Traditional energy generation poses increasing environmental, supply and economic challenges. Wind energy is a clean, cost-effective option from an abundant, domestic resource. Like all electricity sources, wind energy has some impacts, but adding more wind to our traditional fuel mix is important to striking a healthy energy balance. Our society, even with increased energy efficiency, demands a steadily growing amount of electricity. We must consider how that power is made: if not wind, then what? Learn More

Wind Energy Fact

Wind energy will generate over 24 billion kilowatt-hours in the U.S. in 2006, enough electricity to power 2.3 million homes.
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Wind Energy Fact

Each wind turbine provides farm or ranch income annually--$2,000 - $4,000 per megawatt--and only 2-5% of the land is needed for one or more turbines and access roads.
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Five Myths About Wind Energy

Wind power is still a relatively new technology to many people, and a number of myths – some based on old technologies, some based on misunderstandings – abound on issues such as sound, subsidies and safety.

2004 Statistics on Wind Energy

How much electricity does wind power make in the U.S.? What fuels are displaced by wind energy? Which states have the most wind energy potential? These answers and many more in our facts and figures page.

Wind Energy Works

The Wind Energy Works! coalition is a new national broad-based alliance that will support wind energy development across the country as the first major step toward a clean and safe energy future.