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Standards: Balloting

Stakeholder participation is a key element of standards development.  Each proposed standard or project has its own ballot pool. RBB membership does not automatically enlist members in every ballot pool, so members must continually review upcoming projects of interest and join each ballot pool in which they want to vote.

All RBB members receive announcements about when upcoming ballot pools will open and close and when the actual ballot opens and closes. To cast ballots on proposed standards or projects, RBB members must:

  1. First, when NERC announces that a ballot pool is forming (open ballot pool), join each ballot pool of interest using the direct link in the announcement.
  2. Second, when NERC announces that the ballot is open for balloting, use the direct link in the announcement to go online and cast your ballot.

For more information, please see the Instructions for Using NERC’s Standards Information Management System: Registration and Balloting.