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Make Tracks!™ Family Trail Weekend!

Thanks for making the first annual Make Tracks!™ Family Trail Weekend a success!

This Columbus Day weekend (October 11 -13, 2008), thousands of children and adults headed to the trails in their neighborhoods and beyond to spend time in the outdoors. Exploring a trail is a great way to spend time together, while discovering the wonder of nature and getting some exercise -- to boot! (Hiking pun intended!) It's also a great way to explore your community resources and discover new green spaces near you.

The national event is part of National Wildlife Federation's Green Hour® campaign, which encourages parents and caregivers to give their kids time outside every day. Stay tuned for next year's Make Tracks!™ on Columbus Day Weekend (Oct. 10-12, 2009). But you don't have to wait until next year or a special event to Make Tracks!™ or play outside. Nature is at your doorstep every day!

Visit Green Hour® for tips, activities and ideas to get you and your family out the door and having fun. To find a trail or green space near you, plug your zip code into Green Hour's NatureFind tool.

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