
       Cotton's Week: June 20, 2008
       Cotton's Week: June 27, 2008
       Cotton's Week: June 6, 2008
       Cotton's Week: March 14, 2008
       Cotton's Week: March 20, 2008
       Cotton's Week: March 28, 2008
       Cotton's Week: March 7, 2008
       Cotton's Week: May 16, 2008
       Cotton's Week: May 2, 2008
       Cotton's Week: May 23, 2008
       Cotton's Week: May 30, 2008
       Cotton's Week: May 9, 2008
       Cotton's Week: November 14, 2008
       Cotton's Week: November 21, 2008
       Cotton's Week: November 7, 2008
       Cotton's Week: October 10, 2008
       Cotton's Week: October 17, 2008
       Cotton's Week: October 24, 2008
       Cotton's Week: October 3, 2008
       Cotton's Week: October 31, 2008
       Cotton's Week: September 12, 2008
       Cotton's Week: September 19, 2008
       Cotton's Week: September 26, 2008
       Cotton's Week: September 5, 2008
       Cotton's Week: February 15, 2008
      2009 Cotton's Week Archive
       Cotton's Week: February 13, 2009
       Cotton's Week: February 20, 2009
       Cotton's Week: February 27, 2009
       Cotton's Week: February 6, 2009
       Cotton's Week: January 16, 2009
       Cotton's Week: January 2, 2009
       Cotton's Week: January 23, 2009
       Cotton's Week: January 30, 2009
       Cotton's Week: January 9, 2009
       Cotton's Week: March 6, 2009
     National Cotton Council Meetings
      2002 Annual Meeting
       Cotton Incorporated Report
       NCC 19th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey
       NCC Chairman's Report
      2002 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       Cotton's Interest in the 2002 Farm Bill
       Free Trade . . . What Kind of Yarn Are We Spinning?
       Marketplace Insights
       Report of NCC Chairman
      2002 Fall Board Meeting
       Cotton Council International Report
       Farm Bill Implementation and the International Trade Agenda
       NCC Chairman's Report
       U.S. and World Cotton Economic Outlook
       Washington Report
      2002 Spring Board Meeting
       Cotton Council International Report
       National Cotton Council Chairman's Report
       Report of The Cotton Foundation
       Report on Trade Issues
       U.S. and World Cotton Economic Outlook
       Washington Update
      2003 Annual Meeting
       Vision, Strategy, Results - The Year in Perspective
      2003 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       Conservation Title: What's In It For You
       International Trade Policy: A Major Influence On The Economic Viability Of The U.S. Cotton Industry
       Key Issues Facing Agriculture
       Marketplace Insights
       Report of NCC Chairman
      2003 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       Committee for the Advancement of Cotton Report
       Cotton Council International Report
       Cotton Foundation Report
       NCC Chairman's Report
       U.S. and World Cotton Economic Outlook
      2004 Annual Meeting
       NCC Chairman's Report
       Who is Your Competitor in 2010?
      2004 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       Farm Program Support Mechanisms
       How Do We Produce and How Do We Sell It?
       Leadership Tour of Brazil, A Report
       Marketplace Insights
       Report of NCC Chairman
       Trade Issues Facing the U.S. Cotton Industry
       Washington Update
      2004 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       Committee For the Advancement of Cotton
       Cotton Council International Report
       Cotton Foundation Report
       Economic Update
       Istanbul Initiative and Textile Safeguards
       Rack Sample Study Committee Report
       Report of the NCC Chairman
       Trade Policy Issues
       Washington Report
      2005 Annual Meeting
       NCC Chairman's Report
       Remarks of Sen. Thad Cochran
      2005 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       Managing Lint Quality, Making a Profit: An Economic Perspective
       Market Place Insights
       Plant Protection and Biotech Products in the Pipeline
       Report of NCC Chairman
      2005 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       CCI President's Report
       Cotton Economic Report
       International Trade Policy Report
       NCC Chairman's Report
      2006 American Cotton Producers Meeting
       Cotton Crop Insurance Program
       Cotton Economic Outlook
       Farm Bill/Trade Issues Update
       Update on USDA 1614 Payments Report
       Wal-Mart Sustainability Project
       Washington Update
      2006 Annual Meeting
       Arizona Ginner to Lead NCGA in 2006
       Cotton Service Award Honors Bruce Brumfield
       Hardwick Elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Helms to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2006
       Increased Global Demand Key to U.S Cotton’s Economic Health
       National Cotton Council 2006 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2006 Directors
       NCC Chairman's Report
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 14.44 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2006
       North Carolina Producer Named CCI President For 2006
      2006 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       Cotton's Global Market
       Dr. Daryl Bowman is 2005 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
