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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2009: Our Sun Yours to Discover.

Sun-Earth Day 2009: Our Sun Yours to Discover

This just in!

Space Weather Media Viewer V3
Space Weather Media Viewer V3
An amazing view just got better! Many of the images that appear in the new and improved viewer are "near-real time" and come from a variety of NASA Missions.


Hinode Vodcast 2
Hinode: Solar Storms, Why We Care, a conversation with astronomer Sten Odenwald
Join Sten as he tells a fascinating story about a massive solar flare that occured on September 2, 1859 and explains why our knowledge of these events is so important us. - posted Janurary 28, 2009
Space Weather Action Centers
Space Weather Action Centers
By following the basic steps in the Instructional Guide your class will soon be on its way to accessing, analyzing and recording NASA satellite and observatory data.

Technology Through Time

Issue #66, The Chemistry of Stars
Issue #66
It was once said that we would never know what stars are made of...

When Is Sun-Earth Day?

This year's main celebration will be on March 20, 2009.


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