Home > Households, Buildings & Industry > Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) > 2003 CBECS > 1979 to 2993 Trend
Commercial Buildings and Floorspace Trends—1979 to 2003


Figure 1 shows the trend in the number of commercial buildings from EIA's first commercial buildings survey in 1979 to the current 2003 CBECS and Figure 2 shows the trend in commercial floorspace for the same period.

With the exception of the 1995 estimate, the CBECS has shown a steady increase in number of buildings and amount of floorspace. The apparent drop in 1995 was not statistically significant; for further discussion, see this section of the report “Trends in the Commercial Buildings Sector.

Beginning in 1995, the definition of commercial building was changed, which caused a break in the trend. Two building types—indoor parking garages and commercial buildings on manufacturing facilities—previously included in the sample were excluded. The magnitude of the change is shown by plotting two data points for 1992; the upper data point was the reported estimate for 1992, and the lower point was the 1992 estimate adjusted to match the 1995 building definition. Statistical detail added to Figures 1 and 2 shows the estimates of buildings and floorspace and their 95% confidence ranges.

Figure 1. Total Commercial Buildings, 1979 to 2003
Figure 1. Total Commercial Buildings, 1979 to 2003. If you are having trouble viewing this page, please contact the National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.

Source: Energy Information Administration, Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Statistical Detail

Figure 2. Total Commercial Floorspace, 1979 to 2003
Figure 2. Total Commercial Floorspace, 1979 to 2003. If you are having trouble viewing this page, please contact the National Energy Information Center at (202) 586-8800.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey.

Statistical Detail
Specific questions may be directed to:

Joelle Michaels
CBECS Manager
Phone: (202) 586-8952
FAX: (202) 586-0018

Alan Swenson
Pnone: (202) 586-1129
FAX: (202) 586-0018

URL: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cbecs/cbecs2003/compare.html