       Eastland: NCC Committed to Technology Development/Transfer
       High Cotton Winners Focus on Conservation to Improve Yields, Profits
       Retiring USDA-ARS Ginning Scientists Recognized
       Trade Issues Facing U.S. Cotton
      2006 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       Cotton Council International Report
      2007 American Cotton Producers Meeting
       Brazil Cotton Case Compliance Discussion
       NCC Chairman's Comments
       Report - Doha Draft Modalities for Agriculture
      2007 Annual Meeting
       Adams Elected 2007 Cotton Council International President
       Cotton Achievement Award Honors William Garrard
       Cotton Service Award Honors Bruce Heiden
       Georgia Ginner to Lead NCGA in '07
       Hardwick Re-elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Industry Delegates’ 2007 Resolutions Will Help NCC Meet Challenges in Farm Policy, Trade Arenas
       National Cotton Council Names 2007 Directors
       NCC Survey: Producers to Plant 13.2 Million Acres of Upland/ELS Cotton in 2007
       Pucheu to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2007
       U.S. Cotton Industry Grappling With Competitive Global Marketplace
      2007 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       2007 High Cotton Award Winners Honored
       Agriculture Secretary Johanns Addressing '07 BWCC
       Dr. Richard Percy is 2006 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
       Opening Remarks
      2007 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       NCC Chairman's Report at '07 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       Trade Policy Issues Report to '07 NCC Mid-Year Meeting
      2008 American Cotton Producers/Cotton Foundation
      2008 Annual Meeting
       Chuck Coley Elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Cotton Achievement Award Honors Lon Mann
       Cotton Service Award Honors Kenneth Hood
       Industry Delegates' 2008 Resolutions Will Help NCC Meet Challenges in Farm Policy, Trade Arenas
       McClendon to Lead the National Cotton Council in ’08
       National Cotton Council 2008 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2008 Directors
       NCC Sees Lower U.S. Cotton Production, Tightening Stocks
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 9.5 Million Acres of Upland/ELS Cotton in 2008
       Weil, II Elected 2008 Cotton Council International President
       West Texas Ginner to Lead NCGA in 2008
      2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       2008 High Cotton Winners Enjoying Benefits of Farming ‘Ugly’
       Cotton Economic Update
       NCC Chairman's Report
       Paterson is 2007 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
      2008 Mid-Year Board Meeting
       Cotton Economic Outlook (Script)
       NCC Chairman's Report
       Trade Policy Report (Script)
      2009 NCC Annual Meeting
       Chuck Coley Re-Elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Cotton Achievement Award Honors Charles F. Youngker
       Cotton Service Award Honors Georgia Cotton Leader
       Hardwick to Lead the National Cotton Council in ’09
       Mid-South Ginner to Lead NCGA in 2009
       National Cotton Council 2009 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names '09 Directors
       NCC Says US Cotton Industry Outlook Tied to Demand Recovery
       NCC Survey Suggests US Cotton Producers to Plant 8.11 Million Acres in '09
       Sharp Elected 2009 Cotton Council International President
       US Cotton Industry Leaders For '09
      2009 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       “Improving Our Farm, Future and World” Is 2009 Beltwide Cotton Conferences’ Theme
       2009 High Cotton Winners Display Environmental Ethic in Communities
       Cotton Economic Update
       National Cotton Council Report
       Trio Honored With 2008 Cotton Genetics Research Award
       Annual Meeting Sponsors
       Annual Meeting Staff Housing Reservations
       Convention Program
       Delegate Information
       General Information
       Hospitality Tours
       Hotel Reservations
       Memphis Area Attractions
       Schedule at a Glance
       Special Events
       'Technology - The Common Thread' Is Theme of 2002 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       2001 High Cotton Winners True Stewards Of The Environment
       2001 PIE Program Tour Dates Set
       2001-2002 Cotton Leadership Class Chosen
       Alabama Cotton Producer Jimmy Sanford is Recipient of Cotton Service Award
       Alabama?s Charles Burmester named Extension Cotton Specialist of the Year
       Aventis Offers Scholarship Money To Grow Young Minds
       Bale Packaging Materials Specifications Available at NCC?s Web Site
       Bayer Grant Will Support Journal of Cotton Science
       Burnett Leaving National Cotton Council CEO Post
       CCI Showcasing U.S. Cotton to Global Home Furnishings Retailers
       Cotton Grower Millennium Grant
       Cotton Industry Continues to Urge Prompt Action on New Farm Legislation; Expresses Concerns about Sen. Lugar?s Farm Bill Proposal
       Cotton Industry Export Promotion Effort Bolstered by Cotton Foundation Grant
       Cottonseed Assistance Payment Estimated at $15.53 Per Ton
       Current Uncertainties Do Not Diminish Need for ?Sound Farm Policy?
