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STEO Table Browser
Date Published : March 10, 2009
Next Update : April 14, 2009
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Table 9c. U.S. Regional Weather Data
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Heating Degree-days


New England

5810 6501 6411 6737 6584

Middle Atlantic

5051 5622 5650 5982 5869

East North Central

5712 6096 6683 6609 6396

West North Central

5799 6374 7144 6746 6626

South Atlantic

2536 2585 2786 2871 2813

East South Central

3239 3212 3650 3560 3537

West South Central

1863 2157 2198 2064 2215


4779 4830 5122 4999 5113


3115 3113 3149 3178 3188

U.S. Average

3996 4256 4496 4512 4460

Heating Degree-days, 30-year Normal


New England

6611 6611 6611 6611 6611

Middle Atlantic

5911 5911 5911 5911 5911

East North Central

6497 6497 6497 6497 6497

West North Central

6750 6750 6750 6750 6750

South Atlantic

2853 2853 2853 2853 2853

East South Central

3604 3604 3604 3604 3604

West South Central

2287 2287 2287 2287 2287


5209 5209 5209 5209 5209


3228 3228 3228 3228 3228

U.S. Average

4524 4524 4524 4524 4524

Cooling Degree-days


New England

528 484 496 419 447

Middle Atlantic

779 788 744 657 665

East North Central

753 899 697 708 735

West North Central

1080 1137 844 929 940

South Atlantic

2038 2211 1993 1943 2017

East South Central

1671 1928 1559 1542 1573

West South Central

2777 2490 2518 2503 2504


1586 1662 1482 1302 1338


916 809 860 713 769

U.S. Average

1369 1399 1277 1225 1257

Cooling Degree-days, 30-year Normala


New England

443 443 443 443 443

Middle Atlantic

666 666 666 666 666

East North Central

730 730 730 730 730

West North Central

948 948 948 948 948

South Atlantic

1983 1983 1983 1983 1983

East South Central

1566 1566 1566 1566 1566

West South Central

2479 2479 2479 2479 2479


1307 1307 1307 1307 1307


756 756 756 756 756

U.S. Average

1242 1242 1242 1242 1242
a 30-year normal represents average over 1971 - 2000, reported by National Oceaenic and Atmospheric Administration.
  - = no data available
  Notes: The approximate break between historical and forecast values is shown with historical data printed in bold; estimates and forecasts in italics.
  Regions refer to U.S. Census divisions.
  See "Census division" in EIA's Energy Glossary (http://www.eia.doe.gov/glossary/index.html) for a list of States in each region.
  Historical data: Latest data available from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA).
  Minor discrepancies with published historical data are due to independent rounding.
  Projections: Based on forecasts by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center.