Bureau of Reclamation Banner


Our library catalog is currently down on our internet site.
Bureau of Reclamation Employees may access our catalog through our
(Intranet Site).

New! Our library collection is now searchable through WorldCat.
Search for an item in libraries near you:
WorldCat.org >>

For reference questions please feel free to contact us.

Maintained by:
Denver Office Library
Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25007, Mail Code: 84-27960
6th and Kipling st.

Denver, Colorado 80225-0007
303.445.2072 (Phone) 303.445.6303 (Fax)

To purchase Bureau of Reclamation publications here are a couple of options:
Water Resources Publications - Highlands Ranch, Colorado
National Technical Information Service - (NTIS) Springfield, VA
U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO)
- Washington, D.C.

Please contact Kristi Thompson regarding this page.
Last modified: 1/28/2009

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