       Delegates Will Be Asked to Provide Vision at 2001 National Cotton Council Annual Meeting
       Echols Calls For Industry Unity on Farm Bill Needs
       Efforts to Secure Immediate Assistance Reviewed in Texas Meetings
       Exports are Key to Economic Health of 2001 U.S. Cotton Crop Year
       Far West Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas Producers
       Gaylon Booker Named NCC President, CEO
       Grow Smart Scholarships Available
       Hollis Isbell Re-elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       House Action Critical for Effective Long-Term Farm Policy
       House Ag Committee Letter Supports Additional Funding
       Impact of USDA Farm Policy Book Uncertain
       Joan Vass U.S.A. Is Recipient of U.S. Cotton Champion Award for 2001
       Lon Mann Honored as Top Ginner by NCGA
       Mid-South Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Southeastern Peers
       National Cotton Council 2001 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2001 Directors
       National Cotton Women?s Committee Asking Consumers To Shop for U.S. Cotton Clothing, Home Furnishings
       NC State Student Tapped For Millennium Scholarship
       NCC Announces New Legal Affairs Arrangement
       NCC Chairman Echols Says Continued Government Assistance Necessary
       NCC Conveys Urgency of Farm Law Passage to Secretary Veneman
       NCC Delegates Focus on Farm Program Specifics
       NCC Outlines Farm Bill Needs to Key Senate Panel
       NCC Past President Jack Hamilton Dead at 71
       NCC Says House Agriculture Committee?s Proposal Provides Good Foundation for Effective Farm Law
       NCC Says House Panel?s Farm Bill Concept Solid First Step
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 15.9 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2001
       NCC Unveils Enhanced Web Site
       NCC Will Continue to Seek Improvement in Agriculture Relief Package
       NCC Working to Improve Cotton Yield/Quality; Shape Future Farm Policy
       NCC, Other Ag Groups Press for Farm Law Adoption this Year
       NCC: Bollgard Decision Timely; Producer Compliance Encouraged
       NCC: Farm Programs Must Provide Income Support
       NCC: Proper Bale Sampling Procedures a Must
       NCC: Trade Policy Should Keep U.S. Cotton Competitive Worldwide
       NCC: Senate Adoption of House Emergency Assistance Bill Imperative
       NCC:  WTO Negotiation Goals Workable
       NCC: U.S. Textiles Crisis Threatening Nation?s Cotton Infrastructure
       NCC?s Upgraded Risk Management Network Now Ready For Use
       Proceeds From Cotton Farming Benefit Auction To Help National Cotton Women's Committee
       Quick Resumption of Farm Bill Deliberations Absolutely Essential, Says NCC Chairman
       Roger Malkin Honored As Recipient of Cotton Industry Achievement Award
       Senate Ag Committee Bill Has Potential to Restore U.S. Cotton Profitability
       Senate Commended for Action to Help U.S. Farmers
       Sleepwear Standards Reduce Consumer Confusion, Enhance Safety
       Southeast Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Mid-South Peers
       Tennessee Merchant Named NCC Chairman For 2001
       Texas Cooperative Official Named As CCI President For 2001
       Texas Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Far West Peers
       Texas Research Geneticist Receives 2000 Cotton Genetics Research Award
       U.S. Companies To Showcase Quality Textiles in Europe
       U.S. Cotton Joins Other Farm Organizations in Urging Senate Action on Emergency Assistance for Agriculture
       U.S. Cotton Needs Viable Government Partnership to Meet Stiff International Trade Competition
       University of Arkansas Scientist Receives 2001 Cotton Physiology Award
       USDA Announces Start of Crop Disaster Payments
       USDA Farm Policy Book Consistent With Congressional Farm Bill
       “Cotton Counts Grow Smart” Scholarship Winners Announced
       ?In Harmony ? Research, Resources, Results? Is Beltwide Theme
       2002 P.I.E. Program Tours Set
       2002-2003 Cotton Leadership Class Chosen
       2003 ?Beltwide? Focus:  Farm Law to Farming Innovations
       Arkansas Research Geneticist Receives Cotton Genetics Research Award
       Bailey Boys Is U.S. Cotton Champion Award Recipient for 2002
