Astrobiology: Life in the Universe

NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)

  1. Modeling Early Earth Environments

    Project Investigators: James Kasting, Yuk Yung

    Other Project Members

    Shawn Domagal-Goldman (Doctoral Student)
    Jacob Haqq-Misra (Doctoral Student)
    Mark Claire (Doctoral Student)
    Kevin Zahnle (Collaborator)
    Danie Liang (Collaborator)


    In this project, scientists from different disciplines model the conditions likely to have been found on the Early Earth, prior to 2.3 billion years ago. Specific areas of research include understanding the gases, many biologically produced, and mechanisms that controlled early Earth’s surface temperature, the nature of hazes that shielded the planetary surface from UV and may be responsible for signatures in sulfur isotopes that were left in the rock record, the chemical nature of the Earth’s environment during and after a planet-wide glaciation (a “Snowball event”), the evolution of planetary atmospheres over time due to loss of atmosphere to space, and the use of iron isotopes as a tracer of the oxidative state of the Earth’s ocean over time.

    Astrobiology Roadmap Objectives:

    Project Progress

    We published a series of papers on the early Earth, primarily focusing on the climatic and redox evolution of Earth from the Archean through the early Proterozoic.

    The Early Earth’s Climate

    Climatic studies included a follow-up on earlier work (J. F. Kasting et al., EPSL, 2006), where we continued the debate about whether the early Earth was warm (our idea) or hot, i.e., 70°C (P. Knauth and D. Lowe, GSA Bull., 2003; F. Robert and M. Chaussidon, Nature, 2006). In a reply to Robert and Chaussidon (2006), we argued (Shields and Kasting, 2007) that the Si isotope trend measured by these authors could be explained without requiring hot early oceans. In a separate study (Haqq-Misra, et al), we ran climate calculations for methane (CH4) rich atmospheres. In this work, we corrected a mistake in previous work (A. Pavlov et al., JGR, 2000) in how the CH4 absorption coefficients were put into the model. After this correction, these models predict that a CH4/C2H6 greenhouse can still warm the early Earth, but its effectiveness would have been limited because of the formation of organic haze.

    The photochemical effects of organic haze were examined by another paper (Domagal-Goldman et al., 2008), in which we showed that its presence could have explained both a glaciation and the smaller range in Δ33S values seen in the mid-Archean. In our model, the presence of organic haze shields SO2 from UV photolysis and limits the magnitude of the Δ33S signal, while creating an anti-greenhouse effect that cools the surface. A separate study (Catling, Claire, and Zahnle) also examined feedbacks between the sulfur cycle and climate by modeling how a biological feedback between oxygen production and oceanic sulfate would throttle methane production, a positive feedback on the rise of atmospheric oxygen.

    Chemical Evolution of the Early Earth

    We also examined other links between climate and Archean surface chemistry during “Snowball Earth” type events. Specifically, we ran models to show how a weak hydrological cycle coupled with photochemical reactions involving water vapor could have given rise to the sustained production and sequestration of hydrogen peroxide. This compound would have been buried in the snow/ice and would have accumulated over the lifetime of the Snowball and would have been released upon melting. This could explain global oxidation events in the aftermath of the Snowball seen in the rock record. Additionally, low levels of peroxides generated during Archean and earliest Proterozoic non-Snowball glacial intervals could have driven the evolution of oxygen-mediating enzymes and thereby paved the way for the eventual appearance of oxygenic photosynthesis. Other work relating to the chemical composition of the Archean atmosphere involved the development of a 1-D hydrodynamic model of Earth’s upper atmosphere (Tian et al., 2008). More recently (Tian et al., submitted), we have used this model to study thermal escape of C and O from a hypothetical CO2-rich atmosphere on early Mars. Because the Sun’s EUV luminosity was high during early Solar System history, and because Mars’ gravity is low, these heavier gases may also have been able to escape quite readily, perhaps contributing to the thinness of Mars’ present atmosphere.
    Fe Isotope Fractionation and Evolution of the Earth’s Oceans

    We also used molecular modeling techniques to examine the theoretical basis for using Fe isotopes as a tracer of the evolution of the oxidation state of Earth’s oceans. Two papers on this have recently been accepted for publication (Domagal-Goldman and Kubicki, accepted; Domagal-Goldman et al., accepted) that predict equilibrium Fe isotope fractionations caused by oxidation and by organic complexation. Our results agree with the sentiment that the main control on Fe isotope fractionations is redox reactions, and therefore support with the use of Fe isotopes as a tracer of oceanic redox state.

    Fig. 1 Response of Earth's thermosphere to increased solar EUV flux. The upper thermosphere expands and cools adiabatically at higher heating rates. From Tian et al. (2008).

    Mean surface temperatures calculated with a 1-D climate model at 2.8 Ga for different amounts of CO2 (horizontal scale, in bars) and CH4 (mixing ratio, fCH4). Surface temperatures are suppressed by organic haze formation when the CH4 concentration exceeds ~0.1 times the CO2 concentration. The dashed lines show the freezing point of water and a published upper limit on pCO2 from paleosols. The arrow at the top right shows a more generous upper limit on pCO2 from the paleosol data. (From Haqq-Misra et al., in press)

    Color contour plot showing tropospheric S-MIF production as a function of log(pCO2) and log(pCH4) (both in bars). Individual model simulations are shown as black squares. Hot colors indicate high tropospheric SO2 photolysis rates at wavelengths in the range 170–220 nm; this is an estimate of the rate of S-MIF production. The white contour lines express the upper and lower bounds to surface temperature for non-global glaciations. Above 293 K, the surface should be too warm for glaciation, and below 273 K, runaway glaciations may exist. The dashed portions of these contours represent extrapolations beyond the parameter space for the climate calculations. Numbered bull's-eyes on this plot indicate the CH4 and CO2 concentrations at various points in the Archean according to the atmospheric evolution proposed in Section 4.2, with (1) labeling the time prior to ~3.2 Ga, (2) labeling the time between ~3.2 and ~2.7 Ga, and (3) labeling the time between ~2.7 and ~2.45 Ga. The arrows between these circles represent changes to the atmospheric composition, potentially driven by processes written next to/under each arrow.

    Mission Involvement

    Terrestrial Planet Finder
    This work increases our knowledge of the early Earth, improving our which improves our ability to characterize extrasolar terrestrial planets.

    Cross-Team Collaborations

    Several contributors to this project report – James Kasting, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Jacob Haqq-Misra, and Adam Edson – are also members of PSARC.