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Average Quality of Fossil Fuel Receipts for the Electric Power Industry
Table 4.7.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 4.7.  Average Quality of Fossil Fuel Receipts for the Electric Power Industry, 1996 through 2007
Year Coal[1] Petroleum[2] Natural Gas[3]
Average Btu per Pound Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Average Ash Percent by Weight Average Btu per Gallon Average Sulfur Percent Average Btu per Cubic Foot
1996 10,263 1.1 9.22 149,367 1.26 1,017
1997 10,275 1.11 9.36 149,838 1.37 1,019
1998 10,241 1.06 9.18 149,736 1.48 1,022
1999 10,163 1.01 9.01 149,407 1.51 1,019
2000 10,115 0.93 8.84 149,857 1.33 1,020
2001 10,200 0.89 8.8 147,857 1.42 1,020
2002[4] 10,168 0.94 8.74 147,902 1.64 1,025
2003 10,137 0.97 8.98 147,086 1.53 1,030
2004 10,074 0.97 8.97 147,286 1.66 1,027
2005 10,107 0.98 9.02 146,481 1.61 1,028
2006 10,063 0.97 9.03 143,883 2.31[5] 1,027
2007 10,028 0.96 8.84 144,545 2.1 1,027
  [1] Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, and synthetic coal.
  [2] Distillate fuel oil (all diesel and No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils), residual fuel oil (No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils and bunker C fuel oil), jet fuel, kerosene, petroleum coke (converted to liquid petroleum, see Technical Notes for conversion methodology), and waste oil.
  [3] Natural gas, including a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels that cannot be identified separately.  Natural gas values for 2001 forward do not include blast furnace gas or other gas.
  [4] Beginning in 2002, data from the historic Form EIA-423 for independent power producers and combined heat and power producers are included in this table.  Prior to 2002, these data were not collected; the data for 2001 and previous years include only data collected from electric utilities via the historic FERC Form 423.
  [5] The sulfur content for petroleum liquids in 2006 was 0.74 percent and for petroleum coke it was 5.15 percent.  Because the total receipts of petroleum liquids in 2006 went down by approximately 60 percent while the receipts of petroleum coke remained about the same, the weight of petroleum liquids was much less in 2006.  As a result, the average sulfur content was more influenced by the petroleum coke receipts and, therefore, increased significantly.
  Note: Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on Receipts, Cost, and Quality:
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 4.5.  Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.6.  Receipts and Quality of Coal Delivered for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.1. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Total All Sectors html   xls
Table 4.2. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 4.3. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 4.4. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Commercial Sector html   xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost, and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Industrial Sector html   xls
Table 4.6.A Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.6.B Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.7.A Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.7.B Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.8.A Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.8.B Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.9.A Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.9.B Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.10.A Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.10.B Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.11.A Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.11.B Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.12.A Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.12.B Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.13.A Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.13.B Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.14. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Total (All Sectors) by State html   xls
Table 4.15. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Electric Utilities by State html   xls
Table 4.16. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Independent Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.17. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.18. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (Form EIA-423)   DBF
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (FERC Form No. 423)   DBF

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics