DTN AG Online Seminars
Upcoming Seminars
March 12, 2009
Spring Weather Outlook
This webinar will cover the U.S. spring weather forecast--the chance for another season of wet conditions and delayed field work in the Midwest along with rain chances for the southern Plains. We will also analyze South America late season weather prospects.
March 19, 2009
Ag Market Outlook
DTN Senior Analyst Darin Newsom's webinar looks at whether ag commodities will break free of the Dow Jones influence; what else might affect ag commodities; will spring acreage lead to a spring rally; and what is happening with South American production.
March 26, 2009
How to Negotiate a Wind Energy Contract
Join DTN Special Correspondent Elizabeth Williams, Iowa State agricultural law expert Roger McEowen and Kathy Lusk, a consultant with 10 years' experience in negotiating wind energy contracts on more than 2 million acres from Canada to Mexico. Learn ways to protect your farm.
Seminar Rebroadcasts
March 6, 2009
2009 Crop Insurance Decisions
This year’s crop insurance decisions poses much harder choices: How do you afford the best coverage if crop revenue guarantees fall below your cost of production? Does the new farm program change your insurance buy? Iowa State University Extension Farm Management Specialist Steve Johnson airs strategies with DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor.
March 5, 2009
Outsmarting Weed Resistance
Hosted by Greg Horstmeier. Glyphosate resistant crops have been popular since 1996. The heavy use of that herbicide has led to weeds that are showing tolerance and full resistance to glyphosate. This webinar will feature William Johnson, Purdue University weed scientist; Ken Smith, Arkansas Extension weed scientist; and Chuck Foresman, Syngenta Crop Protection, to explore which weeds are a problem and herbicide strategies to deal with them.
February 17, 2009
DTN Web Hosting Solutions (Customer Enhancements)
Your customers are demanding more – satisfy their demands with DTN Web Hosting Solutions. Mary Tangen, Product Manager, will walk you through DTN’s new enhancements that will help you increase your communication to your customers and improve internal efficiencies.
February 19, 2009
DTN Web Hosting Solutions
Your customers are demanding more – satisfy their demands with DTN Web Hosting Solutions. Mary Tangen, Product Manager, will walk you through DTN’s new enhancements that will help you increase your communication to your customers and improve internal efficiencies.
February 23, 2009
Spring Fertilizer Outlook
Wholesale ammonia prices have plunged, as other fertilizers follow suit. How will fertilizer retailers price and deliver spring inventory bought at over-inflated value? How will this affect retailers? Is this a temporary blip for fertilizer or a return to normal? Join DTN Marcia Zarley Taylor, DTN Fertilizer Columnist Ken Johnson and a leading fertilizer distributor.
February 12, 2009
ACRE Program
This webinar will examine the USDA rules for the new Average Crop Revenue Election program and provide some examples on what would prompt payments under the ACRE program in 2009 or beyond. DTN Ag Policy Editor Chris Clayton hosts this webinar, along with Wayne Myers and Todd Jennison from Kennedy and Coe accounting and consulting firm.
February 4, 2009
Fertilizer Efficiency
While fertilizer prices are off 2008 highs, farmers look to reduce input costs, especially for fertilizer. This webinar, based on a recent DTN series, will explore the latest on fertilizer applications and how to get the most from fertilizer investments. DTN Agronomist Daniel Davidson, DTN Production Editor Greg Horstmeier and a fertilizer expert will take part.
February 5, 2009
Best Bargains in Land
Farmland prices have softened since reaching record highs last year. But, even with prices at stratospheric levels, there were places around the country where prices didn’t rise as much as in the cornbelt. We’ll talk about those places, review the land market, discuss land price outlook and delve into how credit issues are affecting purchases.
January 27, 2009
South American Weather-Winter Outlook
This webinar will focus on the forecast for the critical soybean blooming and pod-filling stages of the South America soybean growing season. Special emphasis will be placed on the outlook for Mato Grosso, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul provinces in Brazil (the top three soybean-growing provinces), and for the central Argentina crop belt. We will also review the Pacific sea surface temperature and pressure trends, and assess the possibility of El Nino or La Nina conditions affecting the remainder of the South America growing season as well as late winter in the U.S. Webinar participants will be DTN ag meteorologists Mike Palmerino and Bryce Anderson.
January 22, 2009
Fungicide Revisited
Changes in commodity and input prices will have farmers re-evaluating expenses for the 2009 season. Fungicides, which have become a popular crop management tool in the past three seasons, are one of the inputs likely to be under review. This webinar will look at the most recent research and experiences on the economic return of fungicides to help growers evaluate their benefits in today’s economic horizon.
