2007 News Releases

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WTO Panel Finding Inconsistent with World Cotton Market 12/18/2007
The WTO Compliance Panel decision in the Brazil–U.S. cotton case was made public on Dec. 18, and the NCC's initial response is that the ruling is unfortunate, does not adequately consider the changes in the U.S. cotton program that were made, and is inconsistent with both the current world cotton market situation and the U.S. cotton program’s current operation.
NCC Lauds Senators Chambliss, Lincoln For Strong Efforts to Preserve Farm Bill 12/14/2007
NCC leaders welcome Senate passage of farm legislation and applaud Senators Chambliss (R-GA) and Lincoln (D-AR) for convincing their colleagues to reject damaging amendments.
Beltwide Conferences Aim to Help Producers Maximize Opportunities 12/06/2007
The NCC is urging consultants to join cotton producers at the 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences on Jan 8-11 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville.
2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences -- Seize the Opportunity 11/01/2007
The 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences will provide producers insight on what worked and didn’t work in 2007 and offer opportunities for improving sustainability/profitability.
NCC Statement on Senate Ag Committee Farm Bill Markup 10/25/2007
The National Cotton Council deeply appreciates the successful efforts of Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) in guiding farm legislation through the Senate's Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry committee with strong bipartisan support.
Representatives Convey Serious Concerns with Doha Cotton Text 10/18/2007
A group of House Members has sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab citing their concerns with the cotton language in the draft text released by WTO Agriculture Negotiating Chairman Crawford Falconer.
Senate Panel Asked to Expedite Action on Farm Legislation 10/18/2007
The NCC joined with other commodity organizations on a letter to Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA) and that panel’s ranking member, Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) -- urging their prompt action on '07 farm legislation.
NCC Announces Dynamic Information Delivery Tools 10/17/2007
The NCC announced a multi-pronged educational effort aimed at improving U.S. cotton producers’ sustainability, profitability and -- competitiveness.
Compliance Panel’s Ruling Disappointing 10/15/2007
The NCC expressed disappointment with a decision, as reported by the news media from USTR Office statements, that a WTO compliance panel maintained the findings of the interim report released in July regarding a ruling in the case brought by Brazil against U.S. cotton.
Senators Urge Rejection of WTO Cotton Provisions 09/21/2007
A group of Cotton Belt Senators, led by Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), has written Ambassador Susan Schwab of the U.S. Trade Representative’s office urging U.S. negotiators to reject the cotton provisions in the draft WTO text released in late July by Agriculture Negotiating Chairman Crawford Falconer.
25th Cotton Leadership Class Participants Selected 08/30/2007
The 2007-08 cotton leadership class has been chosen by the NCC’s Cotton Leadership Committee.
Brazilian Government Suppressed Prices While Arguing Against U.S. Cotton Program 08/15/2007
The NCC's Counsel, Bill Gillon, told a meeting of the American Cotton Producers and Cotton Foundation that while Brazilian officials were in Geneva arguing that U.S. subsidies were depressing world cotton prices, USDA reports indicate the Brazilian government was busy selling government-held cotton stocks on the Brazilian market in order to lower internal Brazilian cotton prices.
NCC Unity Boosted Farm Bill Process; WTO Actions Stifling U.S. Cotton’s Competitiveness 08/15/2007
NCC Chairman John Pucheu said there's a long way to go in the farm bill process - including upcoming Senate markup.
North Dakota Visit Completes First Year’s Exchange 08/03/2007
A group of Sunbelt growers will see agricultural production/processing and agribusiness operations in North Dakota during August 6-10 as part of the NCC’s Multi-Commodity Education Program.
Southeast Cotton Producers to Host Mid-South Peers 08/03/2007
Cotton producers from the Mid-South will travel to Southeast states, visiting operations in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida August 12-17 for the fourth and final tour of the 2007 Cotton Foundation Producer Information Exchange Program.
Facts Do Not Support Brazil’s Claims in WTO Dispute 07/27/2007
Due to the confidential nature of the interim Panel ruling, the National Cotton Council has not seen the reported WTO decision. Initial press reports indicate that the Panel largely sided with Brazil. If the Panel ruled for Brazil on its serious prejudice claims, though, we believe that it would be contrary to the facts in the world cotton market.
NCC Pleased with House Passage of New Farm Legislation 07/27/2007
NCC Chairman John Pucheu expressed appreciation to Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (MN), General Farm Commodities subcommittee Chairman Etheridge (D-NC) and Cotton Belt members for their work in developing the provisions of the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007 unanimously approved by the Committee and approved by the House of Representatives.
Mid-South Cotton Producers to Host Southeast Peers 07/18/2007
MEMPHIS, TN – Cotton producers from the Southeast will travel to the Mid-South, visiting operations in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi, July 29-August 4 for the third tour of the 2007 Cotton Foundation Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program.
National Cotton Council Statement on the Doha Draft Modalities 07/17/2007
The NCC is alarmed by the draft modalities text issued today by Crawford Falconer, the chairman of the WTO agricultural negotiations.
Texas Cotton Producers to Host Western Peers 07/17/2007
Cotton producers from the Far West will travel to the Southwest, visiting operations in Texas, July 22-26 for the second tour of the 2007 Cotton Foundation Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program.
2008 BWCC Features Theme of “Orchestrate Your Opportunities” 07/09/2007
“Orchestrate Your Opportunities” is the theme of the NCC-coordinated 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences set for January 8-11 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville.
