U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves 2000 Annual Report

Most Recent
.The most recent data is always available on this page. Individual sections of the report are listed below. To read reports in PDF format, click HERE to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Special Files
All fifteen tables are presented in an EXCEL format. XLS
Appendices A through I tables are presented in an EXCEL format. XLS

The entire report as a single file. PDF

Previous reports are available on the historical page. historical

Front Matter
Cover Page, Preface and Table of Contents PDF
Executive Summary
A terse compilation of important reserves information that is discussed in greater detail within the report. PDF
1 Introduction PDF
2 Overview PDF
3 Crude Oil Statistics PDF
4 Natural Gas Statistics PDF
5 Natural Gas Liquids Statistics PDF
Publications cited in the reserves report are listed here. PDF
A Operator Data by Size Class PDF
B Top 100 Oil and Gas Fields for 2000 PDF
C Conversion to the Metric System PDF
D Historical Reserves Statistics PDF
E Summary of Data Collection Operations PDF
F Statistical Considerations PDF
G Estimation of Reserves and Resources PDF
H Maps of Selected State Subdivisions PDF
I Annual Survey Forms for Domestic Oil and Gas Reserves PDF

A listing of terms used within the Reserves Report, and their associated definitions. PDF

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File last modified: 01/16/2002
http://www.eia.doe.gov/oil_gas/natural_gas/data_publications/crude_oil_natural_gas reseves/cr.html