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Power struggle escalates in Madagascar

Madagascar's president, Marc Ravalomanana, is still in power despite "rumors" from political opponents that he has been removed, the besieged government said Saturday.

Abducted aid workers freed in Darfur

The four Doctors Without Borders staffers abducted earlier this week in Sudan's Darfur region have been "safely released," the group said on Saturday.

Abducted aid workers freed in Darfur

Four abducted medical workers abducted in Sudan's Darfur region earlier this week appeared Saturday on Sudanese TV after their release.

Three aid workers snatched in Darfur

Three Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) staffers have been abducted in the war-torn Sudanese province of Darfur, the group said Thursday.

Opposition politician released in Zimbabwe

A top opposition politician in Zimbabwe was released on bail Thursday after spending almost a month in prison.

Thousands attend funeral for Zimbabwe prime minister's wife

Thousands of people gathered Wednesday for the funeral of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's wife, who was killed last week in a car wreck.

Zimbabwe's Supreme Court orders politician's release

Zimbabwe's Supreme Court Wednesday ordered that a top opposition politician be released from prison on bail, the opposition party said.

Mugabe attends Susan Tsvangirai memorial service

Zimbabwean President Mugabe joined mourners Tuesday at a church service for Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's wife, who was killed last week in a car wreck.

Tsvangirai rules out foul play in fatal crash

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe said Monday that he does not believe foul play was involved in a car wreck that killed his wife.

Reports: 14 people missing after cargo ship sinks

Fourteen people were missing after a cargo ship sank Monday in Egyptian waters, Red Sea Gov. Majdi Al Qubaisi told Egyptian television.

Power struggle escalates in Madagascar

Madagascar's president, Marc Ravalomanana, is still in power despite "rumors" from political opponents that he has been removed, the besieged government said Saturday.

Abducted aid workers freed in Darfur

The four Doctors Without Borders staffers abducted earlier this week in Sudan's Darfur region have been "safely released," the group said on Saturday.

Abducted aid workers freed in Darfur

Four abducted medical workers abducted in Sudan's Darfur region earlier this week appeared Saturday on Sudanese TV after their release.

Three aid workers snatched in Darfur

Three Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) staffers have been abducted in the war-torn Sudanese province of Darfur, the group said Thursday.

Opposition politician released in Zimbabwe

A top opposition politician in Zimbabwe was released on bail Thursday after spending almost a month in prison.

Thousands attend funeral for Zimbabwe prime minister's wife

Thousands of people gathered Wednesday for the funeral of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's wife, who was killed last week in a car wreck.

Zimbabwe's Supreme Court orders politician's release

Zimbabwe's Supreme Court Wednesday ordered that a top opposition politician be released from prison on bail, the opposition party said.

Mugabe attends Susan Tsvangirai memorial service

Zimbabwean President Mugabe joined mourners Tuesday at a church service for Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's wife, who was killed last week in a car wreck.

Tsvangirai rules out foul play in fatal crash

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe said Monday that he does not believe foul play was involved in a car wreck that killed his wife.

Reports: 14 people missing after cargo ship sinks

Fourteen people were missing after a cargo ship sank Monday in Egyptian waters, Red Sea Gov. Majdi Al Qubaisi told Egyptian television.

African Voices: Ian Khama

Botswana has been hailed as one of Africa's success stories and a beacon for democracy on the continent. It's home to Africa's longest continuous multi-party democracy and has remained politically stable since gaining independence in 1966.

Defiant Sudanese president visits Darfur

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir made his first trip to Darfur since an international tribunal ordered his arrest on war crimes charges, pledging resistance Sunday to what he called efforts to "recolonize" Africa.

Injured Tsvangirai returning to Zimbabwe for wife's funeral

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai will return to the country for his wife's funeral on Wednesday, a spokesman for his Movement for Democratic Change party says.

Official: Tsvangirai believes fatal crash was deliberate

Zimbabwe's prime minister believes the driver of the truck that struck his car, killing his wife, deliberately drove toward them, his party told CNN.

