Entry bubble Children's Dental Health Month

By: Joanne | February 24, 2009 | Category: Health

young boy brushing his teethAt my daughter’s first dentist visit, the hygienist remarked, “She doesn’t drink much soda, does she?” My first reaction was shock, and I wondered if the average 3 year old drinks so much soda that the dental hygienist can see it on their teeth? For the record: they can.

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, a friendly reminder to help your kids learn the importance of taking care of their teeth. The American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to promote the importance of good oral health beginning at a young age.

As a parent, it’s my job to make sure my kids are brushing, flossing, have regular checkups and are eating healthy snacks. Regular visits with the dentist can help you prevent problems in the future. Treatments like fluoride, sealants or even braces can help keep your kid’s teeth healthy and strong. Would you believe that my daughter got braces on when she was 7? I was so surprised I almost fell out of my chair when the dentist told me it was time.

My kids are comfortable at the dentist. A lot of credit goes to our dentist and his staff, who are always gentle and concerned about our comfort, but I do what I can to put them at ease too. The equipment and bright lights and strangers with face masks can be frightening. I schedule our appointments together and then I go first so they can see exactly what happens and how comfortable I am. I think it also helps that there’s a basket of little toys for the kids when we finish the appointment. What are your good ideas to help kids love taking care of their teeth?

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