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Geothermal Direct Use of Energy and Heat Pumps
Table 3.7     xls   pdf   format      Renewable Energy Annual

Table 3.7.   Geothermal Heat Pump Domestic Shipments by Sector and Model Type, 2006
(Total Rated Capacity Tons)
Destination Model Type
ARI-320 ARI-325/330 Other Non-ARI Rated GHP's Total
Residential 3,205 103,366 6,784 113,355
Commercial a 27,111 38,101 36,556 101,768
Industrial     - 43     - 43
Total 30,316 141,510 43,340 215,166
a Including government.
Note: Dash indicates the sector has no shipments reported for that model type.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-902, "Annual Geothermal Heat Pump Manufacturers Survey."