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Net Generation from Other Renewables by State by Sector
Table 1.14.A.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 1.14.A. Net Generation from Other Renewables by State by Sector, November 2008 and 2007
(Thousand Megawatthours)
Census Division
and State
Total (All Sectors)
Electric Power Sector
Commercial Sector
Industrial Sector
Electric Utilities
Independent Power Producers
Nov-08 Nov-07 Percent Change Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07
New England 679 670 1.3 62 59 444 427 11 11 162 173
Connecticut 66 60 11 -- -- 66 60 -- -- -- --
Maine 349 340 2.7 -- -- 178 158 NM 9 162 172
Massachusetts 112 113 -0.9 -- -- 109 110 NM 2 -- --
New Hampshire 103 100 2.8 40 30 63 71 -- -- NM *
Rhode Island 11 14 -16.8 -- -- 11 14 -- -- -- --
Vermont 38 44 -14.5 22 29 NM 15 -- -- NM --
Middle Atlantic 570 518 10.1 -- -- 486 450 20 23 64 45
New Jersey 76 66 14.1 -- -- 76 66 NM * NM --
New York 284 240 18.4 -- -- 252 209 11 13 21 18
Pennsylvania 210 211 -0.6 -- -- 158 174 10 10 43 27
East North Central 746 515 44.8 81 47 510 309 10 14 145 144
Illinois 259 142 82.4 NM 2 258 140 NM * -- --
Indiana 60 18 238.5 13 15 43 -- NM 1 NM 2
Michigan 202 200 0.8 -- * 140 128 7 12 54 60
Ohio 39 32 21.4 NM 2 NM 3 -- -- 33 27
Wisconsin 186 123 51.2 65 28 64 38 NM 1 56 56
West North Central 1,168 912 28 237 247 890 624 NM 4 37 38
Iowa 362 308 17.4 NM 165 206 141 NM 2 1 --
Kansas 172 103 66.4 39 26 133 77 -- -- -- --
Minnesota 460 399 15.3 20 29 405 333 NM 1 34 36
Missouri NM 2 -- NM 2 11 -- -- -- NM 1
Nebraska NM 25 -- 23 24 NM * NM 1 -- --
North Dakota NM 62 -- NM 1 124 60 -- -- NM 1
South Dakota 12 13 -11.9 NM 1 11 13 -- -- -- --
South Atlantic 1,243 1,238 0.4 90 82 363 320 27 26 763 809
Delaware 10 4 160.1 -- -- 10 4 -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Florida 318 359 -11.3 9 6 166 188 NM 3 141 162
Georgia 254 279 -8.8 -- -- NM 1 -- -- 253 278
Maryland 46 44 5.2 -- -- 26 24 NM 2 16 18
North Carolina 174 141 23.3 -- -- 56 44 -- -- 118 97
South Carolina 154 171 -9.8 38 37 -- -- NM 3 113 131
Virginia 219 221 -1 43 40 36 40 17 17 122 124
West Virginia 67 19 251.3 * -- 68 19 -- -- -- --
East South Central 464 559 -17 7 5 17 25 -- -- 439 530
Alabama 279 314 -11.1 -- -- 11 17 -- -- 268 297
Kentucky 27 38 -27.9 7 5 -- -- -- -- 20 33
Mississippi 118 119 -0.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 118 119
Tennessee 39 88 -55.5 NM * NM 7 -- -- 33 81
West South Central 1,942 1,645 18.1 38 31 1,464 1,123 NM 5 437 486
Arkansas 133 142 -6.2 -- -- NM 3 NM * 130 139
Louisiana NM 249 -- -- -- 6 7 -- -- NM 241
Oklahoma NM 187 -- 38 31 164 128 -- -- NM 28
Texas NM 1,067 -- NM * 1,291 985 NM 5 NM 78
Mountain 818 672 21.6 NM 27 737 595 NM 3 43 48
Arizona 13 3 323 NM 3 11 -- NM * -- --
Colorado NM 224 -- 7 6 NM 218 -- -- -- --
Idaho 61 62 -1.3 -- -- 24 23 -- -- 37 39
Montana 61 46 32.4 -- -- 55 37 -- -- NM 9
Nevada 118 107 10.5 -- -- 118 107 -- -- -- --
New Mexico NM 121 -- -- -- NM 121 -- -- -- --
Utah NM 19 -- 25 17 NM 1 NM 2 -- --
Wyoming 106 90 17.4 NM 2 104 88 -- -- -- --
Pacific Contiguous 2,406 2,240 7.4 292 280 1,928 1,745 34 38 152 177
California 1,896 1,744 8.7 114 107 1,689 1,539 34 36 NM 63
Oregon 188 182 3.8 34 17 106 102 -- 3 49 59
Washington 322 314 2.5 144 156 133 104 -- -- 45 54
Pacific Noncontiguous 56 59 -5.3 NM * 39 40 15 17 NM 2
Alaska NM 1 -- NM -- -- * -- -- NM 1
Hawaii 55 58 -5.4 * * 39 40 15 17 NM 1
U.S. Total 10,092 9,029 11.8 844 779 6,878 5,658 127 141 2,244 2,451
  * = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g., for values with no decimals, the smallest unit is "1" then values under 0.5 are shown as "*".)
  NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.  
  Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in "Other".  Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in "Other Renewables." See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 are final.  Values for 2008 are preliminary. - See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923, Form EIA-906 and Form EIA-920. Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percent difference is calculated before rounding. Other renewables include wood, black liquor, other wood waste, biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, other biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic energy, and wind.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" and Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;"  Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on U.S. Electric Power Generation:
Table 1.2. Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers html pdf xls
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 2.6. Capacity Additions and Retirements by Energy Source html pdf xls
Net Generation by
Table 1.1. Energy Source: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 1.1.A.   Other Renewables: Total - All Sectors html   xls
Table 1.2   Energy Source: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 1.3   Energy Source: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 1.4   Energy Source: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.5   Energy Source: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.A.  State by Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.B.  State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Net Generation from
1.7.A.   Coal by State by Sector html   xls
1.7.B.   Coal by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.8.A.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector html   xls
1.8.B.   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.9.A.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector html   xls
1.9.B.   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.10.A.   Natural Gas by State by Sector html   xls
1.10.B.   Natural Gas by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.11.A.   Other Gases by State by Sector html   xls
1.11.B.   Other Gases by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.12.A.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector html   xls
1.12.B.   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.13.A.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.13.B.   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.14.B.   Other Renewables by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.15.A.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.15.B.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.16.A.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector html   xls
1.16.B.   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Form EIA-906 and EIA-920 Databases   DBF
Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906)     xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics