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Net Generation by Other Renewables: Total (All Sectors)
Table 1.1.A.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 1.1.A. Net Generation by Other Renewables: Total (All Sectors), 1994 through November 2008
(Thousand Megawatthours)
Period Wind Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Wood and Wood-Derived Fuels[1] Geothermal Other Biomass[2] Total (Other Renewables)
1994 3,447 487 37,937 15,535 19,129 76,535
1995 3,164 497 36,521 13,378 20,405 73,965
1996 3,234 521 36,800 14,329 20,911 75,796
1997 3,288 511 36,948 14,726 21,709 77,183
1998 3,026 502 36,338 14,774 22,448 77,088
1999 4,488 495 37,041 14,827 22,572 79,423
2000 5,593 493 37,595 14,093 23,131 80,906
2001 6,737 543 35,200 13,741 14,548 70,769
2002 10,354 555 38,665 14,491 15,044 79,109
2003 11,187 534 37,529 14,424 15,812 79,487
2004 14,144 575 38,117 14,811 15,421 83,067
2005 17,811 550 38,856 14,692 15,420 87,329
January 2,383 13 3,422 1,230 1,388 8,435
February 1,922 20 3,051 1,111 1,270 7,374
March 2,359 33 3,201 1,261 1,344 8,199
April 2,472 52 2,980 1,129 1,227 7,860
May 2,459 71 3,039 1,096 1,371 8,036
June 2,052 70 3,134 1,199 1,328 7,782
July 1,955 62 3,444 1,261 1,399 8,121
August 1,655 83 3,478 1,289 1,389 7,894
September 1,879 54 3,260 1,219 1,308 7,720
October 2,442 32 3,213 1,275 1,332 8,295
November 2,540 16 3,182 1,207 1,359 8,304
December 2,472 3 3,358 1,290 1,382 8,505
Total 26,589 508 38,762 14,568 16,099 96,525
January 2,452 13 3,536 1,296 1,371 8,668
February 2,520 19 3,015 1,122 1,200 7,877
March 3,047 48 3,106 1,204 1,373 8,778
April 3,172 54 3,055 1,158 1,254 8,693
May 2,952 84 3,081 1,155 1,349 8,621
June 2,620 84 3,213 1,238 1,392 8,549
July 2,158 86 3,434 1,250 1,443 8,371
August 2,699 75 3,426 1,255 1,440 8,895
September 2,867 68 3,290 1,218 1,400 8,843
October 3,377 49 3,246 1,265 1,426 9,362
November 3,095 24 3,273 1,211 1,425 9,029
December 3,490 5 3,339 1,266 1,452 9,553
Total 34,450 612 39,014 14,637 16,525 105,238
January 3,737 15 3,337 1,187 1,371 9,647
February 3,275 33 3,075 1,075 1,220 8,679
March 4,103 75 3,165 1,218 1,374 9,935
April 4,487 87 2,940 1,200 1,465 10,178
May 4,450 96 3,013 1,254 1,472 10,285
June 4,349 120 3,166 1,261 1,462 10,357
July 3,236 105 3,349 1,281 1,434 9,405
August 2,599 99 3,390 1,267 1,425 8,780
September 2,391 86 3,167 1,225 1,303 8,172
October 4,164 56 3,001 1,242 1,291 9,754
November 4,408 26 3,157 1,206 1,296 10,092
Total 41,199 798 34,760 13,414 15,112 105,284
2006 24,117 505 35,404 13,278 14,716 88,021
2007 30,960 606 35,675 13,371 15,072 95,685
2008 41,199 798 34,760 13,414 15,112 105,284
Rolling 12 Months Ending in November
2007 33,431 609 39,033 14,661 16,455 104,189
2008 44,689 804 38,099 14,680 16,564 114,837
  [1] Wood/wood waste solids (including paper pellets, railroad ties, utility poles, wood chips, bark, and wood waste solids), wood waste liquids (red liquor, sludge wood, spent sulfite liquor, and other wood-based liquids), and black liquor.
  [2] Biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, other biomass solids, other biomass liquids, and other biomass gases (including digester gases, methane, and other biomass gases).
  Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in "Other".  Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in "Other Renewables." Beginning with the collection of Form EIA-923 in January 2008, the methodology to allocate total fuel consumption for electricity generation and consumption for useful thermal output was changed.    The new methodology was retroatively applied to 2004-2007.  See the Technical Notes (Appendix C) for further information. See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 and prior years are final. Values for 2008 are preliminary. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" and predecessor forms. Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on U.S. Electric Power Generation:
Table 1.2. Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers html pdf xls
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 2.6. Capacity Additions and Retirements by Energy Source html pdf xls
Net Generation by
Table 1.1. Energy Source: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 1.2   Energy Source: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 1.3   Energy Source: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 1.4   Energy Source: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.5   Energy Source: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.A.  State by Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.B.  State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Net Generation from
1.7.A.   Coal by State by Sector html   xls
1.7.B.   Coal by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.8.A.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector html   xls
1.8.B.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.9.A.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector html   xls
1.9.B.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.10.A.   Natural Gas by State by Sector html   xls
1.10.B.   Natural Gas by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.11.A.   Other Gases by State by Sector html   xls
1.11.B.   Other Gases by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.12.A.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector html   xls
1.12.B.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.13.A.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.13.B.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.14.A.   Other Renewables by State by Sector html   xls
1.14.B.   Other Renewables by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.15.A.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.15.B.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.16.A.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector html   xls
1.16.B.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Form EIA-906 and EIA-920 Databases   DBF
Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906)     xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics