Home > Households, Buildings & Industry >Transportation Surveys > Consumer Vehicle Preferences

Bar Chart:  Consumers' Perceptions of Fuel Safety

The major aims of this study are to analyze and summarize the results of a 1994 national telephone survey of consumer vehicle preferences and attitudes toward alternative-fuel vehicles. Findings were:

  • 77% of all consumers were concerned about outdoor air pollution in their areas
  • 48% of all consumers considered themselves to be environmentalists
  • 85% of all consumers had heard of alternative-fuel vehicles
  • 62% of all consumers felt that electricity was a safer vehicle fuel than gasoline
  • Only slightly over one-third of all consumers were willing to give up trunk or cargo space in order to operate an alternative-fuel vehicle that would not pollute as much as their current vehicle

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Consumer Vehicle Preferences Section (file size131,798 bytes, 19 pages).
Full Report (file size 838,356 bytes, 161 pages.
Detailed Data Tables (file size 148,085 bytes, 33 pages)
Relative Standard Error Tables (file size 151,232 bytes, 33 pages).


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File Last Modified: April 10, 1997
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