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Products: System Center Desktop Error Monitoring

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring

Proactively manage application and operating system failures

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring provides insights into application and operating system failures that cause PCs to hang or crash. It makes desktops more stable and reduces the cost of Windows desktop ownership by enabling your IT team to manage these failures through a scalable, low-cost deployment solution for granular error filtering and alerting.

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring is a core component of the Desktop Optimization Pack for Software Assurance, a suite of advanced technologies designed to improve desktop manageability and security and decrease TCO.

Challenges with resolving corporate desktop crashes

One of the most severe and difficult-to-resolve desktop problems is when an operating system or application stops responding. People typically deal with this by rebooting their systems. In most cases, they don't tell IT about the problem. This means IT has limited visibility into these issues and no way to proactively resolve them.

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring puts an end to the error-reporting "black hole" and helps IT proactively manage these problems.

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring: Advantages

Enhances IT helpdesk effectiveness, reducing cost of Windows ownership

Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring identifies the crashes that occur most frequently and provides crash details and automated responses that can reduce the time it takes to resolve problems. It also helps your staff triage patch deployments and updates and provides metrics for monitoring post-deployment effects.

Improves desktop stability, increasing end-user productivity

Through crash monitoring technology that does not require an agent on the desktop, Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring identifies the impact, probable cause, and resolution for failures—making desktops more stable and reliable. It reduces downtime throughout organization by identifying critical errors in real-time and providing IT-controlled custom error responses, and by proactively addressing errors in pre-production.

Customers using Microsoft System Center Desktop Error Monitoring have the option of upgrading to System Center Operations Manager 2007. Doing so adds collective and business-critical monitoring capabilities to the crash monitoring solution, enabling complete application, desktop, and server monitoring.

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For more detailed information, see the Windows Vista TechCenter.


Some product features are only available in certain editions of Windows Vista and may require advanced or additional hardware.