       COTTON USA Sourcing Fair Aimed at Increasing U.S. Cotton Yarn, Fabric Sales
       Cotton, Textile Groups Urge Correction of Strong Dollar
       Disaster Assistance Legislation Introduced
       Environmental Stewardship a High Priority
       EPA Completes Bidrin Reassessment
       FAPRI Analyst Gary Adams Joins NCC as Vice President for Economics and Policy Analysis
       Farm Bill Finalization, Favorable Trade Negotiations Are Critical to U.S. Cotton Industry?s Economic Recovery
       Harvest Management, Boll Weevil Eradication Reference Books Available
       Improved Genetic Background Promises Improved Fiber Quality
       Jerry Harris of West Texas Honored As Top Ginner By U.S. Ginning Industry
       Lange, Maguire Are Nominees for NCC?s Top Staff Positions
       Mark Williams Elected Chairman of ACP
       Mississippi Producer to Serve as NCC Chairman For 2002
       National Cotton Council 2002 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2002 Directors
       NCC Commends House Conferees? Farm Bill Proposal and Urges Timely Acceptance by Senate Leadership
       NCC Commends Senate Farm Bill Passage, Urges President's Swift Action
       NCC Conveys Concerns on APHIS Transfer Proposal
       NCC Disappointed With Senate Action on Payment Limits Amendment
       NCC Joins Other Farm Groups in Urging Rejection of Provisions That Would Alter New Farm Law Policy
       NCC Pleased with Farm Bill Agreement, Urges Swift Approval
       NCC Statement Regarding Rep. Combest Resignation
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 14.74 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2002
       NCC to Review Key Farm Law Provisions in Cotton Belt Meetings
       NCC Welcomes Louisiana House Members? Action
       NCC Welcomes Texas Senate Members? Action
       NCC: Brazil?s Complaints on U.S. Cotton Programs Unwarranted
       NCWC Launches 'Cotton Counts' Program
       New NCC Web Site Login Process
       New Varieties And U.S. Cotton Quality
       North Carolina Cotton Merchant Recipient of Cotton Service Award
       Panel to Study Lightweight Bale Occurrence
       Restoration of U.S. Cotton?s Health Hinges on U.S. Farm Policy, Trade Agreements, China?s Import Plans
       Secretary Veneman, Sen. Hutchison, Chairman Combest to Shed Light on Farm Bill Process at NCC Annual Meeting
       Securing Key Farm Law Provisions Challenges Cotton, Agriculture
       Sourcing USA Summit Brings Together World?s Top Cotton Buyers and U.S. Cotton Exporters
       Sykes Martin Honored As Recipient of Cotton Industry Achievement Award
       Tennessee Merchant Named CCI President for 2002
       U.S. and World Cotton Supply & Demand Outlook
       U.S. Cotton Encouraged By Conferees? Farm Bill Budget Allocation
       U.S. Cotton Industry Concerned about Brazilian Petition
       U.S. Cotton Reiterates Opposition to Farm Law Amendments
       USDA Research Leader John Burke Receives 2002 Cotton Physiology Award
       USTR Report Confirms China?s Non-Compliance Under WTO
       ?04 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference to Focus on Principal Cotton Issues, Innovative Farming Strategies
       2003 Cotton Town USA Communities Announced
       2003 High Cotton Winners Staying the Course on Conservation
       2003 P.I.E. Program Tours Set
       2003-04 Cotton Leadership Class Chosen
       2004 Beltwide Cotton Conferences? Focus Is Today's Challenges - Tomorrow's Solutions
       Alabama Ginner to Serve as NCC Chairman For 2003
       California Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Peers From the Southeast
       CCI Maximizing U.S. Cotton Product Export Opportunities in Andean Region
       Commission Report Says No Mid-Term Changes to Farm Law?s Payment Limit Provisions, Eligibility Rules
       Congressional Staff See Cotton Operations in Texas, Arizona
       Cotton Council Joins in Call for Disaster Assistance
       Cotton Counts Scholarship Recipients Announced
       Cotton Service Award Honors Rep. Larry Combest
       Dr. Roy Cantrell is 2002 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
       Fresh Produce Sportswear is 2003 U.S. Cotton Champion Award Recipient
       Grassroots Lobbying Campaign Aimed at Slowing Job-Destroying Textile Imports
