Long Term World Oil Supply
(A Resource Base/Production Path Analysis)


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Table of Contents

Long Term World Oil Supply (A Resource Base/Production Path Analysis)

Executive Summary

Executive Summary (Continued)

Executive Summary (Continued)


The Year of Peak Production..When will worldwide conventional oil production peak?...

Lower 48 Crude Oil Reserves & Production 1945-2000

Texas Oil and Condensate Production, and Texas First Purchase Price (FPP), 1980-1999

Published Estimates of World Oil Ultimate Recovery

Different Interpretations of a Hypothetical 6,000 Billion Barrel World Original Oil-in-Place Resource Base

Campbell-Laherrère World Oil Production Estimates, 1930-2050

Laherrere’s Oil Production Forecast, 1930-2150

EIA World Oil Production Projections, 1990-2020

Annual Production with 2 Percent Annual Growth & Decline

Annual Production with 2 Percent Growth Rates and Different Decline Methods

Annual Production Scenarios with 2 Percent Growth Rates and Different Resource Levels

Annual Production Scenarios for the Mean Resource Estimate and Different Growth Rates

Annual Production Scenarios for the Mean Resource Estimate Showing Sharp and Round Peaks

12 EIA World Conventional Oil Production Scenarios

World Oil Production Scenarios

Authors: John Wood, Gary Long

Email: john.wood@eia.doe.gov

Email: gary.long@eia.doe.gov

Home Page: www.eia.doe.gov

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