Home > Renewables and Alternate Fuels> Renewable Commercial and Industrial Sector Net Generation by Energy Source and State

Renewable Commercial and Industrial Sector Net Generation by Energy Source and State

Table 1.19    xls   pdf   format      Renewable Energy Trends

Table 1.19.   Renewable Commercial and Industrial Sector Net Generation by Energy Source and State, 2006
(Thousand Kilowattthours)
 State Biomass Geothermal Hydroelectric Conventional Solar/PV Wind Total
Waste Wood and Derived Fuelsc 
Landfill Gas / MSW Biogenica  Other Biomassb 
 Alabama 3,937 20,750 3,684,860 - - - - 3,709,548
 Alaska - 6,149 514 - - - - 6,663
 Arizona - 4,264 - - - - - 4,264
 Arkansas - 5,441 1,668,515 - - - - 1,673,956
 California 122,539 309,741 857,233 - 7,394 - - 1,296,907
 Colorado - - - - - - - -
 Connecticut - - - - - - - -
 Delaware - - - - - - - -
 District of Columbia - - - - - - - -
 Florida 954 309,355 1,523,481 - - - - 1,833,791
 Georgia 9,841 36,984 3,381,260 - 23,333 - - 3,451,418
 Hawaii 189,162 7,439 - - 38,295 - - 234,896
 Idaho - - 453,672 - - - - 453,672
 Illinois - * - - - - - *
 Indiana 46,323 - - - - - - 46,323
 Iowa - 36,631 - - - - - 36,631
 Kansas - - - - - - - -
 Kentucky - 1,691 369,986 - - - - 371,677
 Louisiana - 5,124 2,949,599 - - - - 2,954,723
 Maine 95,359 39,992 1,847,855 - 778,796 - - 2,762,002
 Maryland 15,152 - 221,140 - - - - 236,293
 Massachusetts - 27,082 - - 8,573 - - 35,654
 Michigan 151,930 1,743 647,321 - 32,111 - - 833,106
 Minnesota 11,475 4,398 491,133 - 96,388 - - 603,394
 Mississippi - 6,480 1,534,603 - - - - 1,541,083
 Missouri - 7,612 - - - - - 7,612
 Montana - - 88,119 - - - - 88,119
 Nebraska - 11,472 - - - - - 11,472
 Nevada - - - - - - - -
 New Hampshire - - 9,570 - 5,273 - - 14,842
 New Jersey - 2,889 - - 1,360 - - 4,249
 New Mexico - - - - - - - -
 New York 133,778 - 237,830 - 92,609 - - 464,218
 North Carolina - 3,744 1,295,384 - 505,839 - - 1,804,966
 North Dakota - 3,544 - - - - - 3,544
 Ohio - 10,205 312,753 - - - - 322,958
 Oklahoma - - 300,480 - - - - 300,480
 Oregon - 13,524 549,758 - - - - 563,283
 Pennsylvania 113,341 3,467 494,849 - - - - 611,657
 Rhode Island - - - - - - - -
 South Carolina 45,051 - 1,381,894 - 1,653 - - 1,428,598
 South Dakota - - - - - - - -
 Tennessee - - 445,565 - 581,308 - - 1,026,873
 Texas 17,740 35,931 900,888 - - - - 954,559
 Utah 8,710 - - - - - - 8,710
 Vermont - - 3,594 - 21,601 - - 25,195
 Virginia 217,629 17,681 1,320,259 - 6,304 - - 1,561,873
 Washington - 17,457 674,839 - 63,784 - - 756,080
 West Virginia - - - - 523,966 - - 523,966
 Wisconsin 7,868 33,322 669,756 - 203,906 - - 914,852
 Wyoming - - - - - - - -
 Total 1,190,791 984,502 28,316,711 - 2,992,493 - - 33,484,497
a Includes landfill gas and MSW biogenic (Paper and paper board, wood, food, leather, textiles and yard trimmings.).
bAgriculture byproducts/crops, sludge waste and other biomass solids, liquids and gases.
c Black liquor, and wood/woodwaste solids and liquids.
*=Less than 500 kilowatthours
MSW=Municipal Solid Waste.
Note: Revisions to biomass removed MSW non-biogenic and tires from renewable waste energy. Dash indicates the state has no data to report for that energy source. Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906,"Power Plant Report," and Form EIA-920, " Combined Heat and Power Plant Report."