Argonne National Laboratory Emergency Information U.S. Department of Energy

Argonne Operations Are Normal

All employees should report for their assigned shifts.

Employees should check this page for information in the event of an operational emergency or other change in operations at Argonne. Non-emergency information and directions for employees will be posted here by laboratory senior management, the U.S. Department of Energy and emergency responders.

Severe weather guidelines and procedures.

Emergency contact information

When on site, use these emergency numbers to contact Argonne's Protective Force:

  • From Argonne phones, dial 9-1-1
  • From cell phones or pay phones on site, call (630) 252-1911

Non-emergency contact information

For assistance during a non-emergency:

  • From Argonne phones, call the Argonne Fire Department at ext. 2-6131.
  • From cell phones or pay phones, contact the Argonne Fire Department at (630) 252-6131.

Site alarms

Several types of alarm alert you to emergencies on the Argonne campus:

  • Outdoor sirens mean take shelter immediately.
  • Site-wide public address system warnings are preceded by a 20-second tone. Listen to the warning message that follows the tone.
  • Building alarms, such as bells and strobe lights, will announce building-specific emergencies. Listen for a building-specific message to immediately follow the alarm. If no message follows immediately, evacuate the building and report to your assigned accountability location.   Localized or individual building public address warnings delivered by the Area Emergency Supervisor will not be preceded by a tone.

Check with your Area Emergency Supervisor for specifics for your building.

Outdoor sirens are tested the first Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m.

Tornado shelters

Tornado shelters are available and marked with signs throughout the site. If a tornado watch has been issued, identify the location of your nearest shelter. If a tornado warning is issued, go to shelter immediately, and stay there quietly until an all-clear is issued. Check with your Area Emergency Supervisor regarding shelter locations.

Evacuation routes

Evacuation routes are posted in most buildings. Be aware of at least two evacuation routes from your work area to your accountability location. Check with your Area Emergency Supervisor for your accountability location.

Further Information

Contact your building's Area Emergency Supervisor or the site's Emergency Management Officer at 2-5991 with any additional questions or requests for more information.

Local government links

State of Illinois Emergency Management Agency

DuPage County, Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Will County Emergency Management Agency

Cook County Emergency Management Agency

National Weather Service

DuPage County Health Department

Federal links

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Department of Homeland Security


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