       International Textile Customers to See U.S. Cotton Operations, Visit U.S. Exporters
       Jack Hamilton Honored As Cotton Industry Achievement Award Recipient
       Labor Union UNITE Joins Textile/Fiber Coalition
       Lange Named NCC President, CEO
       Mark Williams Re-elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Mississippi Producer Named CCI President for 2003
       National Cotton Council 2003 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2003 Directors
       NCC Applauds Much-Needed China Textile Safeguard Decision
       NCC Chairman's Report to the Southern Cotton Ginners Association Ag Update
       NCC Cites Western Hemisphere Trade Agreements? Potential and Pitfalls for U.S. Cotton Industry
       NCC Continues Push for Fair Trade Policy
       NCC Joins Coalition Effort Aimed at Stemming Tide of Chinese Imports
       NCC Lauds Cochran?s Declaration on WTO Ag Trade Negotiations
       NCC Letter to the Editor to The New York Times
       NCC Policy to Target U.S. Cotton Industry Stability, Profitability
       NCC President/CEO Lange Chosen to Address Payment Limits Commission Workshop
       NCC Quality Task Force Adopts Bale Moisture Recommendation
       NCC Supportive of Progressive Trade Policy; Concerned With Division Within World Trade Organization
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 14.05 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2003
       NCC Taking Applications for 2003-04 Cotton Leadership Class
       NCC Urges No Changes in Payment Limit Provisions, Eligibility Rules
       NCC Urges Use of Approved Bale Packaging Materials
       NCC: Grassley Amendment Adds Unnecessary Burden to Production Agriculture
       NCC: Leave Farm Law Funding Intact
       NCC:  Payment Limits Bill Would Be Disruptive
       Preserving Domestic Demand, Expanding International Market Access Critical to U.S. Cotton Industry?s Success
       South Texas Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Their Peers From the Mid-South
       Southeastern Cotton Producers to Share Innovations With Their Peers From the Far West
       Step 2 Program Vital to U.S. Cotton Competitiveness
       Study Shows Biotech is Key Factor in Move to Conservation Tillage in Cotton
       Textile/Fiber Coalition and 165 Senators and Representatives Urge Action on China Safeguard
       Textile/Fiber Coalition CEOs Announce Grassroots Lobbying Campaign to Slow Job-Destroying Imports
       Textile/Fiber Coalition Wins Victory on China Safeguards
       Three Textile China Safeguard Petitions Clear Initial Procedural Hurdle
       Trade and U.S. Cotton - Facts and Objectives
       Trade Fair Aims to Spur Business for U.S. Textile Makers
       U.S. Cotton Faces Challenges ? From Farm Policy Preservation to EffectiveTrade Agreement Negotiations
       U.S. Cotton Sector?s Survival Hinges on Farm, Trade Policy Compatibility
       U.S. Offer on Vietnam Market Access Damages U.S. Cotton/Hemispheric Partners
       United Textile Industry Demands Action on China Trade Policy
       United Textile Industry Urges Presidential Action
       University of Arkansas Scientist Receives 2002 Cotton Physiology Award
       USTR Praised for Attempts to Get Good WTO Agreement
       USTR Proposal on Trade Distortion Discussions Much Needed
       West Texan Myrl Mitchell Honored As Top Ginner
       2004 High Cotton Winners Share a Common Passion
       2004 P.I.E. Program Tours Set
       2004-05 Cotton Leadership Class Chosen
       AgWeb Expands Cotton Coverage
       California Cooperative Official to Lead Cotton Council International
       Charges of U.S. Overproduction of Cotton Misplaced
       CITA Announces Acceptance of Safeguard Petitions
       Cotton Service Award Honors Veteran NCC Staffer Gaylon Booker
       Cotton Subcommittee Must Enhance Goal of Comprehensive Agreement
       Dates Set for Popular Ginners School
       Domestic Support Provisions of WTO Framework Agreement Clarified
       Dr. Peggy Thaxton is 2003 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
       Former NCC Economist McDonald “Mac” Horne Dies
       Hurricanes Rendering Severe Economic Losses to Cotton Farms
       Innovation and Application – the Competitive Edge Theme of 2005 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       J. Jill Group is 2004 U.S. Cotton Champion Award Recipient
