Contributing organizations

The Land and Water Fund of the Rockies uses law, economics, and policy analysis to protect land and water resources, protect essential habitats for plants and animals, and ensure that energy demands are met in environmentally sound and sustainable ways. The Energy Project at the Land and Water Fund develops policies and markets to promote sustainable energy technologies to improve environmental quality in the Interior West.
Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development (NWSEED) works to mobilize consumers and maximize local benefits from harvesting "homegrown" renewable resources - wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, and low-impact hydro coupled with conservation and bio-based products - while fostering self-sufficiency and creating new revenue streams. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, Northwest SEED supports and develops creative programs, policies and financing approaches to build rural economies and diversify the region's energy supply with affordable, distributed "green" generation.
GreenInfo Network brings the power of mapping, information and communications technology to nonprofits, governmental agencies and other public interest organizations, enabling them to more effectively understand and show the relationships between issues, people and places. Their mission is accomplished by:
  -  using technology to envision and produce effective;
  -  efficient and creative visual and data products for clients;
  -  enabling others to use these same tools;
  -  educating the public about the importance of place-based thinking in public policy issues;
  -  and communicating critical information on key public policy issues.
Integral GIS Incorporated works to develop geographic information systems (GIS) and GIS applications that allow our clients to view and analyze their data in new and innovative ways. Through GIS integration Integal dramatically improves access to information and overall understanding of that information for businesses, agencies, and their clients.

In addition to these organizations, dozens of other individuals and organizations made contributions of various kinds to the Atlas. For a complete list of acknowledgements, click here.
The Atlas is one in a series of papers examining Western energy supply issues and potential solutions for the future. This work was sponsored by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and managed by The Energy Foundation.

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