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STEO Table Browser
Date Published : March 10, 2009
Next Update : April 14, 2009
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Table 9b. U.S. Regional Macroeconomic Data
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Real Gross State Product
(Billion 2000 $)


New England

621 634 641 624 635

Middle Atlantic

1717 1768 1795 1739 1763

East North Central

1619 1627 1633 1581 1595

West North Central

710 724 733 716 729

South Atlantic

2082 2113 2130 2065 2109

East South Central

535 543 547 532 542

West South Central

1189 1233 1270 1255 1288


734 751 763 741 756


1985 2025 2051 1990 2044

Industrial Output, Manufacturing
(Index, Year 1997=100)


New England

106.7 108.9 107.0 95.4 96.5

Middle Atlantic

106.0 107.0 103.7 92.5 93.1

East North Central

110.0 110.9 107.6 93.9 93.3

West North Central

118.5 121.7 119.7 107.9 110.2

South Atlantic

109.6 109.9 105.7 93.3 94.2

East South Central

114.7 115.0 111.2 97.9 98.3

West South Central

116.6 121.4 120.2 108.4 110.1


122.3 126.4 123.8 111.5 115.2


113.4 116.3 114.1 103.4 107.0

Real Personal Income
(Billion 2000 $)


New England

553 573 574 578 581

Middle Atlantic

1488 1539 1545 1551 1561

East North Central

1390 1430 1425 1442 1444

West North Central

600 624 630 638 641

South Atlantic

1791 1843 1843 1871 1893

East South Central

470 484 488 495 499

West South Central

1009 1063 1088 1118 1136


621 641 644 654 662


1646 1696 1698 1724 1747



New England

5515 5531 5544 5558 5588

Middle Atlantic

15201 15318 15369 15379 15443

East North Central

17911 18048 18139 18176 18247

West North Central

8000 8066 8117 8163 8229

South Atlantic

22141 22405 22633 22849 23152

East South Central

6977 7063 7122 7168 7251

West South Central

12338 12558 12729 12881 13057


7779 7903 8017 8113 8255


16909 17122 17308 17469 17693

Total Non-farm Employment


New England

7.0 7.0 7.0 6.8 6.8

Middle Atlantic

18.5 18.6 18.5 17.9 17.8

East North Central

21.5 21.5 21.3 20.6 20.4

West North Central

10.1 10.2 10.2 9.9 9.9

South Atlantic

26.2 26.6 26.4 25.5 25.5

East South Central

7.8 7.8 7.8 7.5 7.5

West South Central

14.7 15.1 15.3 15.0 15.1


9.6 9.8 9.7 9.4 9.4


20.6 20.8 20.6 20.0 20.1
  - = no data available
  Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.
  Regions refer to U.S. Census divisions.
  See "Census division" in EIA's Energy Glossary (http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/index.html) for a list of States in each region.
  Historical data: Latest data available from U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis; Federal Reserve System, Statistical release G17.
  Minor discrepancies with published hstorical data are due to independent rounding.
  Projections: Macroeconomic projections are based on the Global Insight Model of the U.S. Economy.