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Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Iraq 

For most of its history, Iraq has maintained a strong agricultural heritage. Unfortunately, during the previous regime, investments and resources were diverted away from farming and food production. Rebuilding Iraq's agricultural infrastructure is now a major priority. 

FAS is working in close partnership with other agencies in the U.S. government to assure the food security of the people of Iraq right now and for the future.

In 2006, FAS placed its first agricultural advisors on provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs) in Iraq.

The FAS personnel on PRTs work actively with other U.S. agencies, the U.S. military, aid organizations and the Iraqi government to help Iraq harness its economic potential to recreate jobs and other opportunities for its people. FAS is working to support Iraq's agricultural sector by assessing needs, sharing technical expertise, and developing projects.  

U.S. Working To Rebuild Iraq's Agriculture
Detail Assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan for USDA Employees
Detail Assignments in Iraq or Afghanistan for qualified individuals outside USDA
Fact Sheet (March 2008)
Iraq Agriculture and Irrigation Overview (July 2008; .pdf)

Latest news about the PRTs in Iraq

Sitting from left to right in the front row are:
Jonathan Gressel, US Agricultural Counselor/AmEm Baghdad; John Stephenson, USDA/FSIS employee and PRT AgAdvisor in Ta’mim Province; Mike Stevens, USDA/FSA employee and ePRT7 AgAdvisor in Baghdad Province; Jane Broussard, USDA/FSIS employee and ePRT AgAdvisor in Salah ad Din Province; Dr. Greg Brooke, USDA/FSIS employee and PRT AgAdvisor in Diyala Province; James Bright, USDA/AMS employee and AgAdvisor in Baghdad Province; and USDA/FAS Administrator Mike Yost. Secy Edward Schafer is pictured in the inset. (03/11/08)

Contact USDA About Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)

See U.S. Working in Iraq—Agricultural Projects

See Detail Assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan for USDA Employees

See Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Afghanistan

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