       John E. Pucheu, Jr., Elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Keeping Farm Law Intact, Influencing Trade Negotiations Continue as National Cotton Council Priorities in 2004
       Marek Joins NCC Communication Services
       Market Disruption Relief Sought Through Safeguard Petitions
       National Cotton Council Names 2004 Directors
       NCC Backs New Endangered Species Rule
       NCC Calls For Preservation of Successful Farm Law
       NCC Challenges Brazil Economic Information
       NCC Committed to WTO-Compliant Federal Cotton Program
       NCC Concerned with Reports of Panel Decision
       NCC Disagrees With Brazil/U.S. Dispute Panel’s Decision
       NCC Firmly Behind USTR Appeal in Brazil/U.S. Dispute
       NCC Has Concerns with WTO Framework Text
       NCC Joins in Trade Priorities Reaffirmation and Push
       NCC Policy, Programs to Provide Solutions to Industry Concerns
       NCC Survey Suggests U.S. Producers to Plant 14.76 Million Acres of Upland and ELS Cotton in 2004
       NCC: Draft WTO Framework Unacceptable
       NCC: Nominee Johanns Should Prove Positive for Production Agriculture
       NCC: Senator Chambliss Extraordinary Choice for Agriculture Panel
       Shifting Demand Continues for U.S. Cotton Industry
       Sid Brough to Lead National Cotton Ginners Association in 2004
       Slinsky Joins NCC Economic Services
       Texas Cooperative Official Named CCI President For 2004
       Texas Producer to Serve as NCC Chairman For 2004
       U.S. Cotton Industry Looking For Leaders
       U.S. to File Aggressive Appeal in Brazil WTO Case; NCC Weary of Economic Misinformation
       U.S./Brazil Dispute Final Report Expected
       USDA Approves 2004 Bale Packaging Materials Specifications
       USDA, NCC Re-Schedule West African Meeting
       USDA-ARS Scientist Receives 2003 Cotton Physiology Award
       Veneman Gave U.S. Agriculture Resolute Service, Leadership
       Veneman Meets With West African Ministers at Conclusion of U.S. Cotton Tour
       2005 High Cotton Winners Reducing Tillage, Adapting To Challenges
       2006 Beltwide Production Conference Agenda Taking Shape
       Applications Being Accepted for 2005-06 Cotton Leadership Class
       Cotton Industry Achievement Award Honors Echols
       Cotton Service Award Honors Charlie Stenholm
       DR-CAFTA Will Strengthen Southeastern Cotton Producers
       Dr. Wayne Smith is 2004 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient
       EU Abandons Single Undertaking, Jeopardizing Doha Round
       Farm Law Changes, Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Arizona and Western Agriculture
       Farm Law Changes, Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Arkansas and U.S. Agriculture
       Farm Law Changes, Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Georgia and U.S. Agriculture
       Farm Law Changes, Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Texas and U.S. Agriculture
       Hong Kong Draft Text Abandons Single Undertaking
       Industry Affirms Support for DR-CAFTA
       John E. Pucheu, Jr., Re-elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers
       Larry McClendon to Lead National Cotton Ginners in 2005
       Lilly Pulitzer® is 2005 U.S. Cotton Champion Award Recipient
       Memphis Merchant Named CCI President for 2005
       National Cotton Council 2005 State Unit Officers Named
       National Cotton Council Names 2005 Directors
       NCC Commends Chairman Chambliss on Developing Balanced Reconciliation Package
       NCC Commends Textile Safeguard Proceedings’ Initiation
       NCC Commends Work on Reconciliation Packages
       NCC Concerned With Raw Cotton Import Offer
       NCC Engaged in Preserving Farm Law Integrity and Addressing Major Trade Issues
       NCC Expresses Gratitude to Sen. Frist for Hearing Farmers
       NCC Grateful for Senators’ Payment Limitations Opposition
       NCC Opposes Administration’s Step 2 Cotton Program Proposal
       NCC Pleased With Administration’s Swift Safeguard Action
       NCC Praises Congressional Members for Cotton Support in Upcoming Doha Negotiations
       NCC Producer Leaders Attend Pro-CAFTA Rally
       NCC Responds to African WTO Cotton Proposal
       NCC Says 13.73 Million Cotton Acres in 2005
