Celebrate National Wildlife Week from

March 16-20

Research shows that families connected to nature raise healthier kids and inspire a life-long appreciation of the environment.

The National Wildlife Week website offers free resources to make spending time outdoors easier than ever: activities and service project ideas for kids, Wildlife Watch lists of plants and animals near you, and more. Be Out There™.

Join National Wildlife Federation during this annual celebration.

Spend More time outdoors during National Wildlife Week, March 16 - 20

Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat™ Today!

Create a certified wildlife habitat today!

This spring, enjoy watching birds and other small animals gathering in your wildlife-friendly habitat by creating a Certified Wildlife Habitat™ in your yard today.

All you need to certify is to provide four essential elements that wildlife need to survive: food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

Certify your yard today!

Want to Win $5,000?

Enter the 39th Annual Photo Contest

Be a part of our biggest photography competition ever!

We are now accepting entries to our 39th annual contest. Cash prizes totaling $25,000 plus other gifts will be awarded to the winners in seven categories in three separate divisions: Professional, Amateur and Youth.
Renew now and get NWF's hat and scarf set! Adopt an imperiled animal today! Renew today and receive this NWF fleece vest! Subscribe to Ranger Rick's Just for Fun today!

© 1996-2009 National Wildlife Federation | 11100 Wildlife Center Dr, Reston VA 20190 | 800-822-9919
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