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Environmental Effects of the Transportation Sector Analyses Analysis Reports and Papers related to Environmental Effects of the Transportation Sector (most current first)

Renewable Motor Fuel Production Capacity Under H.R.4 - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Jeff Bingaman on June 17, 2002, to analyze the impact on renewable motor fuel production capacity based on an assumption that ethanol will be used to meet a renewable fuels standard as provided for in the provisions of the Senate-passed version of H.R.4.
pages: 15, released: September 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact Anthony Radich (202)586-0504

Review of Transportation Issues and Comparison of Infrastructure Costs for a Renewable Fuels Standard - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Senator Jeff Bingaman on June 17, 2002, to analyze the inter-regional transportation issues and associated costs for increased distribution of renewable fuels based on an assumption that ethanol will be used to meet a renewable fuel standard as provided for in the provisions of H.R.4 the Senate-passed version of H.R.4.
pages: 15, released: September 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact John Maples (202)586-1757

Analysis of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards for Light Trucks and Increased Alternative Fuel Use - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - These reports respond to a request received from Senator Frank Murkowski on December 20, 2001 to analyze the impacts of more stringent corporate average fuel economy standards on energy supply, demand, and prices, macroeconomic variables where feasible, import dependence, and emissions. This study addresses the provisions of H.R. 4, S. 804, and S. 517 that pertain to light vehicle fuel economy in the transportation sector. A qualitative discussion is provided for the alternative fuels provisions included in S. 1766 and H.R. 4.
pages: 65, released: March 2002, periodicity: One-time, contact John Maples (202)586-1757
Addendum - Methodology for the Assessment of the Macroeconomic Impacts of Stricter CAFE Standards (also available in printer-friendly version )

The Impacts of Increased Diesel Penetration In the Transportation Sector - (also available in printer-friendly version )
Forecast Analysis - This report responds to a request received from Thomas Gross, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Technologies, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy on March 5, 1998 to analyze the impacts on petroleum prices of increased demand for diesel fuel stemming from an increase in the penetration of diesel-fueled engines in the light-duty vehicle fleet.
pages: 53, released: August 1998, periodicity: One-time, contact James Kendell (202)586-9646

Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1994, Volume 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Estimates the greenhouse gas emissions from use of alternative transportation fuels, including methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas.
pages: 36, released: September 1996, periodicity: One-time, contact Fred Mayes (202)287-1750

Describing Current and Potential Markets for Alternative-Fuel Vehicles - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Forecasts of U.S. energy markets imply that emissions from transportation will overtake those from the industrial sector sometimes before the year 2000. One method for reducing emissions from the transportation sector is the use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs). Section 1.4 of this document offers a brief discussion of greenhouse gas emissions in the framework on the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
pages: 161, released: March 1996, periodicity: One-time, contact Dwight French (202)586-1126

Energy Policy Act: Transportation Rate Study: Interim Report on Coal Transportation - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Discusses the impacts of Clean Air legislation on coal distribution and rail transportation rates.
pages: 136, released: March 1996, periodicity: One-time, contact Robert Schnapp (202)287-1787

Energy Policy Act Transportation Rate Study: Interim Report on Coal Transportation - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Discusses coal distribution and transportation rates.
pages: 136, released: October 1995, periodicity: One-time, contact Robert Schnapp (202)287-1787

Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1993 - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Includes discussion of the greenhouse gas impacts of alternative fuel usage.
pages: 92, released: December 1994, periodicity: One-time, contact Fred Mayes (202)287-1750

Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels: An Overview - (available only in printer-friendly version )
Section 503 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) requires EIA to report on specific aspects of the alternative transportation fuel industry.
pages: 49, released: June 1994, periodicity: One-time, contact Fred Mayes (202)287-1750