       NCC Sees Beef Checkoff Court Ruling as Positive
       NCC STATEMENT at Ag Trade Coalition Press Conference in Hong Kong
       NCC Statement on WTO Appellate Ruling
       NCC Supporting America’s Heartland TV Series
       NCC Supports Industry Safeguard Petitions, Commends Administration
       NCC Welcomes Crowder Appointment
       NCC: Cultivation of China as Customer Imperative
       NCC: Hong Kong Text Inequitable; Abandons Single Undertaking for Agriculture
       STATEMENT - On The U.S. Proposal For WTO Agricultural Negotiations
       STATEMENT: Senate Budget Reconciliation Package
       Textile and Apparel Imports from China Flood U.S. Market
       The Challenge: Building Greater Global Cotton Demand
       Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Kansas Agriculture
       Tighter Payment Limits Would Harm Oklahoma Agriculture
       U.S Cotton Industry Will Tackle a Capitol Agenda
       U.S. Cotton Industry Faces Challenging Economic Climate
       U.S. Cotton Wants Positive Doha Outcome; But NCC Opposes Singling Out Cotton
       U.S. Program Will Help Rural Africans Live Better
       Woods Eastland to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2005
       WTO Ag Agreement Must Be Single Undertaking; Provide Meaningful Benefits to Farmers
      2006 News Releases
       “Equipping for Excellence” is Theme of 2007 Beltwide Cotton Conferences
       2006 P.I.E. Program Tours Set
       2006-07 Cotton Leadership Class Completes First Session
       2006-07 Cotton Leadership Class Participants Selected
       Applications Being Accepted for 2006-07 Cotton Leadership Class
       Cotton Council International Celebrates 50th Anniversary
       Current Farm Law Working Well; Sound Basis for Future Policy
       Multi-Commodity Exchange Is A Win-Win
       NCC Hosting Weed Resistance Course
       NCC Positioned to Tackle Industry Challenges
       NCC Response to 2006 Crop Storage, Handling and Ginning Regulations
       NCC Stands Behind Talent-Lincoln Bill
       NCC Urges Administration to Protect Production Agriculture Interests by Maintaining Principles in WTO Proposal
       NCC Urges Disaster Assistance for Cotton Producers
       NCC: Federal Research Cuts Would Close Ginning Labs
       NCC: Proposed Budget Undermines Current Law
       U.S., Chinese Cotton Industries Pledge Cooperation
      2007 News Releases
       2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences -- Seize the Opportunity
       2008 BWCC Features Theme of “Orchestrate Your Opportunities”
       25th Cotton Leadership Class Participants Selected
       Beltwide Conferences Aim to Help Producers Maximize Opportunities
       Brazilian Government Suppressed Prices While Arguing Against U.S. Cotton Program
       Compliance Panel’s Ruling Disappointing
       Cotlook to Discontinue Northern Europe “A” Index
       Cotton Session Undermines WTO Process; Is Unfair to U.S. Cotton Farmers
       Facts Do Not Support Brazil’s Claims in WTO Dispute
       Mid-South Cotton Producers to Host Southeast Peers
       National Cotton Council Statement on the Doha Draft Modalities
       NCC Announces Dynamic Information Delivery Tools
       NCC Commends U.S. Negotiators
       NCC Concerned With WTO Negotiations' Direction
       NCC Lauds Senators Chambliss, Lincoln For Strong Efforts to Preserve Farm Bill
       NCC Pleased with House Passage of New Farm Legislation
       NCC Reviewing House Ag Committee Language
       NCC Supportive of Subcommittee’s Farm Law Extension
       NCC Unity Boosted Farm Bill Process; WTO Actions Stifling U.S. Cotton’s Competitiveness
       NCC: Marketing Loan Is Essential Tool; ’02 Farm Law Good Foundation for New Legislation
       North Dakota Visit Completes First Year’s Exchange
       Representatives Convey Serious Concerns with Doha Cotton Text
       Senate Panel Asked to Expedite Action on Farm Legislation
       Senators Urge Rejection of WTO Cotton Provisions
       Southeast Cotton Producers to Host Mid-South Peers
       Texas Cotton Producers to Host Western Peers
       U.S. Cotton Quality Strides Emphasized to Chinese Customers
       USDA Issues Farm Bill Proposal
       Weed Resistance Management Plan Is Sound Pre-Planting Strategy
       Western Cotton Producers to Host Southwest Peers