January 21, 2009
Relationship Risks
Partnership feuds--or even the divorce of a key farm owner—can have crippling effects on family-owned businesses. Learn how to improve family business communication and ease intra-generational disputes. Guest speaker Lance Woodbury, a farm business and family mediator with Kennedy and Coe, Goodland, Kan., shares tips for avoiding and resolving conflicts. DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor hosts the event.
January 15, 2009
Demand Webinar
While commodity prices are down again, the long-term trend is up, thanks to demand for ag commodities from the growing middle-class populations of India and China. Senior Editor Jim Patrico went to China last summer and interviewed Chinese whose standard of living has improved. They're eating more meat, both imported and homegrown--and the homegrown require imported feed grains. The U.S. is, and should continue to be, a supplier of those grains. Our webinar will describe what we saw in China and what it portends for American farmers.
December 22, 2008
Toys to Taxes: Where to Spend Your Profits
Financial consultant Allen Lash, president of AgriSolutions in Brighton, Ill., promises an informative and somewhat humorous account about uses of profit, beginning with payment of taxes and ending with purchase of toys and key items in between. With more than 40 years experience advising high-profit operators across the Midwest, Lash’s observations can help growers deploy their funds more effectively. Given the credit and economic situation, the smart use of money may be a timely subject. DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor will host.
December 17, 2008
Crop Insurance: The Do-It-Yourself 2009 Safety Net
With government supports set below your cost of production, you’re on your own to manage your revenue risk in 2009. Understand what’s new with crop revenue products like RA, CRC and GRIP in 2009, how to make coverage more affordable and how to integrate it into your marketing plans. Join crop insurance agent and marketing consultant Kurt Koester of AgriSource in West Des Moines, Iowa, and a representative from the Silveus Insurance Group in Warsaw, Ind., for real-life solutions to your unprotected revenue risk. DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor will host the discussion.
December 4, 2008
DTN Web Hosting Solutions
Learn about the new enhancements that have been recently added to your Web site solution hosted by DTN. In this session, we will show you the new enhancements and walk through the steps of how to use these new tools in your business. In addition, we will answer any of your questions that apply to your DTN Web site solution.
December 2, 2008
DTN Grain Portal
With the volatile commodity markets, high transportation costs, and increasing global competition, the management demand on bids & offers has become more challenging. Learn how DTN Grain Portal can give you an even better edge in an increasingly uncertain marketplace by providing a bid & offer management system that also increases service and communication with your customers.
November 20, 2008
SCN Resistance
Farmers have access to a large number of soybean varieties resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematodes, yet there is much confusion as to which of seeds are best for a particular field or race types of the SCN pest. This webinar will include discuss a new effort among universities and seed testing labs to better match seed varieties to a field conditions.
November 12, 2008
Are We in a Bear Market for Commodities?
Does the recent action in the financial markets mean the end is near for the latest bull run in commodities? If so, what happened to the great demand driven markets that were supposed to be long lasting? Will commodities ever see the return of large-scale investment buying, the likes of what drove markets higher over the last few years? These are among the questions DTN Senior Analyst Darin Newsom will tackle in this webinar.
November 10, 2008
What to Do About Financial Fallout
The ripple effects from subprime mortgages have rocked financial and commodity markets. What should agricultural producers do to weather turbulence in land markets, machinery prices, fertilizer orders and credit lines? Dr. David Kohl, professor emeritus of Agricultural Finance and Small Business Management at Virginia Tech, coaches producers on strategies they ought to implement to recession-proof their businesses.

The FREE 60-minute webinar will be moderated by DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor and is co-sponsored by DTN and the Association of Agricultural Production Executives (AAPEX).
October 7, 2008
Plan Ahead for 2008's Income Taxes
Join CPA and DTN-Progressive Farmer Tax Columnist Andy Biebl for a refresher course on this year’s expanded depreciation and expensing rules, as well as tax tips for coping with unusually high incomes in 2008. Biebl, a principal with the accounting firm of LarsonAllen in Minneapolis and New Ulm, Minn., is a well-known lecturer and author on agricultural taxation. DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor moderates.
October 1, 2008
Seed Quality Expectations
Seed quality was an issue, particularly in soybeans, during the 2008 planting season. Poor general growing conditions this season raise the question of what the 2009 seed crop will look like, and what seeds will be in greatest demand. The Webinar will include an update from several seed companies, discussing the general seed crop and what farmers need to be thinking about as they make 2009 seed purchases.
