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Domestic Uranium Production Report - Quarterly

4th Quarter 2008

U.S. production of uranium concentrate was 1,058,386 pounds U3O8, up 8 percent from the previous quarter, but down 10 percent from the fourth quarter 2007.

During the fourth quarter, U.S. uranium oxide (U3O8) was produced at:

  • One Mill
    1. White Mesa Mill
  • Six In-Situ-Leach Plants
    1. Alta Mesa Project
    2. Crow Butte Operation
    3. Kingsville Dome
    4. Rosita
    5. Smith Ranch-Highland Operation
    6. Vasquez

Preliminary 2008 Total

U.S. uranium concentrate production totaled 3,922,823 pounds U3O8 in 2008. This amount is 13 percent lower than the 4,533,578 pounds produced in 2007.



(All Figures and Tables also available in printer-friendly format )
Tables Formats
1. Total Production of Uranium Concentrate in the United States html pdf
2. Number of Uranium Mills and Plants Producing Uranium html pdf
3. U.S. Uranium Mills by Owner, Capacity, and Operating Status html pdf
4. U.S. Uranium In-Situ-Leach Plants by Owner, Capacity, and Operating Status html pdf
Figures Formats
1. Uranium Concentrate Production in the United States html pdf

Other Reports
  2007 Domestic Uranium Production Report
  2007 Uranium Marketing Annual Report
  2006 Domestic Uranium Production Report