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Wind Energy Fact Sheets

AWEA's Wind Energy Fact Sheets provide up-to-date information on wind energy development, economics, cost competitiveness, and environmental compatibility.

The fact sheets are available in PDF format and may be downloaded free using the links below. Your PDF reader will load automatically so that you can read or print the files. If you don't have a PDF reader yet, download the free version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader that's suitable for your PC or Mac.

AWEA Wind Energy Fact Sheets:

Wind Energy Basics
Offshore fact sheet
2008 - Another Record Year for new installations
Wind Power Today
Wind Power & Reliability Fact Sheet
Wind Energy Potential -- Top 20 U.S. States
20% Wind Energy by 2030: Backup Power and Emissions
U.S. Wind Energy Installations Top 20 GW
Policies to Promote Wind
The renewable energy Production Tax Credit
State-Level Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards (RPS)
The Renewables Portfolio Standard: How It Works and Why It's Needed
Wind Energy and U.S. Energy Subsidies
Structuring a "Buy-Down" Program for Small Renewable Energy Systems: Some Recommendations
Wind and the Environment
Climate Change
Utility Scale Wind Energy and Sound
Wind Turbine Lighting
Benefits of Wind Energy
Siting & Wildlife Issues
Wildlife Frequently Asked Questions
Wind Power Myths vs. Facts
Wildlife Lessons
Integrating Utility-scale Wind Energy
Using Wind Energy
Buying Wind Energy on the Retail Market
10 Steps to Developing a Wind Farm
Investing in Wind Power
Using Small Wind Turbines
Small Wind systems for homes, farms, and small businesses
Manufacturing and the Wind Energy Value Chain
Basics about the Wind Energy Value Chain
Electric Components
Metal Working

wind energy weekly

The leading newsletter for the wind energy industry


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