Western Cotton Producers to Host Southwest Peers 06/27/2007
Southwestern cotton producers will visit operations in Arizona and California on July 8-12 during the first tour of the 2007 Cotton Foundation Producer Information Exchange Program.
NCC Commends U.S. Negotiators 06/21/2007
NCC Chairman John Pucheu commended USTR Ambassador Susan Schwab and USDA Secretary Mike Johanns for their continuing efforts to obtain an ambitious and balanced WTO Doha agreement.
NCC Concerned With WTO Negotiations' Direction 06/20/2007
The NCC says the WTO Doha Round negotiations are headed down a path that will “practically ensure an inequitable and unfair outcome for the U.S. cotton industry.”
U.S. Cotton Quality Strides Emphasized to Chinese Customers 06/20/2007
A team of NCC leaders is visiting Beijing to update Chinese cotton industry officials on U.S. cotton quality and to ascertain the needs of this important U.S. raw cotton customer.
NCC Supportive of Subcommittee’s Farm Law Extension 06/19/2007
The General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee unanimously adopted a five-year extension of current law as the basis for the commodities title of the 2007 farm legislation.
NCC Reviewing House Ag Committee Language 06/15/2007
The NCC is reviewing details of the House Committee on Agriculture's preliminary legislative language that serves as the base text for the markup of the commodity title scheduled for June 19.
Cotlook to Discontinue Northern Europe “A” Index 04/04/2007
Cotlook Limited has formally announced their intention to discontinue the Northern Europe “A” Index effective August 1, 2008.
Weed Resistance Management Plan Is Sound Pre-Planting Strategy 03/06/2007
The NCC is reminding cotton producers to visit its online Weed Resistance Learning Module to learn more about weed resistance management programs before they plant this season’s crop.
NCC: Marketing Loan Is Essential Tool; ’02 Farm Law Good Foundation for New Legislation 03/02/2007
NCC Chairman John Pucheu told a Southern Cotton Ginners Association meeting that new farm legislation should be patterned after the basic provisions of the 2002 farm law.
Cotton Session Undermines WTO Process; Is Unfair to U.S. Cotton Farmers 02/22/2007
NCC Chairman John Pucheu says an upcoming WTO cotton session coupled with other WTO activities “is an unfortunate turn of events that can severely undermine the credibility of the WTO dispute settlement process.”
Hardwick Re-elected Chairman of American Cotton Producers 02/07/2007
Jon W. “Jay” Hardwick, a producer from Newellton, LA, was re-elected chairman of the American Cotton Producers of the National Cotton Council for 2007.
National Cotton Council Names 2007 Directors 02/07/2007
NCC directors for 2007 were announced here at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting on February 4.
Pucheu to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2007 02/07/2007
John Pucheu, a Tranquillity, CA, producer, was elected chairman of the National Cotton Council for 2007.
Cotton Achievement Award Honors William Garrard 02/06/2007
AUSTIN, TX – The late William M. Garrard, the first general manager of Staplcotn Cooperative, is the recipient of the 2006 Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award.
Cotton Service Award Honors Bruce Heiden 02/06/2007
Bruce Heiden, a former National Cotton Council president and Board chairman, is the recipient of the 2006 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award for Cotton.
Georgia Ginner to Lead NCGA in '07 02/03/2007
The National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA) elected its officers for 2007 at its annual meeting here on February 3.
U.S. Cotton Industry Grappling With Competitive Global Marketplace 02/03/2007
Dr. Gary Adams, NCC's vice president, Economics and Policy Analysis, said U.S. cotton’s situation in 2007 will be shaped by a number of uncertainties and challenges, but there is some cause for optimism.
Adams Elected 2007 Cotton Council International President 02/02/2007
Michael M. Adams, a Greenwood, MS, cotton cooperative official, will serve as 2007 president of Cotton Council International.
NCC Survey: Producers to Plant 13.2 Million Acres of Upland/ELS Cotton in 2007 02/02/2007
U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 13.2 million acres of cotton this spring, down almost 14 percent from 2006, according to the National Cotton Council’s 24th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey (see table attached).
USDA Issues Farm Bill Proposal 01/31/2007
USDA Issues Farm Bill Proposal
Industry Delegates’ 2007 Resolutions Will Help NCC Meet Challenges in Farm Policy, Trade Arenas 01/30/2007
Delegates at the NCC’s 2007 Annual Meeting will develop policies and programs that will help the U.S. cotton industry to compete effectively and profitably in markets at home and abroad.
Congressional Agriculture Committees Set 01/12/2007
House and Senate Agriculture committee members have been selected for the first session of the 110th Congress.
Dr. Richard Percy is 2006 Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient 01/11/2007
Dr. Richard G. Percy, a USDA Agricultural Research Service research geneticist in Arizona, is the recipient of the 2006 Cotton Genetics Research Award.
Pelosi Announces Second Committee Assignments for Freshmen Members 01/09/2007
Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that the House Democratic Steering Committee approved second committee assignments for freshmen Members.
2007 High Cotton Award Winners Honored 01/08/2007
They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The winners of the 2007 High Cotton awards took one look in that direction and decided they would rather be farming.
Agriculture Secretary Johanns Addressing '07 BWCC 01/05/2007
Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns will deliver the keynote address at the '07 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference on Wednesday, Jan. 10 at 11:30 a.m. in the Sheraton New Orleans’ Grand Ballroom.
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