Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers 2007

Tables and Figures

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Production - Lifting Costs

Table 10.Lifting Costs for FRS Companies by Region, 2006-2007
(2007 Dollars per Barrel of Oil Equivalent)
Region Direct Lifting Costs Production Taxes Total
2006 2007 Percent Change 2006 2007 Percent Change 2006 2007 Percent Change
United States
NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.00 11.91 19.1
Offshore NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.52 8.92 18.7
��� Total United States 7.05 8.35 18.5 2.32 2.90 24.8 9.37 11.25 20.1
8.55 10.02 17.2 0.35 0.39 10.2 8.90 10.41 16.9
Europe 6.52 8.48 30.1 2.05 1.87 -9.1 8.57 10.35 20.7
Former Soviet Union 4.20 3.98 -5.3 0.78 0.49 -37.0 4.98 4.47 -10.3
Africa 4.23 5.66 33.7 2.83 3.68 30.3 7.06 9.35 32.4
Middle East 4.72 4.08 -13.4 10.21 4.52 -55.7 14.92 8.61 -42.3
Other Eastern Hemisphere 4.44 5.39 21.5 2.21 2.83 28.3 6.64 8.22 23.8
Other Western Hemisphere 3.30 3.87 17.5 2.44 2.05 -16.0 5.73 5.92 3.3
��� Total Foreign 5.40 6.47 19.8 2.50 2.41 -3.6 7.90 8.88 12.4

Worldwide Total
6.14 7.34 19.5 2.42 2.63 8.9 8.56 9.98 16.5
NA = Data not available.
Notes: Natural gas is converted to equivalent barrels of oil at 0.178 barrels per thousand cubic feet.Sum of components may not add to total due to independent rounding.��
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-28, (Financial Reporting System).