'Killing will go on' despite Darfur charges

The killing will go on in Darfur despite the International Criminal Court's moves against Sudan President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, refugees from the violence said Wednesday, lamenting the country they say is now beyond salvation.

White House meets aid groups over Darfur

Obama administration officials huddled at the White House Thursday night with non-governmental organizations currently operating in Darfur, after the Sudanese president announced that 13 aid groups must leave the country.

Sudanese ambassador: Ousted aid groups were 'spoiling' country

Sudan's ambassador to the United Nations on Friday defended his nation's decision to expel 16 nongovernment aid organizations, charging they were "messing up everything," "spoiling," and "destabilizing" his country.

Car-truck crash kills Zimbabwe prime minister's wife, injures him

Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was in stable condition and recovering from head injuries Friday night after a car wreck that killed his wife, Susan, medical sources told CNN.

IMF sending team to examine Zimbabwe's economy

The International Monetary Fund has announced it will send a fact-finding mission to poverty-stricken Zimbabwe next week to assess the nation's "economic situation and prospects."

Official who freed Zimbabwe opposition politician arrested

Zimbabwe police arrested on Friday a magistrate who ordered the release of a senior opposition politician granted bail by the country's High Court, a lawyer said.

Human rights activists killed in Kenya

Two human-rights activists were shot and killed in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, on Thursday evening, leading a U.N. investigator to call for an independent investigation to prove that Kenyan police were not involved.

Zimbabwe court allows appeal on opposition official's bail

A Zimbabwe Supreme Court judge ruled Thursday that the state can further appeal a decision that would release a top opposition politician on bail.

Sudan soldier: 'They told me to kill, to rape children'

I wanted to believe the man in front of me wasn't a rapist. I knew he was a former Sudanese soldier, I knew he wanted to talk about rape in Darfur. A humanitarian group working on Darfur issues had introduced him to us. They told us his testimony was important to hear.

British cruise ship in 'pirate attack' scare

More than 1,000 British tourists on a round-the-world cruise were ushered to safety amid fears their ship was being followed by pirates, a travel company said Thursday.

Sudan's president dances after war crimes move

Sudan's president was seen smiling, dancing and speaking to a huge crowd of supporters Thursday, a day after a warrant was issued for his arrest on war crimes charges.

Zimbabwe judge to rule in opposition official case

A Zimbabwe Supreme Court judge will decide Thursday whether the state should be allowed to further appeal a decision that would let a top opposition politician out on bail.

U.S. close to handing pirate suspects to Kenya

The U.S. Navy could hand over seven suspected pirates held aboard a U.S. ship to Kenyan authorities for prosecution as early as this week, according to U.S. military officials.

Sudan orders aid agency expulsions

Sudan ordered a number of international aid agencies to leave the country Wednesday after an arrest warrant was issued for the country's president, a United Nations source in the capital city of Khartoum said.

International Court issues arrest warrant for Sudanese president

The International Criminal Court at the Hague issued an arrest warrant Wednesday for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir for a five-year campaign of violence in Darfur.

Waiting for justice in Kenya

She calmly recounts her story, her voice firm, her face stoic, in a dim room in Nairobi's Kibera slums.

Attorney: Despite ruling, release unlikely for Mugabe opponent

Zimbabwe's High Court on Tuesday upheld the release of a top opposition politician on bail, but the state attorney vowed to take the case all the way to the Supreme Court.

About the show

CNN International's new show, "African Voices," highlights Africa's most engaging personalities, exploring the lives and passions of people who rarely open themselves up to the camera.

Zimbabwe's top human rights activist released

Jestina Mukoko, Zimbabwe's top human rights activist, was released from custody Monday, she announced.

President of Guinea-Bissau assassinated

The president of Guinea-Bissau was assassinated Monday morning, a day after an explosion killed the head of the West African country's military, the prime minister said.

Somali president bends to rebel demand for sharia law

Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said Saturday he will give in to a rebel demand that he impose Islamic law, or sharia, in an effort to halt fighting between Somali forces and Islamic insurgents.

Mugabe hosts lavish party despite national crisis

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe was celebrating his 85th birthday with a lavish all-day party Saturday despite the fact that the country is gripped by an economic and health crisis.