September 25, 2008
Sizing Your GPS Investment/Which Tools Fit the Farm
As more tools associated with GPS technologies come available, farmers are beginning to question which ones make the most sense in their operation. For farmers just getting into the GPS world, the question is how far to get into the technology. Is yield mapping enough? Or should the farmer jump right in to high-accuracy RTK signaling and autosteer equipment systems? This webinar will include a panel of farmers who have walked through those decisions and can add insight in to what they’re doing, how well it works, and whether it adds to their efficiency and profitabilility.
September 17, 2008
Strip Tillage — How to Start a Program
As fertilizer prices continue to rise, farmers are more interested than ever in ways to increase nutrient efficiency. Strip tillage, or applying nutrients in small bands of soil and then planting directly in those bands is catching on as the tools improve and as new technologies such as auto-steer tractor systems make guidance easier. This webinar will examine some of the newest tools and discuss how farmers can begin this new practice.
September 15, 2008
Fall Harvest/South America Planting Outlook
Corn and soybean crops are in a race against time to mature ahead of the first frost. The DTN fall harvest webinar will give an up-to-date and detailed outlook at frost possibilities for the Corn Belt and the potential impact of weather conditions on maturing crops. We will also cover the forecast for the remainder of the harvest season, and review the effect that a possible developing El Nino could have on harvest conditions. The prospect for soil moisture for winter wheat seeding in the U.S., late-season weather for wheat in the southern hemisphere, and the early-season outlook for soybeans in South America will also be featured, along with an update on tropical storm conditions for the final half of the Atlantic and Gulf basin tropical storm season.
September 10, 2008
Field Tiling
Interest in tiling and field drainage has continued to grow as farmers find real economic advantages due to earlier planting, better crop growth and higher yields when fields are adequately drained. For some farmers in some regions, tiling is a new idea fostered by new equipment and better understanding of the yield advantages. In other areas, farmers are adding new tile to existing systems and seeing the benefits of more uniforn drainage. In this webinar, a panel of drainage experts and farmers will discuss new techniques, environmental considerations, and timing of installing drainage systems.
September 3, 2008
DTN ProphetX Grains Merchandiser
Learn how DTN ProphetX Grains Merchandiser will enable your company to capture greater profit, manage risk better and provide the most competitive bids for your customer by winning the battle of managing grain basis, hedging, carry, and flat price.
September 3, 2008
Fall Market Outlook
While the Fall quarter tends to lack the dramatics of the preceding summer quarter, this year could prove different. The results of the weather problems faced this past Spring and Summer should become a reality as farmers move through harvest. Darin Newsom’s Fall Outlook webinar will take a look at what the Fall quarter might hold for corn, soybeans, and wheat.
September 4, 2008
DTN’s Brazil Outlook
Despite record breaking commodity prices, Brazil's soy and corn acreage is not expected to grow significantly this upcoming season. And while the country still has vast amounts of land available, high input costs, heavy debt, tight credit, poor transport facilities, and environmental pressures will severely limit its ability to expand long-term land use. DTN’s Brazilian correspondent, Kieran Gartlan, will provide his outlook on what’s ahead for Brazilian agriculture.
August 26, 2008
Seed Buying Decisions
Selecting the right genetics is the most crucial decion growers make to improve profits. And making that decision has become a daunting task thanks to the endless combinatons of traits, technologies, and seed treatments offered in each bag of seed. DTN Production Editor Greg Horstmeier, The Progressive Farmer Executive Editor Greg Hillyer, and a seed trait specialist discuss how to accurately assess the myriad of genetic choices.
August 14, 2008
Fall Fertilizer Outlook
If you're a corn producer, explosive fertilizer prices are makign this input your number one variable cost for 2009. Prepaying removes the risk that prices will go even higher, but places you in an unsecured creditor category should your supplier fail. DTN Executive Editor Marcia Zarley Taylor and a fertilizer industry leader discuss prices and supply outlook, plus your fertilizer risk management strategies for 2009.
July 24, 2008
Conservation Provisions of the New Farm Bill
High grain prices caused by burgeoning world demand forced lawmakers to make a major change in farm legislation. Using adjustments in the conservation provisions, the 2008 bill encourages farmers to produce more crops and keep fewer acres idle. The farm bill reflects a shift to spend more money directly on working lands and places less emphasis on set-aside programs such as the farm bill’s traditional conservation anchor program, the Conservation Reserve Program.
