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Rubber and Leather Products Weights in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) by Category

Table A4.    xls   pdf   format
Table A4. Rubber and Leather Products Weights in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) by Category, 2005
(Thousand Tons)
Material Generation Recovery Discards
Rubber in Tires a 2,760 960 1,800
Other Durables 2,920 s 2,920
Clothing and Footwear  700 700
Other Non-durables  290 290
Containers and Packaging  30 30
Total Rubber & Leather  6,700 960 5,740
  a Automobile and truck tires. Does not include other material in tires.
  b Includes carpets, rugs, and other miscellaneous durables.  
  s = value less than 5,000 tons.
  Notes: Details may not add to totals due to independent rounding.  Discards include all MSW material available for combustion with energy recovery, discards to landfill, and other disposal.
  Source:  Environmental Protection Agency, Municipal Solid Waste in the United States, 2005. http://www.epa.gov/msw/msw99.htm