Corporate social responsibility Reporting

The Living Our Values Corporate Social Responsibility Report contains information on Marathon Oil Corporation's environmental, health and safety, social and economic performance in 2007.

2007_lov_reportThe Report is based on the Oil & Gas Industry Guidance on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting, published jointly by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA). The API/IPIECA Guidance provides a common framework for the petroleum industry to use in reporting non-financial performance. Marathon has included quantitative metrics and descriptions of policies, programs and practices to provide relevant and meaningful information regarding the Company's operations and non-financial performance.

 adobe_icon 2007 Living Our Values Report (PDF; 4.5 MB)
       2007 Interactive Report 


The 2007 Living Our Values Corporate Social Responsibility Report is available by contacting:
Public Affairs
5555 San Felipe Road
Room 4150
Houston, TX 77056-2723
Phone: +1 713-296-3911

Previous Reports

2006_lov_cover                           2005LOVReportCard
2006 Report
(PDF; 3.5 MB)
  2005 Report Card
(PDF, 902 KB)
2006 Interactive Report  


2004LOVReportCover                           2004LOVReportCard
2004 Report
(PDF, 5.9 MB)
  2004 Report Card
(PDF, 577 KB