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Weekly Coal Production
Report No.: DOE/EIA 0218/09
Report Released: March 5, 2009
Next Release Date: March 12, 2009

NOTE: The Energy Information Administration (EIA) has revised weekly coal production estimates for 2008 to equal Quarter 3 MSHA 2008 surveyed data. The revised data are now included in the weekly coal tables starting with the week ending December 6, 2008.

What data are in the “Weekly Coal Production Report”?

The Weekly Coal Production (WCP) Report provides estimates for U.S. coal production by State based on railroad car loading data:
• The weekly version of the report contains data for the latest week.
• The monthly version of the report contains data for the latest month.

EIA also provides:
• weekly and monthly revised estimates from 1984 forward;
• original weekly estimates for all weeks starting with the first week of 2002 to the current week; and
• original monthly estimates for all months starting with January 2002 to the current month.

The data presented in the WCP Report are collected and published by the EIA to fulfill data collection and dissemination responsibilities as specified in the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275), as amended.

How are the data revised?

EIA revises its first-round weekly estimates of State-level coal production using Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) quarterly coal production data. After revision, EIA’s State-level weekly numbers summed for the quarter, match the MSHA data.

View all of the tables from the Quarterly Coal Report.
View all of the tables from the Annual Coal Report.
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  • Weekly Coal Production - Weekly State-by-State information on U.S. coal production

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Data Tables Format
Current Weekly Production Estimates [1] html xls
Current Monthly Production Estimates [1] html xls
Weekly Revised Estimates html
Monthly Revised Estimates html
Market News
News from U.S. Coal Markets html
Estimates for the Three Previous Weeks
One Week Prior[1] html xls
Two Weeks Prior [1] html xls
Three Weeks Prior [1] html xls
Estimates for the Three Previous Months
One Month Prior [1] html xls
Two Months Prior [1] html xls
Three Months Prior [1] html xls
Original estimates
1st week in 2002 up to the current week (weekly estimates)[4] xls
January 2002 up to current month (monthly estimates) xls
Coal processed in 2007
Coal processed in 2007 at U.S. coal synfuel plants increased to 147 million short tons figure table text
[1] Estimates through September 2008 are revised.
[2] Estimates through June 2008 are revised.
[3] Estimates through March 2008 are revised.
[4] Spreadsheet containing weekly U.S. Coal Production original estimates for all weeks starting with the 1st week in 2002 up to the current week. Except for the first and last weeks in the year, all weeks reported in the spreadsheet begin on a Sunday and end on a Saturday. The estimates for the first and last weeks in the year are for only the days in the respective year.