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New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation

Every year since 2001, the Center for Energy Economics holds a two-week program that targets oil, gas and power commercial development. Developed and delivered by CEE, the program is supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development and other agencies and international organizations as well as leading multinational energy companies.


The 9th Annual Spring Exectuve Program
"New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation"

May 11-20 , 2009
Houston, Texas
One week program with consecutive workshops

Program Description

Registration Form

Pay online

Early Registration Discount for 1 week program

$500 if payment is made before
March 15, 2009

Energy professionals and their industries are facing extraordinary times. Already pressured to retain and replenish human resource staffs, both companies and government bodies face financing hurdles, cost and project management demands, risk and uncertainty in operating environments and extreme volatility in commodity markets and price signals.

To be successful, private and public sector organizations need to:

  • Continue replenishing staffs by
  • Accelerating development of younger professionals and
  • Training and retaining experienced professionals who are critical for key project development and management responsibilities while
  • Honing fundamental skills and knowledge needed to optimize value creation.

In the current financial, economic and commodity price environments we face, countries, governments and companies need to consider how best to deploy energy sector development for economic stabilization and growth. CEE is conducting research in this arena and will share insights from work in progress as a special topic in the upcoming May session.

To help organizations bridge the �challenge gap�, the Center for Energy Economics (based in the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin ) offers the ninth annual session of New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation . Since 2001, and now with a semi-annual session each fall, New Era has provided successful training and capacity building for energy professionals from around the world. New Era also has been the basis for custom programs organized by CEE in a variety of countries. The New Era program is based on more than 17-plus years of experience by the CEE team on key issues impacting successful, commercial energy value chain realization in a variety of countries and key oil and gas producing and exporting regions.

The course is conveniently scheduled for the week following the annual Offshore Technology Conference. OTC is the premier, Houston-based offshore industry event for professionals, service industries, and suppliers. The New Era program is specifically designed to address commercial challenges associated with project development and asset management.  Program candidates will obtain a comprehensive understanding of energy business, economic, policy, regulatory and technology trends impacting value creation opportunities. Key components are: energy value chain linkages and complexities, how to capture value from upstream to end use and challenges in completing energy value chain strategies. Content and instruction incorporate the substantial experience embedded in our interdisciplinary team, expert networks and guest instructors and research, training and outreach on energy markets and frameworks for commercial investment. New for 2009 is the addition of specialized workshops on critical topics to address requests from New Era alumni for more detailed instruction.

The 3rd Annual Fall Executive Program
"New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation"

October 19-28, 2009
Houston, Texas

One week program with consecutive workshops



Program Description

Program Schedule

Registration Form

Register and pay online




The 2nd Annual Fall Executive Program
"New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation"
October 20-24, 2008
Houston, Texas


The 8th Annual International Capacity-Building Program
"New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation"

May 12-23, 2008
Houston, Texas

In its eighth year, this flagship international capacity-building program addressed both energy value chain fundamentals and commercial energy investment complexities with a unique integration of tools, activities and concepts. The program is especially useful for public and private decision makers engaged in energy sector investment, reform and development; and commercial managers engaged in international project and business development. New Era emphasizes the relationship between energy value chain economics, technology, and operations with policy and regulatory frameworks necessary to host commercially successful investment. New Era delegates benefit from abundant opportunities for networking with other delegates, guest speakers, and the U.S. and global energy businesses based in the Houston region. Site visits in the past included a green field LNG import terminal; midstream and end use applications for natural gas; energy regulatory agencies; and an electric power control center. Over the past seven years, program participants have come from state-owned, local and international energy companies; ministries; regulatory agencies; news media and universities. Countries represented in the New Era programs since 2001 are: Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Namibia, Nigeria, Peru, Republic of Congo, Republic of Georgia, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Kingdom, the United States and Venezuela. In addition to our CEE and UT experts, we include distinguished guest instructors from the CEE's large, global network of leading government institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and public and private corporations.

Executive Program: Commercial Best Practices for Oil & Gas Value Chains
December 3-7, 2007

This new executive course, held during the first week of December was primarily designed for managers and team leaders involved in project origination through development and exit strategy. Program candidates representing Argentina, Hong Kong, Madagascar, Nigeria, UK and US obtained a more comprehensive understanding of energy business, economic, policy, regulatory and technology trends impacting value creation opportunities. Key components of the program included: energy value chain linkages and complexities, how to capture value from upstream to end use and challenges in completing energy value chain strategies.

May 7-18, 2007 - The 7th Annual New Era Program

A group of 24 energy industry specialists attended CEE's international capacity-building program "New Era in Oil, Gas & Power Value Creation." In its seventh session, this year's program welcomed professionals from 10 countries: Angola, Benin, Cote D'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Tanzania, and Togo.

Delegates represented regulatory agencies, ministries of energy, national oil companies, and universities in these countries. This 2-week program addresses energy value-chain fundamentals and commercial energy investment complexities with a unique integration of tools, activities, and concepts. New Era emphasizes the relationship between energy value-chain economics, technology, and operations with policy and regulatory frameworks necessary to host commercially successful investment. The program included in-class sessions, group projects, and individual assignments. As part of the program, participants also had site visits to the Freeport LNG terminal, Dow Chemical, City of Lake Jackson CNG fleet, Railroad Commission of Texas, Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the Lower Colorado River Authority. Our thanks go out to these organizations and all supporters of the program for making this year's session a success. [see photos]

Photo Galleries:
New Era 2007 Photos
New Era Photo Gallery 2005-2006
New Era Photo Gallery 2004
New Era Photo Gallery 2003

Please Note: The New Era portion of the site is only available to registered delegates and alumni with the log in information provided and updated frequently. If you do not have access information or have problems accessing our portal please contact energyecon@beg.utexas.edu.