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Total Electric Power Industry Summary Statistics
Table ES1.a.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table ES1.a. Total Electric Power Industry Summary Statistics, 2008 and 2007
Net Generation and Consumption of Fuels
Items Total (All Sectors) Electric Power Sector Commercial Industrial
Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers
Nov-08 Nov-07 % Change Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-07
Net Generation (thousand megawatthours)
Coal[1] 155,002 159,382 -2.7 113,340 118,379 40,332 39,557 102 115 1,227 1,332
Petroleum Liquids[2] 2,097 2,001 4.8 1,539 1,452 454 411 9 5 96 133
Petroleum Coke 1,075 1,135 -5.3 516 404 469 568 1 1 89 162
Natural Gas[3] 61,461 60,637 1.4 22,273 21,658 33,160 32,373 327 335 5,701 6,270
Other Gases[4] 686 1,031 -33.5 1 14 160 318 -- -- 525 699
Nuclear 63,408 64,899 -2.3 31,811 33,202 31,597 31,697 -- -- -- --
Hydroelectric Conventional 17,081 15,682 8.9 15,474 14,118 1,505 1,436 3 5 100 123
Other Renewables 10,092 9,029 11.8 844 779 6,878 5,658 127 141 2,244 2,451
Wood and Wood-Derived Fuels[5] 3,157 3,273 -3.6 186 204 772 678 1 2 2,198 2,390
Other Biomass[6] 1,296 1,425 -9.1 90 103 1,035 1,122 125 139 47 61
Geothermal 1,206 1,211 -0.4 102 96 1,104 1,115 -- -- -- --
Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic[7] 26 24 7.3 1 * 25 24 -- -- -- --
Wind 4,408 3,095 42.4 465 376 3,942 2,719 -- -- -- --
Hydroelectric Pumped Storage -492 -662 25.6 -390 -549 -103 -113 -- -- -- --
Other Energy Sources[8] 736 967 -23.9 37 42 499 503 58 65 142 357
All Energy Sources 311,146 314,103 -0.9 185,444 189,498 114,952 112,409 626 667 10,124 11,528
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Electricity Generation
Coal (1000 tons)1 81,383 82,495 -1.3 58,641 60,509 22,148 21,573 30 30 564 383
Petroleum Liquids (1000 bbls)2 3,625 3,302 9.8 2,685 2,501 792 657 12 8 135 137
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) 407 431 -5.5 198 162 183 223 * * 26 46
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf)3 484,860 468,868 3.4 188,171 181,269 248,956 240,436 2,921 2,722 44,813 44,442
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Useful Thermal Output
Coal (1000 tons)1 1,839 1,898 -3.1 -- -- 345 311 149 139 1,344 1,447
Petroleum Liquids (1000 bbls)2 451 761 -40.8 -- -- 31 99 17 8 403 653
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) 73 98 -25.6 -- -- 12 13 1 1 60 83
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf)3 61,635 70,319 -12.3 -- -- 24,809 26,476 2,107 3,000 34,719 40,843
Consumption of Fossil Fuels for Electricity Generation and Useful Thermal Output
Coal (1000 tons)1 83,221 84,392 -1.4 58,641 60,509 22,494 21,884 179 169 1,908 1,830
Petroleum Liquids (1000 bbls)2 4,076 4,063 0.3 2,685 2,501 823 756 29 16 538 790
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) 480 529 -9.2 198 162 195 236 2 2 86 129
Natural Gas (1000 Mcf)3 546,495 539,187 1.4 188,171 181,269 273,765 266,912 5,028 5,722 79,532 85,285
Fuel Stocks (end-of-month)
Coal (1000 tons)[9] 169,050 157,438 7.4 131,854 122,160 34,444 32,132 299 393 2,453 2,753
Petroleum Liquids (1000 bbls)2 44,778 48,050 -6.8 26,033 28,157 14,102 16,561 390 583 4,253 2,748
Petroleum Coke (1000 tons) 1,247 890 40 489 309 377 303 * * 380 278
Retail Sales, Retail Revenue and Average Retail Price per Kilowatthour
Items Total U.S. Electric Power Industry
Retail Sales (Million kWh)[10] Retail Revenue (Million Dollars) Average Retail Price (Cents/kWh)
Nov-08 Nov-07 % Change Nov-08 Nov-07 % Change Nov-08 Nov-07 % Change
Residential 96,153 95,905 0.3 11,029 10,264 7.5 11.47 10.7 7.2
Commercial[11] 104,245 104,603 -0.3 10,564 9,938 6.3 10.13 9.5 6.6
Industrial11 78,610 85,118 -7.6 5,549 5,348 3.7 7.06 6.28 12.4
Transportation11 616 673 -8.5 65 59 10.9 10.61 8.76 21.1
All Sectors 279,623 286,299 -2.3 27,207 25,609 6.2 9.73 8.94 8.8
  [1] Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, waste coal, and coal synfuel.
  [2] Distillate fuel oil, residual fuel oil, jet fuel, and kerosene.
  [3] Natural gas includes a small amount of supplemental gaseous fuels that cannot be identified separately.
  [4] Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels.
  [5] Wood, black liquor, and other wood waste.
  [6] Biogenic municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, agriculture byproducts, and other biomass.
  [7] Solar thermal and photovoltaic energy.
  [8] Non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuel, and miscellaneous technologies.
  [9] Anthracite, bituminous, subbituminous, coal synfuel, and lignite; excludes waste coal.
  [10] Retail sales and net generation may not correspond exactly for a particular month for a variety of reasons (e.g., sales data may include imported electricity).  Net generation is for the calendar month while retail sales and associated revenue accumulate from bills collected for periods of time (28 to 35 days) that vary dependent upon customer class and consumption occurring in and outside the calendar month.
  [11] See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
  * = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g., for values with no decimals, the smallest unit is "1" then values under 0.5 are shown as "*".)
  Notes: Beginning with the collection of Form EIA-923 in January 2008, the methodology to allocate total fuel consumption for electricity generation and consumption for useful thermal output was changed.    The new methodology was retroatively applied to 2004-2007.  See the Technical Notes (Appendix C) for further information. Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in "Other".  Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in "Other Renewables." Values for 2007 are final. Values for 2008 are preliminary and are estimates based on samples.  - See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample designs. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percent difference is calculated before rounding. Monetary values are expressed in nominal terms.
  Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, "Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue With State Distributions Report;" Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report," replaced the following: Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-920, "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" Form EIA-423, "Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report;" and  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, "Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants."

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics