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President Obama Speaks on Recovery

Where Your Money Is Going

Where your Recovery funds are going (Numbers are in billions), Tax Relief: 288, State and Local Fiscal Relief: 144, Infrastructure and Science: 111, Protecting the Vulnerable: 81, Health Care: 59, Education and Training: 53, Energy: 43, Other: 8


Recovery at Work


Funding by State

$15 Billion in Medicaid Relief Headed To States

States will be able to access the first two quarters of Federal Medical Assistance Percentage funding (FMAP) starting this Wednesday, February 25. FMAP – the federal match for Medicaid – helps pay for health care for the families struggling during the economic crisis and some of the nation’s most vulnerable citizens. More than 49 million Americans rely on Medicaid for health care coverage and this funding could help 20 million more Americans get covered.  More



HHS is committed to a timely implementation. Plans for spending, reporting, auditing, and investigation of fraud and abuse of Recovery funds are being developed and will be made available here.

What You Can Do

You can be involved in this effort by: