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Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State
Table 4.9.B.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 4.9.B. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date through November 2008 and 2007
(Thousand Mcf)
Census Division
and State
Total (All Sectors)
Electric Power Sector
Commercial Sector
Industrial Sector
Electric Utilities
Independent Power Producers
2008 2007 Percent Change 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007
New England 347,158 389,297 -10.8 1,718 2,124 327,214 364,068 3,578 3,764 14,648 19,340
Connecticut 56,758 67,433 -15.8 38 -- 56,720 67,433 -- -- -- --
Maine 46,747 48,724 -4.1 -- -- 33,267 30,437 -- -- 13,481 18,287
Massachusetts 147,025 168,731 -12.9 1,580 1,912 140,700 162,002 3,578 3,764 1,167 1,053
New Hampshire 45,101 35,883 25.7 67 188 45,034 35,695 -- -- -- --
Rhode Island 51,492 68,502 -24.8 -- -- 51,492 68,502 -- -- -- --
Vermont 33 24 37.3 33 24 -- -- -- -- -- --
Middle Atlantic 683,932 670,997 1.9 136,833 114,735 524,953 530,895 2,827 2,778 19,318 22,589
New Jersey 162,946 147,054 10.8 284 -- 155,475 140,076 -- -- 7,187 6,978
New York 380,495 375,712 1.3 136,549 114,735 240,077 257,366 2,827 2,778 1,042 833
Pennsylvania 140,490 148,231 -5.2 -- -- 129,401 133,453 -- -- 11,089 14,778
East North Central 222,713 279,841 -20.4 45,495 41,425 156,796 208,231 4,940 5,921 15,482 24,264
Illinois 38,924 65,043 -40.2 3,648 -- 25,050 49,229 4,472 5,504 5,754 10,310
Indiana 40,422 38,010 6.3 7,265 7,152 25,741 19,561 -- -- 7,416 11,297
Michigan 83,725 107,167 -21.9 9,246 9,233 72,831 96,209 468 417 1,179 1,307
Ohio 18,787 27,930 -32.7 4,905 6,767 13,739 21,004 -- -- 143 160
Wisconsin 40,855 41,691 -2 20,430 18,274 19,435 22,227 -- -- 990 1,190
West North Central 107,095 66,043 62.2 86,724 45,539 18,610 18,618 63 118 1,699 1,767
Iowa 18,038 2,089 763.4 18,008 2,089 -- -- -- -- 30 --
Kansas 22,274 20,338 9.5 22,274 20,338 -- -- -- -- -- --
Minnesota 20,730 19,338 7.2 9,479 4,959 9,583 12,612 -- -- 1,669 1,767
Missouri 38,057 23,455 62.3 28,967 17,330 9,027 6,007 63 118 -- --
Nebraska 6,367 822 674.4 6,367 822 -- -- -- -- -- --
North Dakota 2 1 162.1 2 1 -- -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota 1,627 -- -- 1,627 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
South Atlantic 1,033,261 965,465 7 823,972 717,141 195,439 228,528 -- -- 13,851 19,796
Delaware 11,856 19,059 -37.8 -- -- 10,332 12,341 -- -- 1,523 6,718
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Florida 753,875 684,295 10.2 667,121 591,618 83,198 86,940 -- -- 3,555 5,737
Georgia 97,762 103,533 -5.6 52,354 45,897 39,817 53,325 -- -- 5,591 4,311
Maryland 14,901 18,002 -17.2 -- -- 13,814 18,002 -- -- 1,087 --
North Carolina 34,919 25,832 35.2 27,772 18,122 6,490 7,153 -- -- 657 557
South Carolina 44,817 34,632 29.4 33,590 21,922 11,052 12,558 -- -- 176 153
Virginia 73,298 76,519 -4.2 42,507 39,530 29,530 35,929 -- -- 1,261 1,059
West Virginia 1,833 3,593 -49 628 52 1,205 2,280 -- -- -- 1,260
East South Central 348,575 330,434 5.5 174,343 145,802 162,261 176,151 -- -- 11,971 8,482
Alabama 160,503 171,167 -6.2 61,265 63,131 89,069 101,239 -- -- 10,169 6,797
Kentucky 9,641 3,558 170.9 8,039 2,536 1,603 1,022 -- -- -- --
Mississippi 174,516 154,839 12.7 101,516 80,135 71,505 73,237 -- -- 1,495 1,467
Tennessee 3,914 869 350.2 3,524 -- 84 652 -- -- 307 217
West South Central 2,565,770 2,450,708 4.7 624,804 585,840 1,281,371 1,270,589 4,355 4,088 655,239 590,191
Arkansas 65,508 52,694 24.3 11,346 1,449 54,162 51,245 -- -- -- --
Louisiana 451,551 432,053 4.5 148,246 135,513 70,326 69,708 -- -- 232,979 226,832
Oklahoma 269,609 263,431 2.3 169,917 161,727 92,504 94,032 -- -- 7,188 7,672
Texas 1,779,102 1,702,531 4.5 295,295 287,151 1,064,379 1,055,605 4,355 4,088 415,073 355,687
Mountain 639,089 596,432 7.2 324,622 288,633 305,616 303,628 -- -- 8,851 4,171
Arizona 261,528 247,408 5.7 101,408 104,248 160,104 143,160 -- -- 16 --
Colorado 93,720 108,898 -13.9 35,405 32,011 58,315 76,887 -- -- -- --
Idaho 9,469 8,949 5.8 1,060 -- 8,409 8,949 -- -- -- --
Montana 504 628 -19.7 117 10 387 618 -- -- -- --
Nevada 166,314 157,120 5.9 96,075 93,920 67,168 63,200 -- -- 3,071 --
New Mexico 52,329 32,836 59.4 44,436 27,120 7,866 5,652 -- -- 28 64
Utah 49,145 36,366 35.1 45,741 31,166 3,329 5,144 -- -- 75 55
Wyoming 6,080 4,228 43.8 381 157 39 19 -- -- 5,660 4,052
Pacific Contiguous 1,009,750 876,276 15.2 251,178 171,592 644,004 597,922 3,954 4,235 110,614 102,528
California 828,264 739,887 11.9 199,527 138,023 525,179 504,363 3,954 4,235 99,605 93,266
Oregon 114,167 96,442 18.4 37,968 32,623 67,232 56,637 -- -- 8,967 7,182
Washington 67,318 39,948 68.5 13,683 945 51,593 36,922 -- -- 2,042 2,081
Pacific Noncontiguous 36,027 32,528 10.8 36,027 32,528 -- -- -- -- -- --
Alaska 36,027 32,528 10.8 36,027 32,528 -- -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Total 6,993,369 6,658,021 5 2,505,715 2,145,360 3,616,264 3,698,629 19,717 20,904 851,673 793,128
  Notes: Due to different reporting requirements between the Form EIA-923 and historical FERC Form 423, the receipts data from 2008 and on are not directly comparable to prior years.  For more information, please see the Technical Notes in Appendix C. See Glossary for definitions. Values for 2007 are final.  Values for 2008 are preliminary. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Natural gas, including a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels that cannot be identified separately.  Natural gas values for 2001 forward do not include blast furnace gas or other gas. Mcf = thousand cubic feet.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants;" Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;"  Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

More Tables on Receipts, Cost and Quality:
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 4.6. Receipts and Quality of Coal Delivered for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels for the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.7. Average Quality of Fossil Fuels Burned by the Electric Power Industry html pdf xls
Table 4.1. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 4.2. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Electric Utilities, html   xls
Table 4.3. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 4.4. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Commercial Sector html   xls
Table 4.5. Receipts, Average Cost and Quality of Fossil Fuels: Industrial Sector html   xls
Table 4.6.a. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.6.b. Receipts of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.7.a. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.7.b. Receipts of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.8.a. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.8.b. Receipts of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.9.a. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.10.a. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.10.b. Average Cost of Coal Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.11.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.11.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Liquids Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.12.a. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.12.b. Average Cost of Petroleum Coke Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.13.a. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State html   xls
Table 4.13.b. Average Cost of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, Year-to-Date html   xls
Table 4.14. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Total (All Sectors) by State html   xls
Table 4.15. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Electric Utilities by State html   xls
Table 4.16. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Independent Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.17. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Table 4.18. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Producers by State html   xls
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (Form EIA-423)   DBF
Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Database (FERC Form No. 423)   DBF

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics