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What's New at DPS

Vermont Yankee
For more information on Docket 7440, click here

  • The DPS has issued an RFP for Clean Energy Development Fund projects to promote the development and deployment of cost-effective and environmentally sustainable electric power resources for the long-term benefit of VT electric customers. Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Anne Margolis.
  • The DPS has issued a RFP for a consulant with demonstrated experience in residential heating systems and fuel sources, heating fuel market analysis and cost leveraging strategies, to conduct a home fuel study. Proposals are due on February 3rd. 
  • On December 18, 2008, the Department of Public Service released a report detailing the results of an investigation into the causes of an outage that left Vermonters across nothern Vermont unable to call 9-1-1 on the morning of September 3, 2008. Report
  • The DPS has issued an RFP for consulting services to provide expert assistance to assess the merits of the current energy efficiency utility structure versus an alternative developed through a stakeholder workshop process, including recommendations for improvement in either structure.  Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to TJ Poor
  • The Joint Fiscal Committee for the General Assembly has issued an RFP for expert legal services to assist the General Assembly with a decision about the continued operation of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station beyond its current operating license. 
  • The Department of Public Service released its public draft of the Comprehensive Energy Plan on May 27, 2008, which outlines the state’s efforts to provide affordable energy, environmental responsibility and ongoing reliability.
  • This is a petition by Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC ("EVY"), and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. ("ENO")(collectively with EVY, "Entergy VY"), for such approvals from this Board and the Vermont General Assembly as may be required to operate the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station ("VY Station") after March 21, 2012. For more information, see Docket 7440
  • Pursuant to Act 160, the Vermont Department of Public Service is required to convene public meetings to gather public information and input regarding the continued operation of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Facility in Vernon, Vermont. The department will be hosting four public meetings and one online conference (to be announced). The department encourages Vermonters to participate in either a meeting or the online conference.
    Entergy has filed a petition and supporting documents for the reorganization of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Facility as a Limited Liability Corporation. (LLC).
  • Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) along with the Vermont Department of Public Service commissioned Shaw Stone & Webster Management Consultants, Inc. to perform a Comprehensive Business Process and Audit.
  • As part the first Public Service Board workshop for the investigation in Docket 7307, the Department of Public Service's consultant will provide a status of the current technology, an overview of the work plan, and the analytical methodology they will use to study the costs and benefits of advanced metering infrastructure. Further, informational needs to conduct the analysis will be outlined. A copy of the workshop presentation can be found here. Please direct any questions to TJ Poor.
  • The DPS has released Utility Facts 2008, a comprehensive source for public utility information. As it becomes available, the Department will regularly update Utility Facts with electric, gas, telecommunications, and water utility information.
  • Webpages track progress of the Mediated Modeling Participatory Energy Planning project.
  • DPS has launched informational web pages on the Lamoille Transmission Upgrade Project.

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