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new jersey department of environmental protection  
local government resources

Welcome to DEP's Guidebook for Local Government Officials! The guide is designed to help you understand the programs and services of the DEP. The programs listed are organized by operational divisions within the department. Each has contact information, links to their program, a general description of its operational responsibilities and any permitting responsibilities or financial assistance it can provide. If you have any questions about the Guidebook, DEP services, or to order copies, please call the DEP Office of Local Government Assistance at (609) 633-7700.

Office of the Commissioner

Communications/Environmental Education

Constituent Relations and Customer Service

Dispute Resolution

Legislative Affairs and Local Government Assistance

Compliance and Enforcement

Air Pollution Compliance and Enforcement

County Environmental Health Act (CEHA)

Enforcement and Compliance Services

Hazardous Waste Compliance and Enforcement

Land Use Compliance and Enforcement

Noise Control

Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulation

Solid Waste Compliance and Enforcement

Underground Storage Tanks

Water Pollution Compliance and Enforcement

Environmental Regulation

Community Right to Know

Diesel Risk Reduction

Diesel Risk Reduction - Mandatory Retrofit

Environmental Infrastructure Financing

Environmental Radiation - Radon

Landfill and Hazardous Waste Permitting

Municipal Stormwater Regulation

New Jersey Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES)

Onsite Wastewater Management

Permit Coordination and Environmental Review

Pollution Prevention Planning

Quality Assurance

Radiological Health

Recycling and Planning

Recycling Tonnage Grants

Release Prevention

Small Business Environmental Assistance

Transfer Stations and Recycling Facilities

Treatment Works Approval

Land Use Management

Consumer Confidence Reports for Safe Drinking Water

Freshwater and Biological Monitoring

Land Use Regulation

Loans and Data Management

Marine Water Monitoring

New Jersey Geological Survey

NJ Watershed Network

Safe Drinking Water

Water Allocation

Water Quality Standards and Assessments

Water Systems and Well Permitting

Watershed Management

Management and Budget

DEP Data Miner

DEP On-Line


Records Custodian

Natural and Historic Resources

Black Bear Education

Black Bear Management and Nuisance Abatement

Coastal Engineering

Community Based Deer Management

Community Forestry - "No Net Loss Reforestation Act"

Community Forestry - Cool Cities

Dam Safety and Flood Control

Forest Resource Education Center

Forest Service - Private Lands Management

Freshwater Fisheries

Green Acres

Historic Preservation

Hunting and Shooting Sports Outreach

Mosquito Control

Natural Heritage Program

Natural Resource Restoration

New Jersey Forest Fire Service

New Jersey Forest Service

New Jersey Forest Tree Nursery

New Jersey Natural Lands Trust

New Jersey State Park Police

Recreational Trails Program

Shade Tree and Community Forest Assistance

State Park Service

Site Remediation

Brownfields Reuse and Dredging and Sediment Technology

Case Management

Child Care/Education Facilities

Cleanup Star - Brownfields Reuse

Communication and Response Services

Community Relations

Contract and Fund Management - Environmental Claims

Contract and Fund Management - Petro UST Upgrade and Closure

Emergency Response

Fiscal Support Services - Direct Billing Unit

Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund

Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA)

Information Services and Program Support

Northern Field Operations

Publicly Funded Cleanup

Records Access

Risk Management Initial Notice and Case Assignment, Enforcement and Investigations

Southern Field Operations

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

Policy, Planning and Science

Coastal Management

Environmental Justice

New Jersey Clean Marina

Planning and Sustainable Communities

Science, Technology and Research

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Copyright © State of New Jersey, 1996-2005
Department of Environmental Protection
P. O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625-0402

Last Modified: February 21, 2008

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