Displaced Somalis return to Mogadishu, despite heavy fighting

More than 40,000 Somalis have returned to the abandoned neighborhoods of Mogadishu in the past six weeks, despite some of the heaviest fighting in months, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said Friday.

Ancient footprints: Earliest signs of modern feet

Ancient footprints discovered in northern Kenya are believed to be the oldest sign that early humans had feet like ours.

U.N.: 15,000 flee southern Darfur

Fighting has prompted thousands of people in the southern part of Sudan's Darfur region to seek security and shelter at a refugee camp in the northern part of the war-torn area, according to the United Nations.

Nigeria militants 'repel attack, kill troops'

Militants in Nigeria's oil-rich southern delta region said they killed six government soldiers after the military attacked one of its camps on Thursday.

Kenyan police accused of widespread killings

A U.N. investigator accused Kenyan police of widespread extrajudicial killings, and called Wednesday for the removal of the East African nation's police commissioner and its attorney general.

Zimbabwe court orders jailed politician freed

A Zimbabwe court has ordered the release on bail of a top opposition politician, but the country's attorney general immediately asked for seven days to decide whether it would appeal.

Heavy clashes kill 15 in Somalia

Heavy clashes between Islamic insurgents and forces from the transitional government of Somalia Tuesday left at least 15 people dead and 60 others wounded, according to eyewitnesses, medics and residents.

Jailed politician refuses Zimbabwe amnesty deal

Officials in Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's ruling party have offered to release imprisoned opposition leaders in exchange for a promise of amnesty covering the party's nearly 30-year rule, one jailed politician's wife said Wednesday.

Seize opportunity for peace in Darfur, Clooney urges Obama

One week in Darfur, the next week at the White House. That's the role of a peace activist -- one that actor George Clooney embraces.

Latest 'al Qaeda message' focuses on Somalia

Islamist fighters in Somalia have made significant gains in the country, according to the latest statement purportedly from al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Peacekeepers' fury over Somalia killing

The African Union responded angrily and defiantly to the killing of at least 11 Burundian soldiers in an apparent suicide bomb attack Sunday in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.

'Dire' economy shaking Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's new prime minister on Sunday called the country's economic situation "dire and serious" and asked the international community for help.

Madagascar rivals meet after protests kill dozens

The president of Madagascar and an opposition leader vowed over the weekend to put an end to demonstrations and politically motivated arrests after a tense standoff that has lasted nearly a month and left dozens dead.

Jailed Zimbabwe activist misses swear-in

One of Zimbabwe's top opposition politicians remained in police custody Thursday as his fellow deputy ministers were being sworn in to join the new unity government led by President Robert Mugabe.

Trees provide 'free subsidy' for nature, study finds

Undisturbed tropical forests are absorbing nearly one-fifth of the CO2 released by burning fossil fuels, a new study has found.

Arrested Zimbabwe opposition leader charged

A court in Zimbabwe charged a senior opposition official Tuesday over an alleged plot involving terrorism and insurgency, as President Robert Mugabe chaired the first Cabinet meeting of a coalition government.

Zimbabwe cholera epidemic worsening

The political crisis that has gripped Zimbabwe for nearly a year may be drawing to an end, but a deadly cholera outbreak there is only getting worse.

Sudan, rebels sign prisoner release deal

Sudan's government and rebels from its troubled Darfur region signed a confidence-building agreement Tuesday in Qatar, a step toward ending a six-year conflict that has killed about 300,000 people, the emirate's state news agency reported.

Arrested Zimbabwe activist's hearing delayed

Police in Zimbabwe Monday failed to bring to court an opposition activist who was scheduled to become a government minister on Friday but was arrested instead.

Zimbabwe accuses new minister of terrorism

Roy Bennett, the former Zimbabwean opposition activist who was arrested Friday shortly before he was due to become a Cabinet minister, has been charged with conspiracy to commit banditry, sabotage and terrorism, his lawyer told CNN.

Zimbabwe arrests new government minister

A Zimbabwean opposition party member was arrested just before he was to become the troubled country's deputy agriculture minister, the opposition Movement for Democratic change said.