       WTO Panel Finding Inconsistent with World Cotton Market
       2008 P.I.E. Program Tours Set
       Beltwide Cotton Conferences Returning to San Antonio
       Commodity and General Farm Organizations Urge Immediate Release of Farm Law Regulations
       Congressional Members Urge Secretary to Minimize Unnecessary Changes in Farm Programs' Operation
       Congressional Members, U.S. Textile Industry Seek Greater Monitoring of Chinese Textile Imports
       Cotton Organizations Convey Concern Over Farm Law Regulation
       Farm Bill Veto Override Important Step
       Farm Bill Veto Override Urged Now
       Federal Cotton Program Works, Expenditures Declining
       Keith Menchey Rejoins National Cotton Council
       Mid-South Cotton Growers Urged to Attend Best Management Practices Workshop
       NCC Applauds Cotton Program Implementation and Efforts by Senator Saxby Chambliss
       NCC Applauds House Vote on Farm Bill
       NCC Concerned With Peterson-Goodlatte Farm Bill Conference Proposal
       NCC Conducting Farm Law Informational Meetings
       NCC Disappointed in WTO Appellate Body Ruling
       NCC Praises USTR’s Filing of Appeal in U.S.-Brazil Cotton Case
       NCC Reiterates Call For Improved Commodity Markets Regulation
       NCC Statement on Brazil-U.S. Cotton WTO Case
       NCC Vice Chairman Jay Hardwick to Lead Cotton Leadership Delegation in Exchange with China
       NCC Welcomes Conference Committee Agreement
       Rangel Orders Monitoring of Textile and Apparel Imports from China
       Senate Farm Bill Approval Commended by the NCC
       Southwest Cotton Growers Urged to Attend BMP Workshop
       Sunbelt Agriculture's Challenges Must Be Understood
       Textile Mills Economic Assistance Clears Hurdle
       WTO Negotiations Could Undermine Farm Bill Efforts
       President’s Budget Undermines Confidence in Farm Policy
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     Outside Storage of Extra Long Staple Cotton
      Approved Bagging Manufacturers/Importers
      Approved Plastic Strapping Manufacturers
      JCIBPC Test Programs
      Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee Meeting Pre-Registration
      Letter to State and Regional Gin Associations and Cotton Warehouse Associations Regarding Misshapened Bales
      Participating Gin/Warehouse Form for Bagging
      Participating Gin/Warehouse Form for Plastic Strap
      Permanent Bale ID Tag Update
      Specifications for Permanent Bale Identification Bale Tags
      U.S. Cotton Bale Dimensions
      2008 Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials
       1. Specifications For Bale Ties
       2. Specifications For Bagging
       3. Official Tare Weights
       Additional Information & Definitions
       Archived Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials
       Bale Specification Table of Contents
       Recommended Patching Materials
      Explanation of Mandatory Reporting Requirements Found in Amendment 2 to the (USDA CCC-823) Cotton Storage Agreement
      PCIT Training Webinars for Industry Users
      Rack Sample Study Committee Report
      U.S. Warehouses Not Complying with Mandatory Reporting
      Boll Weevil Eradication Program
       Eradication Administration, Program Operations, and Components
       Eradication Economic and Environmental Benefits
       History of the Eradication Program
      Pink Bollworm Eradication
      Cotton Nematode Research and Education Program
        New Mexico
        North Carolina
        South Carolina
      Cotton Seedling Disease Research Program
      Cotton Physiology Today
      Just Build It: Seed-Cotton Storage & Handling in Modules
      Just Tarp It: Selecting a Module Cover
      Prevent Lint Contamination
      Biosecurity/Agroterrorism: Voluntary USDA Pre-Harvest Security Guidelines and Checklist for Growers
      DHS Chemical Rule May Impact Farms, Gins, Oil Mills
      Fire and Building Codes and Storage of Baled Cotton
      Hazardous Materials Transport Rules
      NCC Memo/Fact Sheet on FDA’s Food/Feed Bioterrorism Rule
      PCIT System Training Industry Invitation
      Warehouse Security Plans for CCC Storage Agreement Compliance
      Why Cotton Ginning Is Considered Agriculture
      Worker Protection Standard
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