The Producer Price Index (PPI) program measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output. The prices included in the PPI are from the first commercial transaction for many products and some services.

Next Release: March 17, 2009

February 2009 PPI data are scheduled to be released on March 17, 2009, at 8:30 A.M. Eastern Time

Latest PPI News Releases

Producer Price Index

February 19, 2009
The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods rose 0.8 percent in January, seasonally adjusted. This increase followed declines of 1.9 percent in December and 2.5 percent in November. The index for finished goods less foods and energy increased 0.4 percent following a 0.2-percent rise a month earlier. More...

Report On Quality Changes For 2009 Motor Vehicles

November 18, 2008
The value of quality changes for a sample of nine passenger cars and seventeen light motor trucks for the 2009 model year included in the Producer Price Index for October averaged $170.08 for passenger cars and $675.41 for light motor trucks. More...

Current PPI Economic News Releases


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PPI Tables

PPI Tables

UPDATED Relative Importance Tables:

UPDATED Seasonal Factor Tables:

PPI Detailed Report Tables:

  • Table 5. Producer price indexes for the net output of selected industries and their products, not seasonally adjusted (PDF 789K)
  • Table 6. Producer price indexes and percent changes for commodity groupings and individual items, not seasonally adjusted (PDF 214K)
  • PPI Detailed Report (PDF 1.2MB)
  • Archived PPI Detailed Report Information, June 2005-current

PPI Publications

PPI Publications

PPI Fact Sheets by Industry

PPI Special Notices

PPI Frequently Asked Questions


Related Links

Other BLS Programs

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Contact Us


Division of Industrial Prices and Price Indexes
  Assistant Commissioner David Friedman (202) 691-7700
Branch of Index Methods and Analysis
  Chief Maureen Doherty (202) 691-7749
Branch of Industry Pricing
  Chief Roslyn Swick (202) 691-7748
Branch of Program Development and Process Measurement
  Chief Jeffrey Hill (202) 691-7156


General Information and Analysis
  (202) 691-7705


