National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)NREL HomeInnovation for Our Energy Future
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March Seminar: The Conundrum of Biofuels, Food Security, and Climate

March 2009

Solar Leasing for Residential PV

March 2009

Economic Development Impacts of Wind Energy

March 2009

Analysts Meet With Stakeholders

March 2009

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March 12, 2009
Golden, Colorado

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NREL's Energy Analysis activities support the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.

Collage of renewable energy technologies.

Analysis at NREL aims to increase the understanding of the current and future characteristics, roles, and interactions of government, markets, and technologies. The acquired understanding is used to inform technology, benefits, market, policy, and program decisions as energy efficient and renewable energy technologies advance from concept to commercial application.

NREL's technology analysis evaluates the attributes of renewable energy technologies, examining RD&D areas in terms of potential costs, benefits, risks, uncertainties, and timeframes. The Lab's benefits analysis looks at the economic, environmental, security, and other impacts of current renewable energy programs. NREL's market analysis helps key players increase the use of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in the marketplace through understanding of market responses. Through policy analysis, the Lab evaluates rules and regulations that can advance — or provide alternatives to — renewable energy technologies in meeting national goals. The Lab's program analysis conducts work that determines the goals of the Department of Energy's (DOE) budgeting, planning, and management functions.

The Strategic Energy Analysis Center (SEAC) integrates and supports the energy analysis functions located in many of the Laboratory's research programs and technology centers. With offices in Washington, D.C., and Golden, Colorado, the Strategic Energy Analysis Center promotes understanding and collaboration through all of its analysis activities.

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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
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