Zimbabwe PM meets political prisoners

Zimbabwe's former opposition leader spent his first full day as prime minister of the deeply troubled African nation Thursday, and called it "hectic."

Russian warship apprehends Somali pirates

A Russian heavy missile cruiser stopped three pirate ships off the coast of Somalia, and detained 10 pirates, according to a statement released Friday by Russian Navy headquarters in Moscow.

Freed ship carrying tanks docks in Kenya

A Ukrainian cargo vessel laden with tanks and other weapons docked in Kenya on Thursday, nearly five months after pirates captured it.

U.S. Navy captures more suspected pirates off Somalia

The U.S. Navy arrested nine more suspected pirates off the coast of Somalia Thursday -- the second capture in two days -- after receiving a distress call from an Indian-flagged commercial ship.

Arrests made after tainted medicine kills 84 children

Twelve people were arrested in connection with a tainted teething medicine that killed at least 84 children in Nigeria, authorities said Thursday.

Tsvangirai sworn in as Zimbabwe PM

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was sworn in as prime minister of Zimbabwe Wednesday as part of a new unity government that Zimbabweans hope will signal an end to the political and economic crises that have gripped the nation for months.

U.S. Navy arrests pirate suspects in Gulf of Aden

The U.S. Navy has captured seven suspected pirates in the Gulf of Aden, the first arrests by a U.S.-led task force set up to curb rampant piracy off the Horn of Africa, a Navy spokesman said Wednesday.

U.N. envoy 'motivates Somali warlords'

A controversial comment by the top U.N. envoy to Somalia "motivates" those who have carried out recent fatal attacks against journalists in the war-torn country, the head of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) said Wednesday.

Mugabe rivals to lead battle to fix economy

Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has picked his party's secretary-general to hold the difficult and important post of finance minister, he said Tuesday.

South African elections set for April

South Africans will hold general elections on April 22, the president announced Tuesday in Parliament, setting the stage for a campaign that will see the leading contender running despite his pending legal problems.

26 dead in Madagascar violence

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged the leaders of Madagascar to resolve their differences after an anti-government rally a day earlier turned violent and left more than two dozen people dead.

Somali journalist stabbed; 2nd attack in less than a week

A Somali journalists' union on Sunday condemned the multiple stabbing of a radio director -- the second targeted attack on a Somali journalist in less than a week.

23 killed at Madagascar protest

At least 23 people died Saturday when a protest rally turned violent outside Madagascar's Presidential Palace, a fire official at the main hospital said.

Mortars fired as Somali president returns from exile

Hours after newly elected Somalian President Sheikh Sharif Sheekh Ahmed arrived in the country's capital, mortars were fired Saturday at his presidential palace, according to a journalist who witnessed the incident.

U.N. team heads to Zimbabwe for humanitarian aid

The United Nations said Saturday that it will conduct a humanitarian mission in Zimbabwe in the wake of a raging cholera outbreak.

Medicine man says he can cure AIDS

The small room captured the smells from the wild assortment of herbs, barks and powders scattered in bags at the feet of the local medicine man.

Poison in teething drug kills 84 Nigerian children

At least 84 Nigerian children have died after ingesting teething medicine that contained a solvent typically found in antifreeze, the country's health minister said Friday.

U.S. diplomat in Ethiopia found dead

Brian Adkins, a newly assigned American diplomat in Ethiopia, was found dead last weekend at his home in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, an embassy spokesman and a senior State Department official told CNN.

Zimbabwe's parliament passes unity bill

In a move that many hope signals the beginning of the end of the political and economic crises that have gripped Zimbabwe for months, the parliament Thursday unanimously passed a resolution to form a unity government with President Robert Mugabe and the opposition.

Pirates release ship carrying tanks, other arms

Somali pirates released a Ukrainian ship Thursday carrying tanks, ammunition and crew after receiving a ransom of $3.2 million, a spokesman for the ship's owner said.

State Department: U.S. envoy found dead in Ethiopia

Brian Adkins, a newly assigned American diplomat in Ethiopia, was found dead last weekend at his home in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, an embassy spokesman and a senior State Department official said Thursday.

