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EIA is committed to recruiting, retaining and motivating a highly-skilled, diverse and productive workforce. Hear from some of our newest employees (in their own words) about why they chose EIA!

Katie "I chose to work at EIA because I had a background working for an energy data and news company, as well as an academic background in economics. I found energy very interesting and EIA was the perfect opportunity to apply my past experiences. I find it exciting and challenging to work in a role informing policy makers and the public on energy, which has taken on greater importance in the past several years, and will continue to be at the forefront for years to come, both in the U.S. and worldwide."


Marlana "I came to EIA as an intern at first, and fell in love with it.  The environment and atmosphere are very welcoming, and the people I work with are great.  I never realized all of the different tasks I could work on as a mathematical statistician, nor did I realize the potential for growth and advancement.  My hard work is rewarded and that really means a lot to me."


Vlad "The EIA is one the few agencies in the government that not only serves a key role in helping policy makers and legislators better understand the energy industry but is also relied upon by the private sector energy industry as well. I had used EIA data extensively at graduate school and as an energy consultant so was proud to have an opportunity to contribute to such an important industry resource. Also, after 7 years in the private sector, I felt that the EIA offered an unbeatable balance of interesting work and quality of life."


Gwen " I chose to work at EIA because it offered a unique opportunity to use my quantitative analysis skills in an exciting but policy-neutral environment.  Working at EIA is rewarding not only because our data collection and analysis efforts deal with extremely important issues, but also because EIA directly serves such a wide audience with its outputs.  As a new employee at EIA, I have particularly enjoyed the many opportunities to collaborate with – and learn substantially from – EIA’s talented and knowledgeable staff."


Alex "I chose to work at EIA out of college because it offered a great opportunity to contribute immediately and work on some of the biggest issues facing the world today. I get the chance to apply the economic theory I learned in school, while working in an extremely talented team environment. With all of EIA’s weekly and monthly publications, you can really see the tangible results of your work, which makes the job very satisfying. Whether through valuable work experience or continued training and education, I know that working here will provide a boost for my future career development in government or in the private sector."


Andrew "With a background in statistics, I was looking for a position that would allow me to apply my quantitative skills in an arena that would be both interesting and rewarding. EIA has provided the perfect opportunity. The emergence and current focus on energy issues has kept things interesting. Working with data that informs the public and literally affects the future of energy policy is rewarding."


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