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Retail/Institutional Food Service Food Safety and Management

Food Safety Project Director

Catherine H. Strohbehn, PhD, RD, CFSP
HRIM Extension Specialist
Adjunct Associate Professor
Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa, 50011-1121 USA

Consumer and Processing Food Safety and Science

Sam Beattie, PhD
Food Safety Extension Specialist
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Iowa State University Extension
122A MacKay Hall
Ames, Iowa, 50011-1121 USA

Have a food safety question?

Try our latest web site project, "Ask a Food Safety Expert" a collection of commonly asked questions and answers from food safety experts across the United States.

Food Safety Tip of the Day

It's safe to bite when the temperature is right


The only way to know food has been cooked to a safe internal temperature is to use a food thermometer. Fortunately, thermometers are high-tech and easy to use. Research shows that while cooking by "color" is frequently done, it can be misleading. Correct use of the right thermometer provides confidence that foods are adequately cooked, resulting in a safe, delicious meal.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture


Foodborne Pathogen of the Day

Food Safety Training Events