June 24, 2008
Corn Pollination Weather Outlook
Corn pollination this year will be closely watched, due to corn supplies running at multi-year lows and demand for all uses of corn running sky-high. DTN ag meteorologists Mike Palmerino and Bryce Anderson will give details on the main weather features affecting corn pollination this season along with the forecast for the major corn states at this important stage. They will also spotlight the areas of the country where trouble spots are most likely to occur.
June 17, 2008
Fuel Outlook and Farmer Buying Strategies
Diesel costs normally take a spring break in early June, giving growers a chance to fill their tanks prior to fall harvest. But in this year’s hyperactive energy markets, diesel is hitting all-time highs and showing little inclination to cool its jets. Meanwhile, crude oil has breached the once unthinkable $125 per barrel. Brian Milne, DTN Refined Fuels Editor, explains some of the constraints that may keep diesel supplies abnormally tight. Phyllis Nystrom, CHS Country Hedging Energy manager, Inver Grove Heights, Minn., will discuss how to develop energy hedging strategies under high-risk conditions.
June 6, 2008
Answers to Your Questions About the New Farm Bill
With the farm bill completed, DTN is getting a lot of questions from producers about specific provisions in the bill and changes to programs involving commodities, conservation and livestock. A webinar with DTN reporter Chris Clayton and farm bill expert Wayne Myers of the firm Kennedy & Coe will take questions Friday and explain some of the various provisions in the legislation. If you have questions in advance that you would like addressed, please send them to farmbill@dtn.com.
June 5, 2008
Summer Market Outlook
Join DTN's senior analyst, Darin Newsom who will take a look at where some of the main markets are, have they performed as expected, are they following seasonal indexes, and if so (to any of the above) what does it mean for the summer months (June, July, August)?
June 4, 2008
Fungicides on Soybeans - When To Apply
With high soybean prices farmers are interested in applying fungicides on soybeans to protect yield and enhance it even further. Fungicides work, but not in every situation. Tune into this webinar to learn when to use fungicides and how to make fungicides work in your operation.
May 1, 2008
DTN’s Index Futures

Today’s volatile markets mean producers, merchandisers, and traders need to look for a different way to trade grain, one that alleviates
some of the risk created by high volatility and unpredictable convergence in standard futures contracts.

Apr. 22, 2008
Selling Grain Online with DTN Marketspace™
DTN Marketspace™ links buyers and sellers of grain by providing a private, secure, and reliable online marketplace to efficiently identify marketing opportunities, transact business, and manage positions and commitments. This tool is very useful in today’s volatile market conditions. We will share with you how producers use this tool to manage their expanding market while maximizing their profits.  Also, we will also explain how agribusinesses utilize DTN Marketspace to improve service to their customer while increasing efficiencies.
Mar. 27, 2008
How to Grow Your Credit Line and Still Sleep Nights
Higher cash rents, fertilizer bills and marketing costs are all expanding the need for farm working capital. For many Corn Belt producers, input costs have easily doubled in the past few years, often requiring more sophisticated accounting and lender communication. Financial consultant Allen Lash, president of AgriSolutions in Brighton, Ill., and Denny Everson, president of agribusiness, First Dakota National Bank, Yankton, SD, discuss what farm lenders expect as your borrowing needs grow and how you can measure appropriate levels of working capital.
Mar. 7, 2008
Farm Transitions: Don’t Sell the Farm to the Kids
Don't burden the next generation with unbearable debt on high-priced farmland. Learn why business planners and estate tax advisors encourage you to gift land to on-farm children instead, and develop a fair plan for off-farm heirs in the process. Marcia Taylor, DTN executive editor, will moderate this discussion. Guest speakers include Allen Lash, president of AgriSolutions in Brighton, Illinois, and Gary Streit, an attorney with the Cedar Rapids, Iowa law firm of Shuttleworth and Ingersoll.
Mar. 5, 2008
Fungicides on Corn – When and When Not to Use
Farmers are interested in applying fungicides on corn to not only protect yield but also to enhance it even further. Fungicides work, but not in every situation. Tune into this online seminar to learn when to use fungicides and how to make fungicides work on your farm.
Jan. 17, 2008
Increase Your Profits with DTN Grain Portal
Increased competition for grain in today’s market, fueled in part by the rapid growth of renewable fuels, can make grain procurement feel like a game of chance. The result? A need for innovative merchandising and marketing solutions. The DTN Grain Portal allows grain buyers to automate key merchandising and origination functions to secure needed grain while reducing costs and improving customer service.