Codes & Standards Charters
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Board on Codes & Standards Operations
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The Board on Codes & Standards Operations, under the direction of the Codes and Standards Board of Directors, shall advise the Board of Directors on operational matters, including honors, information services, legal considerations, continuous improvement, and planning: and shall approve on behalf of the Board of Directors, matters of procedures and personnel.


Board on Conformity Assessment (BCA)
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The Board on Conformity Assessment under the direction of the Council on Codes and Standards, shall supervise the accreditation, registration, and certification activities of the Society, shall develop criteria for accreditation and certification for applicable codes and standards, shall develop recommended policy for accreditation, registration, and certification, provide an overview for consistency of ASME Codes and Standards Accreditation, Registration, and Certification activities, be a vital link in providing procedural due process, develop criteria and selection procedures for survey, review, and audit personnel, and provide internal audits.


Board on Hearings and Appeals Charter:
To investigate the validity of a request for an appeal prior to accepting such an appeal. To hear appeals to codes, standards, and related accreditation operations after such appeals have exhausted all prior levels of ASME codes, standards, and related accreditation appeal provisions.


Board on New Development
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Management of standardization and standards-related projects in new or expanded areas of technology and application.


Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards
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To manage all ASME activities related to codes, standards, and accreditation programs directly applicable to nuclear facilities and technology. To manage the development of codes, standards, and accreditation programs developed by committees under its jurisdiction, the board are providing procedural due process.


Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards
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Management of all ASME activities related to codes, standards, guidelines, and accreditation programs directly applicable to nonnuclear pressure containing equipment.


Board on Safety Codes and Standards
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The management of all ASME activities related to codes, standards, and accreditation and certification programs directly applicable to safety codes, safety standards, and related accreditation and certification activities as designated by the Council on Codes and Standards.


Board on Standardization and Testing
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Management and supervision of the dimensional, design, application, drafting, performance test codes and miscellaneous standards activities of the Society, as designated by the Council on Codes and Standards. The standards developed by groups managed by the board are intended to be submitted to the American National Standards Institute to become American National Standards.


Codes and Standards Board of Directors
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The Codes and Standards Board of Directors under the direction of the Board of Governors, will supervise the activities of the Society relating to Codes and Standards


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