Hopes high for Somalia's new Islamist president

It was an odd sight in Ethiopia's capital this week: a standing ovation for Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, the man whom Ethiopian forces had removed from power in neighboring Somalia two years ago.

Zimbabwe judge sues first lady over farm

A Zimbabwe High Court judge is trying to take the country's first lady to court, accusing her of using political muscle to wrest from him a farm he was given during the land seizures.

Gunmen assassinate prominent Somali journalist

A prominent Somali journalist was shot and killed by suspected Islamist gunmen in broad daylight on Wednesday, as one of his colleagues watched in horror.

South African court postpones Zuma corruption proceedings

Corruption proceedings against Jacob Zuma, president of South Africa's ruling party, have been provisionally postponed until August 25, the High Court said Wednesday.

Opposition: Mugabe party trying to sink power-sharing deal

Zimbabwe's opposition said Tuesday that President Robert Mugabe's party has begun to backtrack on the inclusive government set to form next week and is dithering on discussions of contentious issues.

Libya's Gadhafi named African Union chairman

African leaders have chosen Libyan President Moammar Gadhafi as chairman of the African Union, according to Ethiopian and Libyan official news agencies.

Somalia fighting kills at least 39 civilians

At least 39 civilians were killed in Somalia's capital Monday after a convoy of African Union peacekeepers was hit by a roadside bomb, causing the troops to open fire, officials and eyewitnesses said.

Zimbabwe removes 12 zeros from currency

Zimbabwe slashed 12 zeros from its currency as hyperinflation continued to erode its value, the country's central bank announced Monday.

Charges against George Obama dropped

All charges against George Obama, half-brother to U.S. President Barack Obama, have been dropped after his arrest in a drug raid, according to police in Kenya.

Obama's half brother says he's out of jail

George Obama, the half brother of U.S. President Barack Obama, told CNN on Sunday that he was released from a Kenyan jail hours after his arrest on suspicion of marijuana possession.

Obama's half-brother arrested on charge of marijuana possession

George Obama, the half-brother of U.S. President Barack Obama, has been arrested by Kenyan police on a charge of possession of marijuana, police said Saturday.

Kenya petrol tanker explosion kills 100

More than 100 people were killed and several dozen wounded when an overturned petrol tanker exploded in Kenya early Sunday, authorities said.

New Somali president sworn in amid upheaval

Moderate Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Sheekh Ahmed was sworn in as Somalia's new president Saturday after he was voted in by the country's parliament, a Somali journalist said.

Madagascar opposition leader declares himself in charge

The head of the opposition to Madagascar's government took to the streets Saturday, declaring himself the nation's leader after a week of violence and looting that killed at least 83 people and wounded more than 300.

Zimbabwe cholera cases pass 60,000

More than 60,000 people have now been infected with cholera in Zimbabwe, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Zimbabwe opposition says it's ready for unity government

Zimbabwe's main opposition party said Friday it will join a unity government next month if President Robert Mugabe's government meets its demands.

13 bodies found in scorched remains of Kenyan shop

Officials found 13 bodies in the rubble of a scorched supermarket in downtown Nairobi Friday and are investigating a tip that security guards locked people in the burning building, a police spokesman said.

Former CIA station chief accused of rape

The U.S. government is investigating a former CIA officer in Algeria who has been accused of drugging and raping two women while he held the post, according to an affidavit released by the Justice Department.

Pirates hijack German-owned ship in Gulf of Aden

Pirates Thursday hijacked a German-owned tanker in the Gulf of Aden, the waterway between Africa and the Middle East which has become one of the world's most dangerous shipping lanes.

Madagascar calms after rioting, deaths

After two days of violence and looting that claimed the lives of at least 48 people, relative calm settled over Madagascar Wednesday. But the possibility of further violence loomed as anti-government protesters gathered in a central square, vowing future demonstrations.

Former CIA station chief target of rape inquiry

A former CIA station chief in Algeria is under investigation by the State and Justice departments after being accused of raping at least two women while he held the post, a source confirmed to CNN on Wednesday.

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